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Major University Model (Optional)

Binny Mathew Paul edited this page Jul 29, 2021 · 18 revisions

If UniversityParkingLotChoiceModel.RunModel is set to true in the OR-RAMP properties, then the major university parking lot choice model will be run. The model only works if the MAZ data has square footage of major university space and the person file indicates which students are major university students. Note that in case this feature of the model is used, the enrollment should be zero for any MAZs that make up the major university, since the attraction of students to the university is controlled by the major university indicator field in the synthetic population person file rather than enrollment at the university. Also required is an input csv file containing number of spaces by MAZ and space type along with terminal times from the center of the lot to the edge. Informal lots are on-street spaces in non-university zones, to allow parking in a nearby neighborhood. This file is currently titled Uni_Parking_Capacity.csv and is stored in the "inputs" directory (the specific file name and path is set as UniversityParkingLotChoiceModel.ParkingLots.file in the properties file). Below is a description and example of the file:

Uni_Parking_Capacity.csv Example

MAZ informalLot spaceType spaces terminalTime
813 0 0 0 0.5
813 0 1 0 0.5
813 0 2 3000 0.5
859 0 0 100 1.5
859 0 1 100 1.5

Parking Lots for Major Universities

Field Description Example
MAZ Park MAZ 813
informalLot Is informal lot 0 or 1
spaceType 0=faculty\staff, 1=students, 2=visitors 0, 1, or 2
Spaces Number of parking spaces 100
terminalTime Terminal time 1.5 minutes

The model will choose a parking lot MAZ for each worker and student who travel to any of the university zones (the MAZs with university square footage) for work or university tours by auto tour mode. It will insert the parking lot as the first and last on-campus stop on their tour, which will be identified by a “Parking” purpose in the trip output file for the lot location. The model will also output a parking demand file property Results.universityParkingDataFile and an unmet demand file containing demand for parking that cannot be accommodated by available parking supply UniversityParkingLotChoiceModel.UnmetParkingDemand.file.

Additional Instruction Needed

A note that the university model is not fully implemented or tested in SOABM. There are a handful of other properties and settings that will need to be reviewed and documented here prior to use. This section is a place holder for the full set of University Model instructions that will ultimately need to be developed prior to use of this feature. The section below describes the inputs used by the Corvallis-Albany-Lebanon-Model (CALM) University Model. These inputs will need to be prepared before running the university model.

CALM University Model Data Inputs

The data inputs required to run the university model are summarized in the table below:

File Name Description
ss11pRVMPOwithzeros.csv 2011 ACS PUMS Person File, with zeros for missing integer fields and N.A. for missing text fields. This file is not year-specific or scenario-specific. The fields are described here. The filename is specified in the University Model settings file ( using the GroupQuartersPopulation.PUMS.HouseholdFile token
ss11hRVMPOwithzeros.csv 2011 ACS PUMS Household File, with zeros for missing integer fields and N.A. for missing text fields. This file is not year-specific or scenario-specific. The fields are described here. The filename is specified in the University Model settings file ( using the GroupQuartersPopulation.PUMS.HouseholdFile token
persons_clean.csv Synthetic population person file; year-specific or land-use scenario specific. Fields and descriptions are summarized here
households_clean.csv Synthetic population household file; year-specific or land-use scenario specific. Fields and descriptions are summarized here
tazData.csv Input TAZ data file; year-specific or land-use scenario specific. Fields and descriptions are summarized here
Skim files Skim matrices in ZMX format

The household and person Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files are read in by the university model program, and are used to create the group quarters (GQ) synthetic population. The target number of GQ records by type for each TAZ are read from the TAZ Data file. The synthetic household and person files containing the non-GQ population are generated by the Population Synthesizer, which should be run separately before running the university model. The synthetic population files contains the representative non-GQ population for the entire modeled region. The University of Oregon students living in family or non-family residential households can be identified using the UofOTag in the person file. The university faculty and staff members are sampled from the synthetic population by the worker location model. While the synthetic population contains all households and persons, the university model is applied only to persons tagged as student, staff, or faculty members of the University of Oregon. The full synthetic population is required to generate the size terms for the worker location model. The TAZ data file contains household by type, employment by type, and other fields that are necessary to run the university model. The time and cost skims are used for calculation of accessibilities, mode, and destination choice models.

PUMS Household File Fields

The following table describes the format of the PUMS household table which is an input to the CALM university model. Note that only the fields used by the model have been described in this table.

Field Name Description Values
SERIALNO Original serial number in the PUMS sample
TYPE Type of unit 1=Housing unit, 2=Institutional group quarters, 3=Non-institutional group quarters. This file is used to create the non-institutional group quarters population. Therefore, only TYPE=3 records are used by the University Model. The user can choose to perform this filtering beforehand
VEH Number of autos

PUMS Person File Fields

The following table describes the format of the PUMS person table which is an input to the CALM university model. Note that these are the mandatory fields required for a successful model run. Adding more fields besides these, does not affect the model results.

Field Name Description Values
SERIALNO Original serial number in the PUMS sample
RELP Relationship to the reference person 0=Reference person, 1=Husband/wife, 2=Son/daughter, 3=Brother/sister, 4=Father/mother, 5=Grandchild, 6=In-law, 7=Other relative, 8=Roomer,boarder, 9=Housemate,roommate, 10=Unmarried partner, 11=Foster child, 12=Other nonrelative, 13=Institutionalized group quarters population, 14=Noninstitutionalized group quarters population
PINCP Total person's income (signed) in 2010 dollars
PWGTP Person's weight
AGEP Person age Number of years
ESR Employment status recode (1,2,4,5 identify worker) 0=less than 16 years old/did not work, 1=Civilian employed, at work, 2 =Civilian employed, with a job but not at work, 3=Unemployed, 4=Armed forces, at work, 5=Armed forces, with a job but not at work, 6=Not in labor force
SEX Gender 1=male, 2=female
SCHG School grade attending 0=under 3 years or not enrolled, 1=Nursery school or preschool, 2=Kindergarten, 3=Grade 1 to grade 4, 4=Grade 5 to grade 8, 5=Grade 9 to grade 12, 6=College undergraduate, 7=Graduate or professional school
WKHP Hours worked per week Number of hours. Note that worker with WKHP > 30 are tagged as full-time workers

Synthetic Household File Fields

The following table describes the format of the synthetic households file. The fields marked with an asterisk are produced by the Population Synthesizer software but not read by the CALM university model.

Field Name Description Values
tempId* Temporary household ID of the unexpanded household sample
REGION* Region ID 1
taz TAZ number 100-1293
maz MAZ number 1-930
WGTP* Initial PUMS weight of the household in the PUMS sample > 0
finalPumsId* Temporary Population Synthesizer household ID
finalweight* Final Population Synthesizer weight
serialno* Original serial number in the PUMS sample
np Household size 1-12
nwrkrs_esr Number of workers number of workers (ESR in [1,2,4,5])
hincp* Unadjusted household income In year of PUMS record
hhincAdj Household income In $2010 dollars
adjinc* PUMS Income adjustment factor
veh Number of autos in PUMS sample
hht Household/family type 1=Married-couple family household, 2=Other family hh, Male householder, no wife,3=Other family hh, Female householder, no husband, 4=Nonfamily hh, Male householder, living alone, 5=Nonfamily hh, Male householder, not living alone,6=Nonfamily hh, Female householder, living alone, 7=Nonfamily hh, Female householder, not living alone
bld units in structure 1=Mobile home or trailer, 2=One-family house detached, 3=One-family house attached, 4=2 Apartments, 5=3-4 Apartments, 6=5-9 Apartments, 7=10-19 Apartments, 8=20-49 Apartments, 9=50 or more apartments, 10=Boat, RV, van, etc.
type Type of unit 1=Housing unit, 2=Institutional group quarters, 3=Noninstitutional group quarters
npf Number of persons in family (unweighted) -9=N/A (GQ/vacant/non-family household), 2-20
agehoh Age of household head >17
n* Expansion ID of household 1 - final weight of unexpanded household record
HHID Final sequential household ID
tract* Tract ID. Sequential Tract ID used in CALM Population Synthesizer. Goes from 1 to 35

Synthetic Person File Fields

The following table describes the format of the synthetic persons file. The fields marked with an asterisk are produced by the Population Synthesizer software but not read by the CALM university model.

Field Name Description Values
tempId* Temporary household ID of the unexpanded household sample
REGION* Region ID 1
taz CALM TAZ ID Total 930 zones. IDs go from 100 to 1293
maz MAZ IDs are a copy of sequential TAZ IDs used in CALM Population Synthesizer Sequential IDs go from 1 to 930
WGTP* Initial PUMS weight of the household in the PUMS sample
finalPumsId* Temporary Population Synthesizer household ID
finalweight* Final Population Synthesizer weight
sporder Person number within a household
agep Person age Number of years
relp Relationship to the reference person 0=Reference person, 1=Husband/wife, 2=Son/daughter, 3=Brother/sister, 4=Father/mother, 5=Grandchild, 6=In-law, 7=Other relative, 8=Roomer,boarder, 9=Housemate,roommate, 10=Unmarried partner, 11=Foster child, 12=Other nonrelative
employed Recoded from ESR 0=unemployed, 1=employed
occp Person occupation class 1=Management of business, science, and the arts; 2=White collar jobs; 3=Blue collar; 4=Sales and Office; 5=Natural resource extraction, construction, and maintenance; 6=Production, transportation, material moving; 7=Military occupation; 8=Protective service occupations
sex Gender 1=male, 2=female
esr Employment status recode (1,2,4,5 identify worker) -9=less than 16 years old/did not work, 1=Civilian employed, at work, 2 =Civilian employed, with a job but not at work, 3=Unemployed, 4=Armed forces, at work, 5=Armed forces, with a job but not at work, 6=Not in labor force
wkw Weeks worked in past 12 months (less than 27 is part-time) -9= less than 16 years old/did not work, 1=50 to 52, 2=48 to 49, 3 =40 to 47, 4=27 to 39, 5=14 to 26, 6=less than 14
wkhp Hours worked per week (less than 35 is part-time) Number of hours
mil Military indicator -9 = less than 17 years old, 1 = Yes, now on active duty, 2 = Yes, on active duty during the last 12 months, but not now, 3 = Yes, on active duty in the past, but not during the last 12 months, 4 = No, training for Reserves/National Guard only, 5 = No, never served in the military
schg School grade attending -9=under 3 years or not enrolled, 1=Nursery school or preschool, 2=Kindergarten, 3=Grade 1 to grade 4, 4=Grade 5 to grade 8, 5=Grade 9 to grade 12, 6=College undergraduate, 7=Graduate or professional school
schl Educational attainment -9=Under 3 years,1=No schooling completed, 2=Nursery school to 4th grade, 3=5th grade or 6th grade, 4=7th grade or 8th grade, 5=9th grade, 6=10th grade, 7=11th grade, 8=12th grade, no diploma, 9=High school graduate, 10=Some college, but less than 1 year,11=One or more years of college, no degree, 12=Associate degree, 13=Bachelor’s degree,14=Master’s degree, 15=Professional degree, 16=Doctorate degree
UofOTag University of Oregon tag 0: Not a student, >0: Major university student
indp02* Industry 2002 recode
indp07* Industry 2002 recode
occp02* Occupation 2002 recode
occp10* Occupation 2010 recode
n* Expansion ID of household 1 - final weight of unexpanded household record
PERID Final sequential person ID
HHID Final sequential household ID
tract* Tract ID. Sequential Tract ID used in CALM Population Synthesizer. Goes from 1 to 35

TAZ Data File Fields

The following table presents the TAZ level attributes used by the CALM university model.

Field Name Description NAICS Codes (2010 Census)
TAZ CALM TAZ ID for the zone. There are 930 internal zone whose IDs go from 100 to 1293. There are 23 external zones and their IDs go from 1 to 23
TD Not Used
SF Number of Single Family households in the zone
Duplex Number of Duplexes in the zone
MF Number of Multi-Family households in the zone
MH Number of Mobile Homes in the zone
TotalHH Total number of households in the zone
Food_Emp Number of employees in the food manufacturing industry 31
OthDur_Emp Number of employees working in non-food durable goods manufacturing 32-33
OthNonDur_Emp Number of employees working in non-durable goods manufacturing 32-33
Constr_Emp Number of employees in the construction industry 23
TCU_Emp Number of employees working in transportation, communications, and utilities 22, 48-49
Wholesale_Emp Number of employees working in wholesale 42
FIRE_Emp Number of employees working in finance, insurance, or real estate 52-53,55
GenRetail_Emp Number of employees working at retail establishments that are local attractors 44-45
GenServ_Emp Number of employees working at service establishments that are local attractors 515-519, 532-54, 56-81
MajRet_Emp Number of employees working at retail establishments that are regional attractors 44-45
MajSvc_Emp Number of employees working at service establishments that are regional attractors 515-519, 532-54, 56-81
TempGrp_Emp Number of employees working in temporary housing (i.e. hotels, motels, etc.) 721
Lumber_Emp Number of employees working in the lumber industry 3219, 4233
Mining_Emp Number of employees working in the mining industry 21
Federal_Emp Number of federal government employees 92
StateLocGov_Emp Number of state and local government employees 92
StateLocEduc_Emp Number of state and local education employees 92
Agric_Emp Number of employees working in agriculture 11
Other_Emp All other employees
TotalEmp Total employment
GQ Number of group quarters housing units
GQType Type of group quarters housing
universitySqFt Number of square feet of University of Oregon classroom space
universitySqFtClass Number of group quarters housing units
universitySqFtOffice Type of group quarters housing
universitySqFtRec Number of square feet of University of Oregon classroom space

Level of Service Skims

The following table summarizes the level of service (LOS) skims used by the CALM university model. The skims should be in ZMX format. In the current CALM university model, these skims are produced using the VISUM transportation software. The skims names and descriptions are summarized in the table below. Note that skim names should be kept the same. The LOS skims depend on various network attributes and settings. The auto skims depend on roadway attributes such as speed limits, number of lanes, capacities, and volume-delay functions. The transit skims depends on transit routes, headways, dwell times, and transit runtimes.

Skim Name Description
mf9 IVT time for Bus-Walk mode
mf10 Walk time for Bus-Walk mode
mf11 Transit wait time for Bus-Walk mode
mf12 First wait time for Bus-Walk mode
mf14 Number of boardings for Bus-Walk mode
mf19 Drive alone travel time
mf20 Carpool travel time
mf21 Auto distance
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