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Activity Based Model

Alex Bettinardi edited this page Nov 17, 2020 · 47 revisions

Activity-Based Model Components

The OR-RAMP model flow chart is shown in the figure below. The model starts with long-term and mobility choice models such as auto ownership and usual work and school location choice. Next, the model simulates a typical day of travel for each individual in the region. It starts with day pattern – whether a person stays at home on the simulation day, makes mandatory travel (work and/or school), and/or non-mandatory travel. For each type of travel, it then generates tours and assigns all the required attributes – purpose, destination, time-of-day, and mode. After generating tours, each tour is processed to assign the number of stops along the tour, their purpose, location, and time-of-day. These stops are then processed as trips to assign mode and parking location. Finally, trips are aggregated into demand matrices for assignment at the TAZ and TAP level in VISUM. Each model component is described briefly below.


  1. Population Synthesis
    A synthetic population is created that samples households and persons from Census Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) or American Community Survey (ACS) data.
  2. Long-Term Models
    • 2.1. Usual Workplace/School Location Choice: This model component chooses the usual workplace for each worker in the synthetic population, and the school location for each student.
  3. Medium-Term Mobility Models
    • 3.1. Free Parking Eligibility: This model component determines the free parking eligibility status of each worker who works in a parking-constrained area (a zone with daily parking costs). The choices are fully reimbursed, partially reimbursed, or not reimbursed. Workers who are partially reimbursed draw the percent of daily parking reimbursement from a distribution.
    • 3.2. Car Ownership: This model component chooses the number of autos owned by each household.
  4. Daily Models
    • 4.1. Coordinated Daily Activity Pattern Model: This model chooses the main activity\travel pattern for each household member. The alternatives are Mandatory (at least one work\school tour), Non-mandatory (no mandatory tours but at least one non-mandatory tour) or Stay-at-Home. The model also predicts the presence or absence of fully-joint tours.
    • 4.2. Mandatory Tour Models
      • 4.2.1. Mandatory Tour Frequency Model: This model selects the number (1 or 2) and purpose of mandatory tours for each worker and student assigned a mandatory activity pattern from model 4.1.
      • 4.2.2. Mandatory Tour Time-of-Day Choice Model: This model schedules work and school tours into half-hourly time periods.
      • 4.2.3. Mandatory Tour Escort Model: This model determines whether school children are escorted to/from school, and if so, which adult household member escorts the child. It generates escort tours for non-working adult chauffeurs and inserts a stop on tours for working adult chauffeurs.
      • 4.2.4. Mandatory Tour Mode Choice Model: This model selects the tour mode for each work, university and school tour.
    • 4.3. Joint Tours
      • 4.3.1. Joint Tour Frequency Model: This model determines the exact number (1 or 2) of joint tours, the purpose of each joint tour, and the composition (adults, children, mixed) of each joint tour.
      • 4.3.2. Joint Tour Person Participation Model: This model determines whether each household member participates in each joint tour.
      • 4.3.3. Joint Tour Destination Choice Model: This model selects the primary destination zone for each joint tour.
      • 4.3.4. Joint Tour Time-of-Day Choice Model: This model selects the outbound and return time period for each joint tour.
      • 4.3.5. Joint Tour Mode Choice Model: This model selects the tour mode for each joint tour.
    • 4.4. Individual Non-Mandatory Tours
      • 4.4.1. Individual Non-mandatory Tour Frequency: This model predicts the number (0-3+) and purpose of non-mandatory tours for each individual with either a mandatory or non-mandatory daily activity pattern.
      • 4.4.2. Individual Non-Mandatory Tour Destination Choice Model: This model selects the primary destination zone for each individual non-mandatory tour.
      • 4.4.3. Individual Non-Mandatory Tour Time-of-Day Choice Model: This model selects the outbound and return time period for each individual non-mandatory tour.
      • 4.4.4. Individual Non-Mandatory Tour Mode Choice Model: This model selects the tour mode for each individual non-mandatory tour.
    • 4.5. At-Work Sub-Tour Models
      • 4.5.1. At-Work Sub-Tour Frequency Model: This model selects the number (0-2) and purpose of at-work sub-tours (tours that begin and end at the workplace) for each work tour generated in model 4.2.1.
      • 4.5.2. At-Work Sub-Tour Time-of-Day Choice Model: This model selects the outbound and return time period for each at-work sub-tour.
      • 4.5.3. At-Work Sub-Tour Mode Choice Model: This model selects the tour mode for each at-work sub-tour.
      • 4.5.4. At-Work Sub-Tour Destination Choice Model: This model selects the primary destination zone for each at-work sub-tour. The primary destination is the ‘main’ destination of the tour.
  5. Tour level:
    • 5.1. Stop Frequency Model: Predicts number of outbound (0-4) and inbound (0-4) stops on each tour
    • 5.2. Stop Purpose Model: Predicts purpose of each intermediate stop on tour. Intermediate stops are stops that are made on the tour between the tour origin (home or work) and the tour primary destination.
    • 5.3. Stop Location Choice Model: Predicts zone for each secondary stop on tour
    • 5.4. Stop Departure Time Choice Model: Predicts half-hour departure time period for each intermediate stop
  6. Trip level:
    • 6.1. Trip Mode Choice Model: Predicts mode of each trip on each tour
    • 6.2. Trip assignment: Assignment of trips to network (VISUM)
  7. Emissions Calculator (not implemented or developed):
    • 7.1. VMT Allocation Model: Predicts vehicle-miles of travel on each household vehicle

As shown in the figure below, the CT-RAMP software for the microsimulation components of the model relies on the Common Modeling Framework (CMF), a collection of Java libraries specifically designed for the implementation of disaggregate travel demand models. The OR-RAMP ABM utilizes the CT-RAMP Java package, which contains model logic, choice model structure, and model flow, while utility equations and model inputs and outputs specific to OR-RAMP are contained in Utility Expression Calculator (UEC) files. These Excel-based files open up the models so the model parameters (in particular, all coefficients of choice utilities for each variable), input filenames with all population, employment, land-use, and level-of-service data, etc. can be easily accessed which helps prevent errors and makes the model equations more accessible. The CT-RAMP package is in the ABM setup.

UEC Files

The utility expression files (UEC) listed in UEC Files are required by CT-RAMP and are stored in the UEC folder. The open source Utility Expression Calculator (UEC) Java package originally written by Parsons Brinckerhoff locates input variables and specify utility equations that describe each discrete choice model. The input variables and specifications are defined and stored in a Microsoft Excel workbook. The use of Excel greatly enhances the flexibility and transparency of the model system -- utility coefficients, model structures, etc, can be edited via Excel (rather than via difficult to follow text files or source code). An example UEC is shown in UEC Example.

UEC Example

Each UEC workbook (i.e. Excel file) consists of at least two worksheets. One must be the UEC DataSheet, which defines the input files used in the utility expressions, including zonal (vector) data and level-of-service "skims" (matrix data). The second, third, fourth, etc. page specifies one or more multinomial or nested logit models via a unique UEC UtilitySheet. The UtilitySheet consists of three sections, as follows:

  1. The first section specifies the nesting structure of the logit model -- if omitted, a multinomial structure is assumed;
  2. Next, variable names, or tokens, are defined for use in subsequent (moving down rows) utility equations; and,
  3. The final section defines the utility terms, typically a variable and a coefficient for each of the logit model's alternatives.

An important reminder - The second (variables / tokens) and third (terms) sections of the utility sheets are numbered in the first (A) Column. This numbering must be sequential and most to all sheets will have an excel formula to help ensure this. If adding or subtracting variables or terms the user must ensure that the reference numbering for each sheet beings at 1 and is kept sequential for all the variables and terms coded on the sheet. If a blank row is inserted, all rows below the blank row are ignored by the code.

The CT-RAMP Java code controls model flow, handles output files (e.g., trip tables, tour records), facilitates debugging, and allows for the UECs to access variables stored in memory (e.g., the results from upstream logit models).

The basic steps required to use the UEC Java package are to instantiate the UEC object and to then solve the UEC object -- the solve method returns an array of utilities. An example UEC instantiation is as follows:

// create a UEC for an example mode choice model
String controlExcelFile = "ExampleModeChoice.xls"
int dataSheetIndex = 0;
int utilitySheetIndex = 1;
HashMap rbHashMap = ResourceUtil.changeResourceBundleIntoHashMap(resourceBundle);
UtilityExpressionCalculator exampleUec = new UtilityExpressionCalculator(new File(controlExcelFile), utilitySheetIndex, dataSheetIndex, rbHashMap,ExampleModeChoiceDMU;

The UEC constructor call will read all of the data defined in the DataSheet into working memory and check the syntax on the UtilitySheet for consistency. Errors will cause the program to terminate; error details will be written to the log file. The last argument in the Utility Expression Calculator constructor is a reference to a decision-making unit (DMU) class.

The DMU is the interface between the utility expressions specified in the UtilitySheet and variables expected to be stored in memory (i.e. because they were created from upstream model results or require complex calculations outside the easy functionality of the UEC). So-called DMU variables are specified in the UtilitySheet with the @ symbol. For example, "@autos" may refer to an automobile ownership market segment. Each @ variable specified in the UtilitySheet must have a corresponding getter method in the DMU class. To carry this example through, an @autos reference in the UtilitySheet of the ExampleModeChoice.xls control file requires a public getAutos() method to be a part of the ExampleModeChoiceDMU class. The resource bundle Hash Map must identify variables that are defined in the UEC DataSheet with the % symbol. For example, if the DataSheet references the property "%Project.Directory%", the resource bundle must include a string defining the variable "Project.Directory". (This is a typical implementation of a Java properties or resource bundle file). The above code example demonstrates how a resource bundle file can be translated into a Hash Map for use in the Utility Expression Calculator object.

To solve the UEC for a given decision making unit (which may be a zone pair, a traveler, or a group of travelers), the UEC solve method can be implemented as follows:

// use the UEC class to compute logit model utilities
IndexValues indexValues = new IndexValues();
double[] exampleModeChoiceUtilities = exampleUec.solve(indexValues, exampleModeChoiceDMU, availFlag);

In this example, the origin and destination of the traveler are being set in the Index Values object, which contains the index values used in the zone- and matrix-file indexing described in the UtilitySheet page. The person attributes are being set in the DMU object, which is an instance of the ExampleModeChoiceDMU class described above. The last argument is a boolean array (availFlag) which lets the solve method know which of the alternatives should be solved for; the availability flags can be used to speed up calculations but are not strictly necessary. The availability flag array is dimensioned by the number of alternatives and can be set to all true as a default.

The UEC solve method returns an array of doubles dimensioned to the number of alternatives specified in the UtilitySheet. The array contains the sumproduct of each of the formulas and coefficients for each alternative, which is the utility for each alternative. This array can then be used with a logit model object to first compute alternative probabilities and then simulate choices. For a more thorough review of the UECs, refer to MTC’s excellent travel model wiki

See below for a detailed listing of properties files related to the UECs.

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UEC Files

Module File Purpose
Accessibility Acc_alts.csv Accessibilities alternatives
Accessibility Accessibilities.xls Accessibilities model
Accessibility Accessibilities_DC.xls Accessibilities destination choice model
At-work (4.5.1) AtWorkSubtourFrequency.xls At work sub tour frequencies model
AO (2.1, 3.2) AutoOwnership.xls Auto ownership model
Skimming (6.3) AutoSkims.xls Auto skims lookup UEC
Best Transit Path (6.3) BestTransitPathUtility.xls Best transit path utility model
CDAP (4.1) CoordinatedDaily ActivityPattern.xls CDAP model
Tour TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) DepartureTimeAnd DurationAlternatives.csv Departure time and duration alternatives
DC (4.5.4, 4.3.3, 4.4.2) DestinationChoice AlternativeSample.xls Destination choice alternatives sample model
Skimming (6.3) DriveTransitWalkSkims.xls Drive transit walk skims lookup UEC
Non-mand freq (4.4.1) IndividualNonMandatoryTour FrequencyAlternatives.csv Individual non mandatory tour frequency alternatives
Non-mand freq (4.4.1) IndividualNonMandatoryTour FrequencyExtension Probabilities_p1.csv Individual non mandatory tour frequency extension probabilities lookup file
JTF (4.3.1) JointAlternatives.csv Joint tour alternatives
JTF (4.3.1) JointTourFrequency.xls Joint tour frequency model
University tour DC (4.2) MajorUniversityStudent TourDestinationChoice.xls Major university student tour destination choice model
Accessibility MandatoryAccess.xls Mandatory accessibilities model
MTF (4.2.1) MandatoryTourFrequency.xls Mandatory tour frequency model
Non-mand freq (4.4.1) NonMandatoryIndividual TourFrequency.xls Non mandatory individual tour frequency model
Non-mandatory destination (4.4.2) NonMandatoryTlcAlternatives.csv Non mandatory TLC alternatives
Free parking (3.1) ParkingProvision.xls Free parking model
Parking location (6.2) ParkLocationAlts.csv Parking location alternatives
Parking location (6.2) ParkLocationChoice.xls Parking location choice model
Parking location (6.2) ParkLocationSampleAlts.csv Parking location alternatives
School escorting SchoolEscorting.xls School escorting model
School escorting SchoolEscortingAlts.csv School escorting alternatives
Stop location (5.3) SlcAlternatives.csv Stop location choice alternatives
Stop location (5.3) SlcSoaDistanceUtility.xls Stop location choice sample of alternatives distance utility model
Stop location (5.3) SlcSoaSize.xls Stop location choice sample of alternatives size terms
Stop departure (5.4) StopDepartArriveProportions.csv Stop departure and arrival proportions lookup file
Stop frequency (5.4) StopFrequency.xls Stop frequency model
Stop location (5.3) StopLocationChoice.xls Stop location choice model
Stop purpose (5.2) StopPurposeLookup Proportions.csv Stop purpose lookup proportions lookup file
TAZ distances TazDistance.xls TAZ distance lookup UEC
DC (4.5.4, 4.3.3, 4.4.2) TourDcSoaDistance.xls Tour destination choice sample of alternatives distance model
DC (4.5.4, 4.3.3, 4.4.2) TourDcSoaDistance NoSchoolSize.xls Tour destination choice sample of alternatives distance for school purposes
Tour TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) TourDepartureAndDuration.xls Tour departure and duration model
DC (4.5.4, 4.3.3, 4.4.2) TourDestinationChoice.xls Tour destination choice model
Tour mode (4.2.4, 4.5.3, 4.3.5, 4.4.4) TourModeChoice.xls Tour mode choice model
Transponder TransponderOwnership.xls Transponder ownership model
Trip mode (6.1) TripModeChoice.xls Trip mode choice model
Skimming (6.3) WalkTransitDriveSkims.xls Walk transit drive skim lookup UEC
Skimming (6.3) WalkTransitWalkSkims.xls Walk transit walk skim lookup UEC

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OR-RAMP Properties File

OR-RAMP is controlled by a Java properties file. The table below identifies, describes, and provides an example for each of the variables expected to be in the properties file. After initially configuring the travel model, only a handful of these properties will be modified for a typical scenario analysis. The primary use for many of the properties is to facilitate software execution when calibrating the travel model and/or to locate and fix errors. Comments preceded with a pound (#) sign are ignored when reading in the properties file.

Properties File - Cluster Properties

Module Property Data Type Example Purpose
HH manager RunModel.HouseholdServerAddress String household server address; set automatically by RunModel.bat
HH manager RunModel.HouseholdServerPort Integer 1117 household server port number
Matrix server RunModel.MatrixServerAddress String matrix server address; set automatically by RunModel.bat
Matrix server RunModel.MatrixServerPort Integer 1191 matrix server port number

Properties File - Logging and debugging

Property Data Type Example Purpose
Trace Boolean FALSE True or False whether to trace zones
Trace.otaz Integer 1638 Specify which origin taz to trace
Trace.dtaz Integer 2447 Specify which destination taz to trace
Seek Boolean FALSE True or False whether to seek households
Process.Debug.HHs.Only Boolean FALSE True of False whether to debug households
Debug.Trace.HouseholdIdList String 566425 Specify which household IDs to trace
run.this.household.only String 566425 Specify that this household ID only will be run through the model
TourModeChoice.Save.UtilsAndProbs Boolean TRUE Save utilities and probabilities in tour mode choice output files - Tour mode choice (4.2.4, 4.5.3, 4.3.5, 4.4.4)

Properties File - Miscellaneous

Property Data Type Example Purpose String /inputs/taz_data.csv TAZ data input file String TAZ TAZ column String AVGTTS Average travel time to toll facility String DIST Average distance to toll facility String PCTDETOUR Percent detour to toll facility String TERMINALTIME Terminal time to toll facility

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Properties File - Path Properties

Property Data Type Example Purpose
Project.Directory String %project.folder% File locations specified in the properties file as well as the UEC DataSheet pages are expressed as relative to this location.
generic.path String %project.folder% Generic path location
scenario.path String %project.folder% Scenario location
skims.path String %project.folder%/outputs/skims Location of skims
uec.path String %project.folder%/uec/ Location of UECs

Properties File - Scenario Properties

Property Data Type Example Purpose
mgra.socec.file String /inputs/maz_data_export.csv location of MAZ land use file
aoc.fuel Double 13.5 Fuel cost per mile
aoc.maintenance Double 6.3 Maintenance cost per mile
MajorUniversity.referenceMaz Integer 813 University Model - Southern Oregon University MAZ
mgra.useExternals Boolean FALSE Use externals for MGRA

Properties File - Trip Table Creation

Property Data Type Example Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Work Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Work Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.University Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for University Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.School Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for School Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Escort Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Escort Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Shop Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Shop Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Maintenance Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Maintenance Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.EatingOut Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Eating Out Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Visiting Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Visiting Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.Discretionary Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for Discretionary Purpose
occ3plus.purpose.WorkBased Float 3.33 Specify 3+ occupancy multiplier for trip table creation for At-Work Sub Tour Purpose

Properties File - Household Manager

Property Data Type Example Purpose
HouseholdManager.MinValueOfTime Float 1 Distributed person VOT settings
HouseholdManager.MaxValueOfTime Float 50 Distributed person VOT settings
HouseholdManager.MeanValueOfTime.Values String 6.01, 8.81, 10.44, 12.86 Distributed person VOT settings
HouseholdManager.MeanValueOfTime.Income.Limits String 30000, 60000, 100000 Distributed person VOT settings
HouseholdManager.Mean.ValueOfTime.Multiplier.Mu Float 0.684 Distributed person VOT settings
HouseholdManager.ValueOfTime.Lognormal.Sigma Float 0.87 Distributed person VOT settings
HouseholdManager.HH.ValueOfTime.Multiplier.Under18 Float 0.66667 Distributed person VOT settings
HouseholdManager.MinValueOfTime Float 1 Distributed person VOT settings

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Properties File - Input properties

Property Data Type Example Purpose
Input.Version.File String inputs/SOABM.ver Input version file
maz.tap.tapLines String outputs/skims/tapLines.csv TAP lines file
maz.tap.distance.file String outputs/skims/tap2maz_Walk.csv TAP to MAZ distances file
maz.maz.distance.file String outputs/skims/maz2maz_Walk.csv MAZ to MAZ walk distances file String outputs/skims/maz2maz_Bike.csv MAZ to MAZ bike distances file
PopulationSynthesizer.InputToCTRAMP.HouseholdFile String input/households.csv input popsyn households file
PopulationSynthesizer.InputToCTRAMP.PersonFile String input/persons_sorted_uni.csv input popsyn persons file
mgra.walk.milesperhour Float 3.0 Walk speed in mph to compute walk time Float 12.0 Bike speed in mph to compute bike time

Properties File - Output properties

Property Data Type Example Purpose
Results.WriteDataToFiles Boolean TRUE write data to files?
Results.HouseholdDataFile String output/householdData.csv output name of household data file
Results.PersonDataFile String output/personData.csv output name of person data file
Results.IndivTourDataFile String output/indivTourData.csv output name of individual tour data file
Results.JointTourDataFile String output/jointTourData.csv output name of joint tour data file
Results.IndivTripDataFile String output/indivTripData.csv output name of individual trip data file
Results.JointTripDataFile String output/jointTripData.csv output name of joint trip data file
Results.CBDFile String output/cbdParking.csv output name of CBD parking file
Results.PNRFile String output/pnrParking.csv output name of PNR parking file
Results.WriteDataToDatabase Boolean FALSE write data to a database (does not currently work)
Results.HouseholdTable String household_data output name of household data file in database
Results.PersonTable String person_data output name of person data file in database
Results.IndivTourTable String indiv_tour_data output name of individual tour data file in database
Results.JointTourTable String joint_tour_data output name of joint tour data file in database
Results.IndivTripTable String indiv_trip_data output name of individual trip data file in database
Results.JointTripTable String joint_trip_data output name of joint trip data file in database
Results.AutoTripMatrix String output/autoTrips output name of auto trip matrix
Results.TranTripMatrix String output/tranTrips output name of transit trip matrix
Results.NMotTripMatrix String output/nmotTrips output name of non-motorized trip matrix
Results.OthrTripMatrix String output/othrTrips output name of other modes trip matrix
Results.PNRFile String output/PNRByTAP_Vehicles.csv output name of PNR by TAP Vehicle Trip file
Results.CBDFile String output/CBDByMGRA_Vehicles.csv output name of CBD by MGRA Vehicle Trip file
Results.AutoOwnership String output/aoResults.csv auto ownership output file name and location - AO (3.2) Boolean FALSE read in the old pre-auto ownership results file - AO (3.2) String output/aoResults_pre.csv pre auto ownership output file nAme and location - AO (3.2)
Results.UsualWorkAnd SchoolLocationChoice String output/wsLocResults.csv usual work and school location output file name and location - Work/school location (2.2)
read.uwsl.results Boolean FALSE Read in the old uwsl results? - Work/school location (2.2)
read.uwsl.filename String output/wsLocResults_1.csv old uwsl result file name and location to read in - Work/school location (2.2)
workSchoolSegments. definitions String workSchoolSegments.definitions Work school segment definitions file - Work/school location (2.2)

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Properties File - Core model run properties

Module Property Data Type Example Purpose
Core model run properties Model. Random.Seed Integer 1 Starting value for model random seed number (added to household IDs to create unique random number for each household)
Core model run: Accessibility input.file Boolean FALSE Read the accessibilities as input instead of running the module
Core model run: JPPF distributed. task.packet.size Integer 200 JPPF distributed task packet size
Core model run: HH Manager RunModel. RestartWithHhServer String none model can be restarted with certain files already generated…..values include 'none' (run whole model), 'uwsl', 'ao', 'stf'
Core model run: Pre AO (2.1) RunModel. PreAutoOwnership Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Work/school location (2.2) RunModel.Usual WorkAndSchool LocationChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Final AO (3.2) RunModel. AutoOwnership Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Transponder Choice RunModel. Transponder Choice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Free parking RunModel. FreeParking Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: CDAP (4.1) RunModel. CoordinatedDaily ActivityPattern Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: MTF (4.2.1) RunModel. IndividualMandatory TourFrequency Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Mandatory tourmode (4.2.4) RunModel. Mandatory TourModeChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Mandatory TOD (4.2.2) RunModel. Mandatory TourDeparture TimeAndDuration Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: JTF (4.3.1) RunModel. JointTour Frequency Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Joint destination (4.3.3) RunModel. JointTour LocationChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Joint TOD (4.3.4) RunModel. JointTour DepartureTime AndDuration Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Joint mode (4.3.5) RunModel. JointTour ModeChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Indi non-mand freq (4.4.1) RunModel. Individual NonMandatory TourFrequency Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Indi non-mand destination (4.4.2) RunModel. Individual NonMandatory TourLocationChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Indi non-mand TOD (4.4.3) RunModel. IndividualNonMandatory TourDeparture TimeAndDuration Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Indi non-mand mode (4.4.4) RunModel. IndividualNonMandatory TourModeChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Atwork freq (4.5.1) RunModel. AtWorkSubTour Frequency Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Atwork destination (4.5.4) RunModel. AtWorkSubTour LocationChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Atwork TOD (4.5.2) RunModel. AtWorkSubTour Departure TimeAndDuration Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Atwork mode (4.5.3) RunModel. AtWorkSubTour ModeChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Stop freq (5.1) RunModel. StopFrequency Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Stop freq (5.3) RunModel. StopLocation Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Usual workplace/school (2.2) Boolean FALSE true or false whether to use new soa for the work/school DC model
Core model run: Non-mandatory destination (4.3.3, 4.4.2) Boolean FALSE true or false whether to use new soa for the non-mandatory DC models
Core model run: Stop location (5.3) Boolean FALSE true or false whether to use new soa for the stop location chocie models
Core model run: Usual workplace/school (2.2) workLocChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Usual workplace/school (2.2) schoolLocChoice Boolean TRUE True or False whether to run this model component
Core model run: Usual workplace/school (2.2) uwsl.write.results Boolean TRUE True of False whether to write out usual work and school location results
Core model run: Usual workplace/school (2.2) uwsl.ShadowPricing. Work. MaximumIterations Integer 1 maximum number of iterations for work shadow price
Core model run: Usual workplace/school (2.2) uwsl.ShadowPricing. School. MaximumIterations Integer 1 maximum number of iterations for school shadow price
Core model run: Usual workplace/school (2.2) uwsl.ShadowPricing. OutputFile String output/ Shadow Pricing Output .csv output file name for shadow price
Core model run: Matrix manager RunModel.Clear. MatrixMgr.At.Start Boolean FALSE Clear matrix manager at the start of run?

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Properties File - Summit Properties

These properties are used for FTA New Starts applications.

Property Data Type Example Purpose String output/ File location for Summit output
summit.purpose.Work Integer 1 Specify code for Work Purpose
summit.purpose.University Integer 2 Specify code for University Purpose
summit.purpose.School Integer 3 Specify code for School Purpose
summit.purpose.Escort Integer 4 Specify code for Escort Purpose
summit.purpose.Shop Integer 4 Specify code for Shop Purpose
summit.purpose.Maintenance Integer 4 Specify code for Maintenance Purpose
summit.purpose.EatingOut Integer 5 Specify code for Eating out Purpose
summit.purpose.Visiting Integer 5 Specify code for Visiting Purpose
summit.purpose.Discretionary Integer 5 Specify code for Discretionary Purpose
summit.purpose.WorkBased Integer 6 Specify code for At-Work Sub Tour Purpose
summit.filename.1 String Work Specify file name for Work Purpose
summit.filename.2 String University Specify file name for University Purpose
summit.filename.3 String School Specify file name for School Purpose
summit.filename.4 String Maintenance Specify file name for Maintenance Purpose
summit.filename.5 String Discretionary Specify file name for Discretionary Purpose
summit.filename.6 String Workbased Specify file name for At-Work Sub tour Purpose
summit.ivt.file.1 Float -0.016 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Work Purpose
summit.ivt.file.2 Float -0.016 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for University Purpose
summit.ivt.file.3 Float -0.01 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for School Purpose
summit.ivt.file.4 Float -0.017 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Maintenance Purpose
summit.ivt.file.5 Float -0.015 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for Discretionary Purpose
summit.ivt.file.6 Float -0.032 Specify in-vehicle time coefficient for At-work Sub tour Purpose
summit.modes Integer 26 Specify number of modes in the model
summit.mode.array String 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0 Specify mode array; 0 for auto modes/school bus mode, 1 for walk transit, 2 for drive transit modes
summit.upperEA Integer 3 Specify upper limit code for Early AM time period
summit.upperAM Integer 9 Specify upper limit code for AM time period
summit.upperMD Integer 22 Specify upper limit code for Midday time period
summit.upperPM Integer 29 Specify upper limit code for PM time period

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Properties File - Core Model UECs

Module Property Data Type Example Purpose
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.uec.file String %project. folder%/uec /Accessibilities .xls Accessibilities.xls location
Core model UECs: Accessibility Integer 0 Accessibilities data page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.transit. Integer 1 Accessibilities offpeak page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.transit. Integer 2 Accessibilities peak page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.transit. Integer 3 Accessibilities walk access page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.transit. Integer 4 Accessibilities drive access page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.sov. Integer 5 Accessibilities SOV offpeak
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.sov. Integer 6 Accessibilities SOV peak
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.hov. Integer 7 Accessibilities HOV offpeak
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.hov. Integer 8 Accessibilities HOV peak
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.nonmotorized. page Integer 9 Accessibilities non-motorized
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.constants. page Integer 10 Accessibilities constants
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.sizeTerm. page Integer 11 Accessibilities size terms
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc. schoolSizeTerm. page Integer 12 Accessibilities school size terms
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc. workerSizeTerm. page Integer 13 Accessibilities worker size terms
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.dcUtility. uec.file String %project.folder% /uec/ Accessibilities_DC .xls Accessibilities_DC.xls location
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.dcUtility. Integer 0 DC Accessibilities data page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.dcUtility. page Integer 1 DC Accessibilities utility page
Core model UECs: Accessibility accessibility. alts.file String Acc_alts.csv Accessibilities alternatives
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.output. file String input/ accessibilities. csv Accessibilities.csv location
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.mandatory. uec.file String %project.folder%/ uec/Mandatory Access .xls MandatoryAccess.xls location
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.mandatory. Integer 0 Mandatory Access data page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.mandatory. Integer 1 Mandatory Access auto page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.mandatory. autoLogsum. page Integer 2 Mandatory Access autoLogsum page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.mandatory. bestWalkTransit. page Integer 3 Mandatory Access best Walk Transit page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.mandatory. bestDriveTransit. page Integer 4 Mandatory Access best Drive Transit page
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.mandatory. transitLogsum. page Integer 5 Mandatory Access transit logsum page
Core model UECs: Accessibility
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.jppf Boolean FALSE Run Accessibilities calculation with JPPF
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.without. jppf.numThreads Boolean FALSE Run Accessibilities calculation with JPPF
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.destination. sampleRate Double 1 Sample destinations to improve runtimes
Core model UECs: Accessibility acc.jppf. packet.size Integer 100 Accessibilities calculation with JPPF packet size (zone)
Core model UECs: AO (3.2) ao.uec. file String AutoOwnership .xls File name of auto ownership UEC
Core model UECs: AO (3.2) page Integer 0 Auto ownership UEC data page
Core model UECs: AO (3.2) ao.model. page Integer 1 Auto ownership UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) uwsl.dc. uec.file String TourDestination Choice.xls File Name of Tour Destination Choice UEC
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) uwsl.dc2. uec.file String TourDestination Choice2.xls File Name of Tour Destination Choice 2 UEC
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) uwsl.soa. uec.file String Destination ChoiceAlternative Sample.xls File Name of Destination Choice Alternative Sample UEC
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) uwsl.soa. alts.file String Destination Choice Alternatives .csv File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed)
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) soa. SampleSize Integer 30 Sample size of Work Destination Choice
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) soa. SampleSize Integer 30 Sample size of School Destination Choice
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) work.soa. uec.file String TourDc SoaDistance .xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for Work Purpose, includes TAZ Size in the expressions
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) work.soa. Integer 0 Work Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) work.soa. uec.model Integer 1 Work Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) univ.soa. uec.file String TourDc SoaDistance NoSchoolSize. xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for university, and then multiplied by the university segment size terms
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) univ.soa. Integer 0 University Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) univ.soa. uec.model Integer 1 University Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) hs.soa. uec.file String TourDc SoaDistance NoSchoolSize. xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for high school, and then multiplied by the high school segment size terms
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) hs.soa. Integer 0 High School Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) hs.soa. uec.model Integer 2 High School Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) gs.soa. uec.file String TourDc SoaDistance NoSchoolSize. xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for grade school, and then multiplied by the grade school segment size terms
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) gs.soa. Integer 0 Grade School Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) gs.soa. uec.model Integer 3 Grade School Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) ps.soa. uec.file String TourDc SoaDistance NoSchoolSize. xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for School Purpose; school purposes do not include TAZ Size in the expressions so that the utilities can be stored as exponentiated distance utility matrices for preschool, and then multiplied by the preschool segment size terms
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) ps.soa. Integer 0 Preschool Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) ps.soa. uec.model Integer 4 Prescehool Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) UsualWork LocationChoice. ShadowPrice. Input.File String input/ ShadowPricing Output_work_39. csv File Name Work Location shadow price
Core model UECs: Work/school location (2.2) UsualSchool LocationChoice. ShadowPrice. Input.File String input/ ShadowPricing Output_school_19. csv File Name School Location shadow price
Core model UECs: Transponder choice tc.choice. avgtts.file String input/ tc_avgtt.csv File name of average travel times for transponder ownership
Core model UECs: Transponder choice tc.uec.file String Transponder Ownership. xls File name of transponder ownership UEC
Core model UECs: Transponder choice Integer 0 Transponder ownership UEC data page
Core model UECs: Transponder choice Integer 1 Transponder ownership UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Free parking choice
Core model UECs: Free parking choice fp.uec.file String Parking Provision. xls File name of parking provision UEC
Core model UECs: Free parking choice Integer 0 Parking Provision UEC data page
Core model UECs: Free parking choice Integer 1 Parking Provision UEC utility page
Core model UECs: CDAP (4.1) cdap.uec. file String Coordinated DailyActivity Pattern.xls File name of CDAP UEC
Core model UECs: CDAP (4.1) page Integer 0 CDAP UEC data page
Core model UECs: CDAP (4.1) Integer 1 CDAP UEC utility for one person page
Core model UECs: CDAP (4.1) cdap.two. Integer 2 CDAP UEC utility for 2 persons page
Core model UECs: CDAP (4.1) cdap.three. Integer 3 CDAP UEC utility for 3 persons page
Core model UECs: CDAP (4.1) cdap.all. Integer 4 CDAP UEC utility for All member interation page
Core model UECs: CDAP (4.1) cdap.joint. page Integer 5 CDAP UEC utility for joint tours page
Core model UECs: MTF (4.2.1) imtf.uec. file String Mandatory TourFrequency. xls File name of Mandatory tour frequency UEC
Core model UECs: MTF (4.2.1) page Integer 0 Mandatory tour frequency UEC data page
Core model UECs: MTF (4.2.1) imtf.model. page Integer 1 mandatory tour frequency UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nonSchool. soa.uec.file String TourDc SoaDistance. xls File Name of Tour Distance DC SOA UEC for Non Work/School Purposes, includes TAZ Size in the expressions
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) escort.soa. Integer 0 Escort Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) escort.soa. uec.model Integer 2 Escort Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) other.nonman. Integer 0 Other Non-mandatory Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) other.nonman. soa.uec.model Integer 3 Other Non-mandatory Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) atwork.soa. Integer 0 At-Work Sub-Tour Distance SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) atwork.soa. uec.model Integer 4 At-Work Sub-Tour Distance SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) soa.taz.dist. alts.file String SoaTaz DistAlts. csv File name of Sample of Alternatives of TAZs
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4)
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.dist. alts.file String NonMandatory TlcAlternatives. csv File name of non-mandatory tour alternatives
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. alts.file String Destination Choice Alternatives. csv File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed)
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC sampling (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. SampleSize Integer 30 Sample size of non-mandatory Destination choice
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.uec. file2 String TourDestination Choice2.xls File Name of Tour Destination Choice 2 UEC
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.uec. file String TourDestination Choice.xls File Name of Tour Destination Choice UEC
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) page Integer 0 Non-mandatory Tour DC UEC data page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.escort. Integer 7 Escort Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) Integer 8 Shop Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.maint. Integer 9 Maintenance Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) Integer 10 Eating Out Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.visit. Integer 11 Visiting Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.discr. Integer 12 Discretionary Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.atwork. Integer 13 At-Work Sub-Tour Destination Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. uec.file String Destination Choice Alternative Sample. xls File Name of Destination Choice Alternative Sample UEC
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. Integer 0 Non-mandatory TOUR SOA UEC data page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. escort.model. page Integer 6 Escort TOUR SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. shop.model. page Integer 7 Shop TOUR SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. maint.model. page Integer 7 Maintenance TOUR SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. eat.model. page Integer 7 Eating Out TOUR SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. visit.model. page Integer 7 Visiting TOUR SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. discr.model. page Integer 7 Discretionary TOUR SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: non-mand tour DC (4.3.3, 4.4.2, 4.5.4) nmdc.soa. atwork.model. page Integer 8 At-Work Sub-Tour SOA UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Tour mode (4.2.4, 4.5.3, 4.3.5, 4.4.4) tourModeChoice. uec.file String TourModeChoice. xls File name of Tour Mode choice UEC
Core model UECs: Tour mode (4.2.4, 4.5.3, 4.3.5, 4.4.4) tourModeChoice. maint.model. page Integer 4 Maintenance Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Tour mode (4.2.4, 4.5.3, 4.3.5, 4.4.4) tourModeChoice. discr.model. page Integer 5 Discretionary Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Tour mode (4.2.4, 4.5.3, 4.3.5, 4.4.4) tourModeChoice. atwork.model. page Integer 6 At-Work Sub-Tour Mode Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. uec.file String TourDeparture AndDuration. xls File name of Tour TOD Choice UEC
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 0 Tour TOD Choice UEC data page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 1 Work Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 2 University Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 3 School Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 4 Escort Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 5 Shop Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 6 Maintenance Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 7 Eating Out Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 8 Visiting Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 9 Discretionary Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. Integer 10 At-Work Sub-Tour TOD Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: TOD (4.2.2, 4.5.2, 4.3.4, 4.4.3) departTime. alts.file String Departure TimeAndDuration Alternatives. csv File name of Departure time and duration alternatives
Core model UECs: JTF (4.3.1) jtfcp. uec.file String JointTour Frequency.xls File name of Joint Tour Frequency UEC
Core model UECs: JTF (4.3.1) jtfcp. alternatives. file String Joint Alternatives. csv File name of joint tour alternatives by purpose and party composition combinations
Core model UECs: JTF (4.3.1) jtfcp. Integer 0 Joint Tour Frequency UEC data page
Core model UECs: JTF (4.3.1) jtfcp. Integer 1 Joint Tour Frequency UEC utility composition page
Core model UECs: JTF (4.3.1) jtfcp. participate. page Integer 2 Joint Tour Frequency UEC utility participation page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf. uec.file String NonMandatory IndividualTour Frequency.xls File name of Individual non-mandatory tour frequency UEC
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf. FrequencyExtension. ProbabilityFile String Individual NonMandatory Tour Frequency Extension Probabilities_p1. csv File name of Individual non-mandatory tour frequency extension probabilities
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) Individual NonMandatory TourFrequency. AlternativesList. InputFile String Individual NonMandatory TourFrequency Alternatives. csv File name of individual non-mandatory tour frequency alternatives (combinations)
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) Integer 0 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC data page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf.perstype1. page Integer 1 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Full time workers page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf.perstype2. page Integer 2 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Part time workers page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf.perstype3. page Integer 3 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for University students page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf.perstype4. page Integer 4 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Non-workers page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf.perstype5. page Integer 5 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Retirees page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf.perstype6. page Integer 6 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Driving students page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf.perstype7. page Integer 7 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Pre-driving students page
Core model UECs: non-mand freq (4.4.1) inmtf.perstype8. page Integer 8 Individual Non-mandatory tour frequency UEC utility for Preschool students page
Core model UECs: at-work subtour freq (4.5.1) awtf.uec. file String AtWork Subtour Frequency. xls File name of at-work sub-tour frequency UEC
Core model UECs: at-work subtour freq (4.5.1) page Integer 0 At-Work Sub-Tour Frequency UEC Data page
Core model UECs: at-work subtour freq (4.5.1) awtf.model. page Integer 1 At-Work Sub-Tour Frequency UEC Utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) stf.uec. file String Stop Frequency. xls File name of Stop Frequency UEC
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) stf. purposeLookup. proportions String Stop Purpose Lookup Proportions. csv File name of Stop Purpose Lookup proportions
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) page Integer 0 Stop Frequency UEC data page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) page Integer 1 Stop Frequency for Work Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) stf.univ. page Integer 2 Stop Frequency for University Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) page Integer 3 Stop Frequency for School Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) stf.escort. page Integer 4 Stop Frequency for Escort Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) page Integer 5 Stop Frequency for Shop Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) stf.maint. page Integer 6 Stop Frequency for Maintenance Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) page Integer 7 Stop Frequency for Eating Out Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) stf.visit. page Integer 8 Stop Frequency for Visiting Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) stf.discr. page Integer 9 Stop Frequency for Discretionary Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop freq (5.1) stf.subtour. page Integer 10 Stop Frequency for At-Work Sub-Tour UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc.uec. file String Stop Location Choice. xls File Name of Stop Location Choice UEC
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) page Integer 0 Stop Location Choice UEC data page
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc. mandatory. uec.model. page Integer 1 Stop Location Choice for Mandatory Tours UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc. maintenance. uec.model. page Integer 2 Stop Location Choice for Maintenance Tours UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc. discretionary. uec.model. page Integer 3 Stop Location Choice for Discretionary Tours UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc. alts.file String Slc Alternatives. csv File name of stop location choice alternatives
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc. soa.alts.file String Destination Choice Alternatives. csv File name of the alternatives (MGRAs) available to the destination choice models (part of the model design; this should not be changed)
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) auto. slc.soa. distance. uec.file String SlcSoa Distance Utility. xls File name of Stop Location Sample of Alternatives Choice UEC for tourmodes other than walk or bike - for transit, availability of stop for transit is set in java code
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) auto. slc.soa. distance. Integer 0 Stop Location SOA Choice UEC data page
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) auto. slc.soa. distance. Integer 1 Stop Location SOA Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc. soa.size. uec.file String Slc SoaSize. xls File Name of Stop Location Choice Size Terms UEC
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc. soa.size. page Integer 0 Stop Location Choice Size terms UEC data page
Core model UECs: Stop location (5.3) slc. soa.size. uec.model. page Integer 1 Stop Location Choice Size terms UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Stop departure (5.4) stop. depart.arrive. proportions String StopDepart Arrive Proportions. csv File name of Stop Location Time of Day proportions
Core model UECs: Trip mode (6.1) tripMode Choice. uec.file String TripMode Choice.xls File name of Trip mode choice UEC
Core model UECs: Parking location choice plc.uec. file String ParkLocation Choice.xls File name of Parking Location Choice UEC
Core model UECs: Parking location choice plc.uec. Integer 0 Parking Location Choice UEC data page
Core model UECs: Parking location choice plc.uec. Integer 1 Parking Location Choice UEC utility page
Core model UECs: Parking location choice plc.alts. corresp.file String ParkLocation Alts.csv File name of parking location alternatives (MAZs)
Core model UECs: Parking location choice plc.alts. file String ParkLocation SampleAlts.csv File name of parking location sample of alternatives
Core model UECs: Parking location choice mgra.avg. cost. output.file String mgraParking Cost.csv File name of average parking costs by MAZ
Core model UECs: Parking location choice mgra.avg. cost. Integer 1814 MAZ parking cost trace zone
Core model UECs: Parking location choice mgra.max. parking. distance Integer 0.75 Max parking walk distance
Core model UECs: Parking location choice mgra.avg. cost.dist. Float -8.6 Parking location model coefficient for walking distance to destination for Work purpose
Core model UECs: Parking location choice mgra.avg. cost.dist. coeff.other Float -4.9 Parking location model coefficient for walking distance to destination for other purposes
Core model UECs: Parking location choice park.cost. reimb.mean Float -0.05 Parking location model mean parking cost reimbursement
Core model UECs: Parking location choice park.cost. Float 0.54 Parking location model standard deviation for parking cost reimbursement
Core model UECs: Transit path finder utility. bestTransitPath. uec.file String BestTransit PathUtility.xls File name of best transit path UEC
Core model UECs: Transit path finder utility. bestTransitPath. Integer 0 Best Transit Path UEC data page
Core model UECs: Transit path finder utility. bestTransitPath. Integer 1 Best Transit Path UEC for TAP to TAP utility page
Core model UECs: Transit path finder utility. bestTransitPath. Integer 2 Best Transit Path UEC for Walk Access to Transit utility page
Core model UECs: Transit path finder utility. bestTransitPath. Integer 3 Best Transit Path UEC for Drive Access to Transit utility page
Core model UECs: Transit path finder utility. bestTransitPath. Integer 4 Best Transit Path UEC for Walk Egress to Transit utility page
Core model UECs: Transit path finder utility. bestTransitPath. Integer 5 Best Transit Path UEC for Drive Egress to Transit utility page
Core model UECs: Auto skimming uec.file String AutoSkims.xls File name of Auto Skims UEC
Core model UECs: Auto skimming Integer 0 Auto Skims data page
Core model UECs: Auto skimming Integer 1 Auto skims Early AM utility page
Core model UECs: Auto skimming Integer 2 Auto skims AM utility page
Core model UECs: Auto skimming Integer 3 Auto skims MD utility page
Core model UECs: Auto skimming Integer 4 Auto skims PM utility page
Core model UECs: Auto skimming Integer 5 Auto skims Evening utility page
Core model UECs: TAZ distances taz. distance. uec.file String tazDistance. xls File name of TAZ Distance UEC
Core model UECs: TAZ distances taz. distance. Integer 0 TAZ Distance UEC data page
Core model UECs: TAZ distances taz. od.distance. Integer 1 TAZ Distance UEC Early AM utility page
Core model UECs: TAZ distances taz. od.distance. Integer 2 TAZ Distance UEC AM utility page
Core model UECs: TAZ distances taz. od.distance. Integer 3 TAZ Distance UEC MD utility page
Core model UECs: TAZ distances taz. od.distance. Integer 4 TAZ Distance UEC PM utility page
Core model UECs: TAZ distances taz. od.distance. Integer 5 TAZ Distance UEC Evening utility page
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. walk.uec. file String WalkTransit WalkSkims.xls File name of Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. page Integer 0 Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC data page
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. walk.skim. page Integer 1 Walk Transit Walk Skims UEC skims page
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. walk.sets Integer 3 Walk Transit Walk Skims sets
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. walk.skims Integer 12 Walk Transit Walk Skims number of skims
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. drive.uec. file String WalkTransit DriveSkims.xls File name of Walk Transit drive Skims UEC
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. page Integer 0 Walk Transit drive Skims UEC data page
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. drive.skim. page Integer 1 Walk Transit drive Skims UEC skims page
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. drive.sets Integer 3 Walk Transit drive Skims sets
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. walk.transit. drive.skims Integer 12 Walk Transit drive Skims number of skims
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. drive.transit. walk.uec. file String DriveTransit WalkSkims.xls File name of Drive Transit walk Skims UEC
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. drive.transit. page Integer 0 Drive Transit walk Skims UEC data page
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. drive.transit. walk.skim. page Integer 1 Drive Transit walk Skims UEC skims page
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. drive.transit. walk.sets Integer 3 Drive Transit walk Skims sets
Core model UECs: Transit skimming skim. drive.transit. walk.skims Integer 12 Walk Transit drive Skims number of skims
Core model UECs: University tour DC majorUniversity Student.tour. destination. uec.filename String MajorUniversity StudentTour Destination Choice.xls UEC
Core model UECs: University tour DC majorUniversity Student.tour. destination. data.sheet Integer 0 Data page
Core model UECs: University tour DC majorUniversity Student.tour. destination. model.sheet Integer 1 Mode page
Core model UECs: University tour DC majorUniversity Student.tour. destination. size.sheet Integer 2 Size terms page
Core model UECs: University tour DC majorUniversity Student.tour. destination. RNG.offset Integer 234234 Random number offset
Core model UECs: School escorting school.escort. uec.filename String School Escorting.xls UEC
Core model UECs: School escorting school.escort. alts.file String School EscortingAlts. csv UEC alts
Core model UECs: School escorting school.escort. data.sheet Integer 0 Data page
Core model UECs: School escorting school.escort. outbound. model.sheet Integer 1 Mode page
Core model UECs: School escorting school.escort. inbound. conditonal. model.sheet Integer 2 Mode page
Core model UECs: School escorting school.escort. outbound. conditonal. model.sheet Integer 3 Mode page
Core model UECs: School escorting school.escort. RNG.offset Integer 3.85E+08 Random number offset
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. RunModel Boolean false Run model
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. UnmetParking Demand.file String %project.folder% /outputs/ other/ UnmetParking Demand.csv Unmet demand output file
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. RNG.offset Integer 219421 RNG offset
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. ParkingLots. file String %project.folder% /inputs/ Uni_Parking_ Capacity.csv Parkings lots input file
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. Transit Constant Float -0.1 Transit constant
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. Simulation Model Boolean true use simulation model
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. Util_LD Integer 1 utility term
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. IVT Coefficient Float -0.0424 IVT coefficient
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. Parking PriceDamping Factor Integer 1 damping factor
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. Informal Parking Constant Array -1.1,-0.1,0 informal parking constant faculty\staff, students, and visitors
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. SpaceTypes Constants. facultyStaff Array 0,-3.0,-5.0 space type constants faculty\staff, students, and visitors
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. SpaceTypes Constants. student Array -999,0,-5.0 space type constants faculty\staff, students, and visitors
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice University ParkingLot ChoiceModel. SpaceTypes Constants. visitor Array -999,-999,0 space type constants faculty\staff, students, and visitors
Core model UECs: University ParkingLot Choice Results. University ParkingData File String /outputs /other/ university ParkingData.csv Output parking file location

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Properties File - Best Transit Path

The following properties are used by the Best Transit Path UEC for building TAP-TAP skims.

Property Data Type Example Purpose String outputs/skims/tap_data.csv TAP data file String tap tap field String taz taz field String lotid lotid field String capacity capacity field
taz.tap.access.file String /outputs/skims/drive_taz_tap.csv Drive times taz to tap file
taz.tap.access.ftaz.column String FTAZ FTAZ field
taz.tap.access.mode.column String MODE MODE field
taz.tap.access.period.column String PERIOD PERIOD field
taz.tap.access.ttap.column String TTAP TTAP field
taz.tap.access.tmaz.column String TMAZ TMAZ field
taz.tap.access.ttaz.column String TTAZ TTAZ field
taz.tap.access.dtime.column String DTIME DTIME field
taz.tap.access.ddist.column String DDIST DDIST field
taz.tap.access.dtoll.column String DTOLL DTOLL field
taz.tap.access.wdist.column String WDIST WDIST field

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