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Samuel Gomes edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

The SPC function is used in PRINT and LPRINT statements to print or output a number of space characters.




  • count designates the number of column spaces to move the cursor in a PRINT statement.


  • When used in a PRINT statement,
    • count% is the number of space characters to print, overwriting existing characters.
    • If count% is greater than the number of columns left in the current row, remaining space characters are printed on the next row.
  • When used in a PRINT (file statement) statement,
    • count% is the number of space characters to output.
    • If count% is less than or equal to zero, the function has no effect.


Using SPC to space a text print.

PRINT "123456789"
PRINT "abc" ; SPC(3) ; "123"

abc   123

See Also

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