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Samuel Gomes edited this page Nov 8, 2022 · 1 revision

The NAME statement changes the name of a file or directory to a new name.


NAME oldFileOrFolderName$ AS newFileOrFolderName$


  • oldFileOrFolderName$ and newFileOrFolderName$ are variables or literal STRINGs in quotes. Paths can be included.
  • If the two paths are different, the statement moves the original file to the new path and renames it.
  • If the path is the same or a path is not included, the original file is just renamed.
  • SHELL can use "REN " + filename$ + " " + newname$ for the same purpose (Windows).
  • Path or filename ERROR Codes are possible and should be handled in the program.
  • Caution: There is no prompt to continue or execution verification.



See Also

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