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Model Outputs

Binny Paul edited this page Nov 30, 2020 · 46 revisions

Most outputs are stored in the directory “outputs/” under the project folder. Inside the “outputs” folder is a “networks”, “skims”, “trips”, and “other” folder, each with its respective files.

Files generated by the model that are used as alternatives in destination choice models are stored in the uec folder.

VISUM Export Data

A number of initial output files are created before running OR-RAMP. These output files are illustrated in the following tables.

MAZ Data File Export From VISUM – inputs\maz_data_export.CSV

Name Description
MAZ MAZ number for CT-RAMP. From 1 to N (number of MAZs). This is the SEQMAZ field in the version file.
NO VISUM zone number
TAZ TAZ number
DISTNAME District name
HH Number of households
EMP_CONSTR Construction employment
EMP_WHOLE Wholesale Trade employment
EMP_RETAIL Retail Trade employment
EMP_SPORT Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instruments and Book stores employment
EMP_ACCFD Accommodation and Food Services employment
EMP_AGR Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting employment
EMP_MIN Mining, Quarrying, and Oil and Gas Extraction employment
EMP_UTIL Utilities employment
EMP_FOOD Food Manufacturing employment
EMP_WOOD Wood Product Manufacturing employment
EMP_METAL Primary Metal Manufacturing employment
EMP_TRANS Transportation employment
EMP_POSTAL Postal Service employment
EMP_INFO Information employment
EMP_FINANC Finance and Insurance employment
EMP_REALES Real Estate and Rental and Leasing employment
EMP_PROF Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services employment
EMP_MGMT Management of Companies and Enterprises employment
EMP_ADMIN Administrative and Support and Waste Management employment
EMP_EDUC Educational Services employment
EMP_HEALTH Health Care and Social Assistance employment
EMP_ARTS Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation employment
EMP_OTHER Other Services (except Public Administration) Religious employment
EMP_PUBADM Public Administration employment
EMP_TOTAL Total employment
ENROLLK_8 Grade School K-8 enrollment
ENROLL9_12 Grade School 9-12 enrollment
ENROLLCOLL Major College enrollment
ENROLLCOOT Other College enrollment
ENROLLADSC Adult School enrollment
universitySqFtClass University square footage classrooms
universitySqFtOffice University square footage office
universitySqFtRec University square footage recreation
ECH_DIST Elementary school district
HCH_DIST High school district
HOTELRMTOT Total number of hotel rooms
PARKAREA Parking model code:
1 - Trips with destinations in this MAZ may choose to park in a different MAZ, parking charges apply (downtown)
2 - Trips with destinations in parkarea 1 may choose to park in this MAZ, parking charges might apply (quarter mile buffer around downtown)
3 - Only trips with destinations in this MAZ may park here, parking charges apply (outside downtown paid parking, only show cost no capacity issue)
4 - Only trips with destinations in this MAZ may park here, parking charges do not apply (outside downtown, free parking)
HSTALLSOTH Number of stalls allowing hourly parking for trips with destinations in other MAZs
HSTALLSSAM Number of stalls allowing hourly parking for trips with destinations in the same MAZ
HPARKCOST Average cost of parking for one hour in hourly stalls in this MAZ, dollars
NUMFREEHRS Number of hours of free parking allowed before parking charges begin in hourly stalls
DSTALLSOTH Stalls allowing daily parking for trips with destinations in other MAZs
DSTALLSSAM Stalls allowing daily parking for trips with destinations in the same MAZ
DPARKCOST Average cost of parking for one day in daily stalls, dollars
MSTALLSOTH Stalls allowing monthly parking for trips with destinations in other MAZs
MSTALLSSAM Stalls allowing monthly parking for trips with destinations in the same MAZ
MPARKCOST Average cost of parking for one day in monthly stalls, amortized over 22 workdays, dollars
POP Total population
HHP Total household population (exclude GQ pop)
WRK_EXT_PR Probability of working outside the region
SCHDIST_NA School district name
SCHDIST School district code
DUDEN Dwelling unit density within ½ mile
EMPDEN Employment density within ½ mile
TOTINT Intersection count within ½ mile
POPDEN Population density
RETDEN Retail employment density within ½ mile
TERMTIME Terminal time
PARKACRES Park acres

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TAZ Assignment Speeds for Transit Assignment - networks\Highway_Assignment_Link_Speeds_[TOD].csv

Name Units/Description
FROMNODE Link from node no
TONODE Link to node no
V0PRT Free flow speed for transit runtimes

TAPS Input File for OR-RAMP - skims\tap_data.csv

Field Description
LOTID Parking lot ID, which is currently set to the TAP ID by tazsToTapsForDriveAccess() in
CAPACITY Parking lot capacity, which is currently set to 1 by tazsToTapsForDriveAccess() in

TAP Lines CSV File for OR-RAMP - skims\taplines.csv

Name Units/Description
TAP TAP number
LINES Space delimited list of lines served

Park Locations Alternatives for OR-RAMP - other\parklocations.csv

Name Units/Description
A Alternative number
PARKAREA Park area type, which is set to 4 for all zones

Park Location Sampling Alternatives for OR-RAMP - other\ParkLocationSampleAlts.csv

Name Units/Description
A Alternative number

Destination Choice Alternatives for OR-RAMP - other\DestinationChoiceAlternatives.csv

Name Units/Description
A Alternative number for the CT-RAMP destination choice models. This is an index to the list of zones, i.e. from 1 to the max number of zones

Sample of Alternatives TAZ Distances Alternatives for OR-RAMP - other\SoaTazDistAlternatives.csv

Name Units/Description
A Alternative number

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CVM and External Model

The CVM and SWIM external model both output OMX trip matrices for import into VISUM for eventual assignment on the TAZ network. The output matrices are listed below. See CVM and External Model for more information.

CVM Outputs

File Description Input/Output
outputs/trips/cvmTrips.omx Trip matrices by type and time period CAR, SU, MU EV1, EA, AM, MD, PM, EV2 Output

Swim External Model Outputs

File Description Input/Output
outputs/trips/externalOD.omx Trips matrices by purpose and time period hbw, hbcoll, hbsch, hbo, hbr, hbs, nhbnw, nhbw, truck EV1, EA, AM, MD, PM, EV2 Output


The ABM produces multiple types of network LOS indicators, often called skim matrices. The following skims are output.

TAP Skim Matrices - skims\tap_skim_[TOD]_set[SETID].omx

Skim Description Skim Number
IVT In-Vehicle Time 1
OWT Origin Wait Time 2
TWT Transfer Wait Time 3
WKT Walk Time 4
NTR Transfers (Boardings-1) 5
FAR Fare 6
IVTT(Bus) In-Vehicle Time Tsys Bus 7
IVTT(ComRail) In-Vehicle Time Tsys ComRail 8
IVTT(ExpBus) In-Vehicle Time Tsys ExpBus 9
IVTT(LightRail) In-Vehicle Time Tsys LightRail 10
Demand The OD matrix for the TOD and SETID 107

TAP to TAP Fare Matrix - skims\fare.omx

Skim Description Skim Number
fare TAP-TAP fare in cents fare

MAZ TO MAZ Distances (Bike and Walk) - skims\maz2maz_[Bike|Walk].csv

Name Units/Description
DMAZ Destination MAZ
DISTMILES Network distance in miles

TAP to MAZ Distances (Bike and Walk) - skims\tap2maz_[Bike|Walk].CSV

Name Units/Description
DISTMILES Network distance in miles

TAZ to NEAR TAPS Impedances for Drive Transit - skims\drive_taz_tap.csv

Field Description
MODE Transit mode
PERIOD Time period
DTIME Drive time
DDIST Drive distance
DTOLL Drive toll
WDIST Walk distance

TAZ Skim Matrices - skims\taz_skim_[DSEG]_[TOD].omx

Transport Systems Demand Segment Skims Skim Numbers
SOV SOV TTO,TTC,DIS,Demand 1,2,3,100
SOVToll SOVToll TTO,TTC,DIS,AD1,TOL,Demand 4,5,6,7,8,104
HOV2 HOV2 TTO,TTC,DIS,AD2,Demand 9,10,11,12,101
HOV2Toll HOV2Toll TTO,TTC,DIS,AD1,AD2,TOL,Demand 13,14,15,16,17,18,105
HOV3 HOV3 TTO,TTC,DIS,AD3,Demand 19,20,21,22,102
HOV3Toll HOV3Toll TTO,TTC,DIS,AD1,AD3,TOL,Demand 23,24,25,26,27,28,106
Truck Truck TTO,TTC,DIS,Demand 29,30,31,103
TruckToll TruckToll TTO,TTC,DIS,AD1,TOL 32,33,34,35,36

TAZ Skim Definitions

Skim Description Intrazonal
TT0 Free flow travel time 0.5 * mean nearest 3
TTC Congested travel time 0.5 * mean nearest 3
DIS Trip distance 0.5 * mean nearest 3
AD1 Toll only distance* 0.5 * mean nearest 3
AD2 HOV2 only distance* 0.5 * mean nearest 3
AD3 HOV3 only distance* 0.5 * mean nearest 3
TOL Toll 0.5 * mean nearest 3
*Before skimming each demand segment
AddVal1 = Length * (Toll_PrTSys([DSEG]) > 0)
AddVal2 = Length * (T0_PrTSys(HOV2/HOV2Toll) < 99999 & T0_PrTSys(SOV) >= 99999)
AddVal3 = Length * (T0_PrTSys(HOV3/HOV3Toll) < 99999 & T0_PrTSys(SOV) >= 99999)
Note AddVal1,2,3 are used for internal calculations and should not be used by the user

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Trip Lists

OR-RAMP produces the following tour and trip microsimulation trip lists for both individual and joint travel. The files output are listed below. The modes are defined in Tour and Trip Modes below.

  • Individual tours - outputs/other/indivTourData_[iteration].csv
  • Individual trips - outputs/other/indivTripData_[iteration].csv
  • Joint tours – outputs/other/jointTourData_[iteration].csv
  • Joint trips - outputs/other/jointTripData_[iteration].csv

It is important to consider occupancy when reviewing these tables. The model generates person trips. A mode is chosen for each person trip, for personal vehicle travel this could be SOV, HOV2, or HOV3+. At an aggregate level, 100 HOV2 person trips must result in 50 vehicle trips. While this is true at an aggregate level, it may not be possible to pair up all HOV2 person trips produced in the model. But the model produces enough HOV2 person trips to match the target mode share. For HOV3+, 3.33 is an average occupancy assumption based on what is generally observed in travel surveys. When reviewing the joint table remember that these records include all travelers. So only one row per trip, as opposed to one row per person or traveler.

IndivTour Data Example


Field Description
hh_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
person_num Person number in HH
person_type Person type
tour_id Tour ID
tour_category Tour category:
tour_purpose Tour purpose:
Eating Out
orig_maz Origin MAZ
dest_maz Destination MAZ
start_period Tour start period (periods starting at 03:00 AM)
end_period Tour end period (periods starting at 03:00 AM)
tour_mode Tour mode (see Tour and Trip Modes Codes)
tour_distance Tour distance
tour_time Tour time
atWork_freq At work stop frequency
num_ob_stops Number of outbound stops
num_ib_stops Number of inbound stops
escort_type_out Escort type outbound (0 = no escorting; 1 = ride-share, 2 = pure escort)
escort_type_in Escort type inbound (0 = no escorting; 1 = ride-share, 2 = pure escort)
driver_num_out Escort driver number outbound (person number of driver on outbound direction if escort tour)
driver_num_in Escort driver number inbound (person number of driver on inbound direction if escort tour)
out_btap Outbound boarding tap
out_atap Outbound alighting tap
in_btap Inbound boarding tap
in_atap Inbound alighting tap
out_set Outbound transit set
in_set Inbound transit set
Util_[1-14] Utility for each tour mode (see Tour and Trip Modes Codes)
Prob_[1-14] Probabilities for each tour mode (see Tour and Trip Modes Codes)

IndivTrip Data Example


Field Description
hh_id Household ID
person_id Person ID
person_num Person number in HH
person_type Person type
tour_id Tour ID
Stop_id Trip ID
Inbound Inbound or outbound trip
Tour_purpose Tour purpose:
Eating Out
orig_purpose Trip origin purpose:
Eating Out
work related
dest_purpose Trip destination purpose:
Eating Out
work related
orig_maz Origin MAZ
dest_maz Destination MAZ
universityParking University parking (1 for true)
Parking_maz Parking MAZ
stop_period Trip period (30min periods see Table)
trip_mode Trip mode (see Table)
Trip_board_tap Trip boarding tap
Trip_alight_tap Trip alighting tap
Tour_mode Tour mode (see Table)
Driver_pnum The person_num of the driver if the trip origin or destination is escort; else 0 if neither end of the trip is part of the escort model.
Orig_escort_stoptype Origin escort trip stop type (0 = no escorting; 1 = dropped-off, 2 = picked-up)
orig_escortee_pnum The person_num of the child being picked-up or dropped off at the origin end of the trip
dest_escort_stoptype Destination escort trip stop type (0 = no escorting; 1 = dropped-off, 2 = picked-up)
dest_escortee_pnum The person_num of the child being picked-up or dropped off at the destination end of the trip
Set Transit set ID

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JointTour Data Example


Field Description
hh_id Hosehold ID
tour_id Tour ID
tour_category Tour category
tour_purpose Tour purpose
tour_composition Tour composition code
tour_participants Household person numbers
orig_maz Origin MAZ
dest_maz Destination MAZ
start_period Tour start period 30min periods see Table)
end_period Tour end period (30min periods see Table)
tour_mode Tour mode (see Table)
tour_distance Tour distance
tour_time Tour time
num_ob_stops Number of outbound stops
num_ib_stops Number of inbound stops
out_btap Outbound boarding tap
out_atap Outbound alighting tap
in_btap Inbound boarding tap
in_atap Inbound alighting tap
out_set Outbound transit set
in_set Inbound transit set
Util_[1-14] Utility for each mode
Prob_[1-14] Probabilities for each mode

JointTrip Data Example


Field Description
hh_id Household ID
tour_id Tour ID
Stop_id Trip ID
Inbound Inbound or outbound trip
tour_purpose Tour purpose
orig_purpose Trip origin purpose
dest_purpose Trip destination purpose
orig_maz Origin MAZ
dest_maz Destination MAZ
Parking_maz Parking MAZ
universityParking University parking (1 for true)
stop_period Trip period (30min periods see Table)
trip_mode Trip mode (see Table)
Num_participants Number of participants
Trip_board_tap Trip boarding tap
Trip_alight_tap Trip alighting tap
Tour_mode Tour mode (see Table)
Set Transit set ID

Tour and Trip Modes Codes

Code Mode Description
1 DRIVEALONEFREE Drive alone free (non-toll)
2 DRIVEALONEPAY Drive alone pay (toll eligible)
3 SHARED2GP Shared-2 general purpose lanes (non-toll, non-HOV)
4 SHARED2HOV Shared-2 HOV-eligible (non-toll)
5 SHARED2PAY Shared-2 pay (HOV and toll eligible)
6 SHARED3GP Shared 3+ general purpose lanes (non-toll, non-HOV)
7 SHARED3HOV Shared 3+ HOV-eligible (non-toll)
8 SHARED3PAY Shared 3+ pay (HOV and toll eligible)
9 WALK Walk
10 BIKE Bike
11 WALK_SET Walk-transit tour, or walk-transit-walk trip
12 PNR_SET Park and Ride transit tour, or PNR-transit-walk if outbound trip, walk-transit-PNR if inbound trip
13 KNR_SET Kiss and Ride transit tour, or KNR-transit-walk if outbound trip, walk-transit-KNR if inbound trip
14 SCHBUS School bus

Time Period Codes

ABM Time Period Time Period Definition
1 03:00 AM to 05:00 AM
2 05:00 AM to 05:30 AM
3 05:30 AM to 06:00 AM
4 06:00 AM to 06:30 AM
5 06:30 AM to 07:00 AM
6 07:00 AM to 07:30 AM
7 07:30 AM to 08:00 AM
8 08:00 AM to 08:30 AM
9 08:30 AM to 09:00 AM
10 09:00 AM to 09:30 AM
11 09:30 AM to 10:00 AM
12 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM
13 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM
14 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
15 11:30 AM to 12:00 PM
16 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM
17 12:30 PM to 01:00 PM
18 01:00 PM to 01:30 PM
19 01:30 PM to 02:00 PM
20 02:00 PM to 02:30 PM
21 02:30 PM to 03:00 PM
22 03:00 PM to 03:30 PM
23 03:30 PM to 04:00 PM
24 04:00 PM to 04:30 PM
25 04:30 PM to 05:00 PM
26 05:00 PM to 05:30 PM
27 05:30 PM to 06:00 PM
28 06:00 PM to 06:30 PM
29 06:30 PM to 07:00 PM
30 07:00 PM to 07:30 PM
31 07:30 PM to 08:00 PM
32 08:00 PM to 08:30 PM
33 08:30 PM to 09:00 PM
34 09:00 PM to 09:30 PM
35 09:30 PM to 10:00 PM
36 10:00 PM to 10:30 PM
37 10:30 PM to 11:00 PM
38 11:00 PM to 11:30 PM
39 11:30 PM to 12:00 AM
40 12:00 AM to 03:00 AM

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Demand Matrices

The output demand matrices from a run are shown in Demand Matrices in OMX Format and listed in Demand Matrices below.

Demand Matrices in OMX Format

Demand Matrices

File Description Matrices
ctrampTazTrips.omx TAP level matrices by mode and time-of-day SOV_[TOD], SOVToll_[TOD], HOV2_[TOD], HOV2Toll_[TOD], HOV3_[TOD], HOV3Toll_[TOD]
ctrampTapTrips.omx TAP level matrices by mode and time-of-day Set1_[TOD], Set2_[TOD], Set3_[TOD]
ctrampNmTrips.omx MAZ level matrices for walk and bike mode by time-of-day Walk_[TOD], Bike_[TOD]
cvmTrips.omx CVM TAZ level matrices by mode and time-of-day CAR_[TOD], SU_[TOD], MU_[TOD]
externalOD.omx External model TAZ level matrices by mode and time-of-day [TOD]_hbw, [TOD]_hbcoll, [TOD]_hbsch, [TOD]_hbo, [TOD]_hbr, [TOD]_hbs, [TOD]_nhbnw, [TOD]_nhbw, [TOD]_truck

TAP Parks

File Description
trips\tapParks.csv List of TAPs by number of PNR parkings.


The TAZ and TAP level assignment results are stored in VISUM version files. The version files store the assignment paths so select-link, select-line, and other on-the-fly analyses can be performed. The assigned version files are:

  • TAZ - networks\Highway_Assignment_Results_[tod].ver (see TAZ Assignment Results)
  • TAP - networks\Transit_Assignment_Results_[tod]_Set[setid].ver (see TAP Assignment Results)
  • MAZ - networks\Bike_Assignment_Results_[tod].ver and networks\Walk_Assignment_Results_[tod].ver (see MAZ Assignment Results) lists commonly used VISUM assignment attributes.

TAZ Assignment Results

TAP Assignment Results

MAZ Assignment Results

Common Assignment Outputs - Highway_Assignment_Results_[tod].ver, Walk/Bike_Assignment_Results_[tod].ver, Transit_Assignment_Results_[tod]_Set[setid].ver

Field Description
Link\VolVehPrT Total assigned link volume
Link\VCur-PrTSys(Tsys) Link speed by mode
Link\VolVeh_TSys(TSys) Link volume by mode
Link\TCur_PrTSys(TSys) Link travel time by mode
Zone\OTraffic(DSeg) Zone trips origins by demand segment
Zone\DTraffic(DSeg) Zone trips destinations by demand segment
LineRoute\PTripsUnlinked Line route unlinked trips
LineRoute\PTripsUnlinked_Dseg(Dseg) Line route unlinked trips by demand segment
StopPoint\PassBoard Stop point total boardings
StopPoint\PassAlight Stop point total alighting
StopPoint\PassOrigin Stop point boardings at origin
StopPoint\PassDestination Stop point alighting at destination
StopPoint\PassTransTotal Stop point total transfers
StopPoint\PassThroughStop Stop point through with stop
StopPoint\PassThroughNoStop Stop point through without stop
StopPoint\PassBoard_TSys(TSys) Stop point total boardings by sub-mode

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Assignment Outputs Summary

A final assignment results version file is created at the end of each run - _Final_SOABM_Assignment_Results.ver. This file contains relevant outputs from the highway assignment, transit assignment and some MAZ-level density measures.

The highway assignment results of interest are link-level flows by time-period (EA, AM, MD, PM, EV and Daily) and mode-segment (autos vs trucks). The link network object of the final assignment results version file includes the following link-level highway assignment output fields:

Output Variable Mode Segment

The transit assignment outputs correspond to the following network objects in Visum - Line Route and Stop Point. The relevant output variables from these network objects are read from the output version file for each time-period and skim-set and copied to the final assignment results version file. The following transit assignment output variables are included in the final assignment results version file:

Output Variable Description
Line Route
[tod]_PTripsUnlinked_setID Unlinked trips
Stop Point
[tod]_PassBoard_setID Total boardings
[tod]_PassAlight_setID Total alightings
[tod]_PassOrigin_setID Boardings at origin
[tod]_PassDestination_setID Alightings at destination
[tod]_PassTransTotal_setID Total transfers
[tod]_PassThroughStop_setID Through-passengers with stop
[tod]_PassThroughNoStop_setID Through-passengers without stop

In addition to the highway, non-motorized and transit assignment results, the final assignment results version file also contains the MAZ-level density measures computed by the ABM pre-processing step. The following density fields are included in the final assignment results file:

Output Variable Description
DUDEN HH Density (HH per sq mile)
EMPDEN Employment density (number of jobs per sq mile)
TOTINT Total intersections
POPDEN Population density (total population per sq mile)
RETDEN Retail density (total retail employment per sq mile)

The CSV version of the highway and transit assignment files are also exported for easy reference and analysis. The following CSV files are exported:

  • HighwayAssignment_Results.csv
  • TransitAssignment_Results_LineRoutes.csv
  • TransitAssignment_Results_StopPoints.csv

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Other CT-RAMP Outputs

Other CT-RAMP outputs, including key fields, are described below:

  • Various accessibility measures by microzone - outputs/other/accessibilities.csv
  • Household auto ownership before and after usual work and school location choice - outputs/other/aoResults_pre.csv (before) and outputs/other/aoResults.csv (after)
  • Household level model results – outputs/other/householdData_[iteration].csv
    • transponder – transponder ownership model result
    • cdap_pattern – CDAP model result
    • out_escort_choice – outbound escort model result
    • inb_escort_choice – inbound escort model result
    • jtf_choice – joint tour frequency model result
  • Person level model results – outputs/other/personData_[iteration].csv
    • value_of_time – value of time
    • activity_pattern – CDAP model result
    • imf_choice – individual mandatory tour frequency model result
    • inmf_choice – individual non-mandatory tour frequency model result
    • fp_choice – free parking model result
    • reimb_pct – parking reimbursement percent
  • Work and school location choice - outputs/other/wsLocResults_[iteration].csv
    • EmploymentCategory – employment category
      • 1: employed FT
      • 2: employed PT
      • 3: not employed
      • 4: under age 16
    • StudentCategory – student category
      • 1: student in grade or high school
      • 2: student in college or higher
      • 3: not a student
    • WorkSegment – work segment
      • -1: Not a worker
      • 0 : Management
      • 1 : White Collar
      • 2 : Blue Collar
      • 3 : Sales
      • 4 : Natural
      • 5: Production
      • 99999: Works from home
    • SchoolSegment – school segment
      • -1: non-student
      • 0: pre-schooler
      • 1-8: grade school school district
      • 9-16: high school districts
      • 17-18: typical and non-typical university student
      • 88888: home-schooled
    • WorkLocation – work location zone
    • WorkLocationDistance – work location distance
    • WorkLocationLogsum – work location logsum
    • SchoolLocation – school location zone
    • SchoolLocationDistance – school location distance
    • SchoolLocationLogsum – school location logsum
  • Shadow price by microzone, market segment, and iteration – outputs/other/ShadowPricingOutput_school_[iteration].csv and outputs/other/ShadowPricingOutput_work_[iteration].csv

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