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Samuel Gomes edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

The _MEMFILL statement converts a value to a specified type, then fills memory with that type including any non-whole remainder.


_MEMFILL memoryBlock, memoryBlock.OFFSET, fillBytes, value [AS variableType]


  • The memoryBlock _MEM memory block is the block referenced to be filled.
  • memoryBlock.OFFSET is the starting offset of the above referenced memory block.
  • The fillBytes is the number of bytes to fill the memory block.
  • The value is the value to place in the memory block at the designated OFFSET position.
  • A literal or variable value can be optionally set AS a variable Variable Types appropriate for the memory block.


  • To clear previous data from a _MEMNEW memory block, use _MEMFILL with a value of 0.


Filling array values quickly using FOR loops or a simple memory fill.

DIM a(100, 100) AS LONG
DIM b(100, 100) AS LONG

'filling array a with value 13
FOR i1 = 0 TO 100
    FOR i2 = 0 TO 100
        a(i1, i2) = 13

'filling array b with value 13
DIM mema AS _MEM
mema = _MEM(b())
_MEMFILL mema, mema.OFFSET, mema.SIZE, 13 AS LONG
_MEMFREE mema 

See Also

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