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P) Completed Trip

MahdiEbrp edited this page Mar 30, 2023 · 1 revision

Completed Trip

For non-customer accounts, accessing the 'Completed Trips' option is just a click away. Simply head to the Sidebar and locate the 'Trips' category and click on the 'Completed Trips' . This will take you to a you completed trip page and you can create a completed trip through a few simple steps. Here's how:

completed trip

  1. Select an Agency: Click on the "Select Agency" dropdown list and choose an agency that you want to book a trip with. If you are having trouble loading the list of agencies, click on "Reload".

completed trip

  1. Click "Next step": After selecting an agency, click on "Next step" button to proceed.

  2. Select Origin: On the "Select origin" tab, choose your current location on the map and enter your current address. Click on "Next step" to proceed.

completed trip

  1. Select Destination: On the "Select destination" tab, choose your desired location on the map and enter your destination address. Click on "Next step" to proceed.

completed trip

  1. Enter Trip Price: On the "Enter Trip Price" tab, you have two options to calculate trip price; Place-based calculation and Distance-based calculation. The Place-based calculation tab shows a list of places and their corresponding prices. If you choose Distance-based calculation, you need to enter "Total distance traveled" and "Price per unit". Enter the trip price in the given field.

completed trip

  1. Additional Information: If there is any additional information about the trip that you would like to include, you can enter it in the "Additional Information" field. This step is optional.

  2. Click "Add" to book the trip: Once you have completed all the necessary steps, click on the "Add" button to book the trip. If the operation is successful, a notification will pop up.

Remember, you have the option to go back to the previous step by clicking on the "Previous step" button, or use the Breadcrumbs to navigate to a specific step.

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