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rerrahkr edited this page Mar 27, 2020 · 3 revisions

In the module information dialog, you can set the performance of the module and manage the songs in the module. The Module Information dialog is opened by clicking Module on the menu bar→Module Properties or clicking on the toolbar icon.

Module properties

Tick Frequency

Sets the frequency of the ticks of songs registered in this module.


Set up the module-specific mixer. If not checked, the module mixer is not used and the mixer in Configuration is used. The following mixers can be selected.

Mixer type FM level (dB) SSG level (dB)
Custom User specified User specified
PC-9821 with PC-9801-86 +0.0 -5.5
PC-9821 with Speak Board +0.0 -3.0
PC-88VA2 +0.0 +1.5
NEC PC-8801mkIISR +0.0 +2.5

If you select Custom, you can edit custom mixer levels. Pressing the Set button change the custom levels to the mixer value in the current configuration.

Song Control

You can add, delete, change the order and edit the titles included in this module. When adding a song, you can set the title and song type.
Song type determines the organization of the track of the song. Each type and the corresponding track organization are as follows.

Type Track0 Track1 Track2 Track3 Track4 Track5 Track6 Track7 Track8 Track9 Track10 Track11 Track12 Track13 Track14 Track15 Track16 Track17 Track18
Standard FM1ch FM2ch FM3ch FM4ch FM5ch FM6ch SSG1ch SSG2ch SSG3ch BD SD TOP HH TOM RIM ADPCM - - -
FM3ch Expanded FM1ch FM2ch FM3ch-op1 FM3ch-op2 FM3ch-op3 FM3ch-op4 FM4ch FM5ch FM6ch SSG1ch SSG2ch SSG3ch BD SD TOP HH TOM RIM ADPCM
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