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Andrew Koryavchenko edited this page Jun 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

PathHelpers Class

Helpers for Path.

Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: CodeJam.IO
Assembly: CodeJam (in CodeJam.dll) Version:



public static class PathHelpers


Public NotInheritable Class PathHelpers


type PathHelpers =  class end

The PathHelpers type exposes the following members.



Name Description
Public methodStatic member EnsureContainerPath Appends directory separator char if the path is not a volume or directory path.
Public methodStatic member IsContainerPath Checks if the path ends with directory or volume separator chars.
Public methodStatic member IsSimpleName Determines whether the path is a simple file or directory name.
Public methodStatic member IsWellFormedAbsolutePath Determines whether the path is well-formed absolute path.
Public methodStatic member IsWellFormedContainerPath Checks if the path ends with directory or volume separator chars.
Public methodStatic member IsWellFormedPath Determines whether the path is either absolute or relative not rooted path.
Public methodStatic member IsWellFormedRelativePath Determines whether the path is not rooted well-formed relative path.
Public methodStatic member IsWellFormedSimpleName Checks if the path ends with directory or volume separator chars.
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See Also


CodeJam.IO Namespace

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