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Alex Bettinardi edited this page Jun 10, 2022 · 34 revisions

2010 Cost Assumptions

The various costs input into the model are summarized in below. All costs are for year 2010; model users can use a CPI adjustment for translating costs from other years to 2010 values for consistency.

Cost (Year 2010) File Current Settings
Value-of-time for assignment Assignment and skimming procedure file + General Procedure Settings + PrT Settings + Impedance + Impedance function by demand segment Assignment Settings
Value of Time for Tour/Trip Making file for reference in the OR-RAMP UECs Mean Values of Time:
0-30k = $6.01/hr
30-60k = $8.81/hr
60-100k = $10.44/hr
100k = $12.86/hr
Transit fare matrix VISUM Python script createTapFareMatrix() 100, 200 cents (GP, RV)
Parking costs VISUM master version file SOABM.ver MAZ attributes HPARKCOST (Hourly), DPARKCOST (Daily), MPARKCOST (Monthly) Max Hourly = $1.00 (69 MAZs have an hourly rate)
Max Daily = $5.00 (24 MAZs have a daily rate)
Max Monthly = $40.00 (32 MAZs have a monthly rate)
Link toll VISUM master version file SOABM.ver link attributes Toll_PrTSys(Dseg) 0 dollars
Auto operating cost file for reference in the OR-RAMP UECs aoc.fuel =12.4 cents/mile aoc.maintenance =5.6 cents/mile

Capturing note - to make consistent with GreenSTEP (which seems like a good idea);
aoc.fuel = 0.11 * 1.13 = 12.4 (cents per mile), and
aoc.maintenance = 0.048 * 1.13 = 5.6 (cents per mile)
Total 18, which will be used in SWIM

Future Year Cost Assumptions - Inflation Adjustments

For future year scenarios ODOT has attempted to build consistency around future cost assumptions across the several transportation model tools that ODOT operates. For several reasons it is critical that all cost information be brought to a common year, one of those reasons is that costs amounts assumptions can come from many different sources. As an example, the cost comparison work below comes from a model who's costs are in 2005 dollars, a factor of 1.13 different than 2010 dollars according to CPI inflation adjustment. For future years, tolls, taxes, or fuel costs might be provided in those future year amount, say 2030 dollars for example. 2010 to 2030 would be a much larger inflation adjustment factor than 1.13. Therefore, it is critical to the model operation that all cost information be brought to a common year. The same way all cost information must be brought to a common unit of currency (in the case of ODOT model, currency is in US dollars).

For indexing prices to the correct year, all of ODOT-TPAU's work should use the Bureau of Labor Statistic's (BLS) Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation Calculator. For the ABM, this means adjusting all prices to 2010.

Cost Assumptions from Other ODOT Modeling Tools

ODOT has several transportation modeling tools, however the one with the most price / cost testing is GreenSTEP / RSPM, which has recently been re-established as VisionEval (VE). The following is a table of some of the cost information contained in the original GreenSTEP assumptions for both current and for future years. The future year range in values represents the Reference & STS-Vision scenarios from the 2018 STS-Monitoring work. It's important to note that all of GreenSTEP cost assumptions are in 2005 dollars, so a factor of 1.13 is needed to make them comparable to the ABM.

GreenSTEP Cost Related Assumptions

Cost Description Model Year 2005 (2005 Dollars) Model Year 2050 (2005 Dollars)
Fuel (Auto Operating Costs - AOC) Fuel / Energy (Electricity); for 2005, $1.91 per gallon (excluding tax) at 21.4 mpg on average. $0.09 $0.04 - $0.06
Taxes (AOC) Road User Fees - Gas Tax, Registration Fees, VMT Tax, congestion fee (only PDX in STS-Vision); for 2005, fuel taxes are 0.424 at 21.4 mpg (and portion of EVs use OreGo gas tax equivalent). Registration fees are below $0.005/mile. $0.02 $0.01 - $0.03
Other (AOC) Vehicle O&M Costs and future per mile costs, like PAYD insurance. PAYD is upto $0.05/mile with full coverage. O&M is $0.048/mile. $0.05 $0.06 - $0.10
Potential Carbon Tax Some additional per mile costs related to carbon taxes or pricing are likely by 2050. NA ~$0.03
For comparison to the ABM
AOC Fuel Total $0.135/mile ( $0.12/mile in $2005) in the ABM base year
For comparison - combining Fuel, tax, and new pricing mechanism assumptions
$0.11 $0.05 - $0.17
AOC Maintenance Total $0.063/mile ( $0.056/mile in $2005) in the ABM base year
For comparison - pulling out just O&M costs at $0.048/mile
$0.05 $0.05

JEMnR Cost Related Assumptions

The Joint Estimated Model in R (JEMnR) is ODOT's trip based model platform that was ODOT's travel demand development platform prior to shifting development to the ABM. JEMnR has a single auto operating cost input of $0.091/mile in $1995 dollars. Converting that assumed cost to $2010 provides a value of $0.13/mile. At this time, JEMnR assumes no change in auto operating cost in future reference scenarios.

Final ABM Cost Assumptions for the 2045 Reference Scenario

Based on the discussion above, the following are the changes that will be made to the ABM inputs related to costs. As can be seen in the table, the only cost input to be assumed different in the future year from the base is auto operating costs. These changes are based on the STS-GreenSTEP assupmtions that were built around future vehicle fleet efficiency and future gas / engery costs which are largely from the US Energy Information Administration. And as a reminder ththe GreenSTEP assumptions are in 2005 dollars, so a factor or 1.13 was applied to reach 2010 dollars for the ABM.

Cost ($2010 Dollars) File Future Reference Scenario Settings
Value-of-time for assignment Assignment and skimming procedure file + General Procedure Settings + PrT Settings + Impedance + Impedance function by demand segment No Change from base year assumptions
Value of Time for Tour/Trip Making file for reference in the OR-RAMP UECs No Change from base year assumptions
Transit fare matrix VISUM Python script createTapFareMatrix() No global assumption, will vary based on scenario being requested, starting point are 2010 transit assumptions.
Parking costs VISUM master version file SOABM.ver MAZ attributes HPARKCOST (Hourly), DPARKCOST (Daily), MPARKCOST (Monthly) No global assumption, will vary based on scenario being requested, starting point are 2010 parking assumptions.
Link toll VISUM master version file SOABM.ver link attributes Toll_PrTSys(Dseg) No global assumption, will vary based on scenario being requested, starting point are 2010 toll assumptions.
Auto operating cost file for reference in the OR-RAMP UECs aoc.fuel =5.7 cents/mile aoc.maintenance =5.7 cents/mile

This table just represents starting assumptions for future scenarios. Differing assumptions can and should be used depending on the specifics of the given scenario and assumptions being tested.

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