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Requirements Before Installing
- Salesforce Edition
- Install the Education Data Architecture (EDA)
- Installer Permissions for Interactions
- Field Limits
- Multiple Lookups to the Same Objects
- Add Contact Role Value
- Creating Opportunity Record Types, Stages, and Sales Processes (recommended)
Before installing Interactions for Student Recruitment, there are a few steps you need to follow to ensure your org is ready to have the package installed. Once you are ready, you can install the package from one of the links in the GitHub Repository.
Interactions for Student Recruitment requires an Enterprise or Unlimited edition of Salesforce.
Interactions for Student Recruitment uses the Education Data Architecture (EDA) and references it in the Interactions Processor code. Therefore, to simply install the package from the link above, you must have EDA installed in your org first. See the Install and Configure EDA Knowledge Article for step-by-step instructions on installing EDA.
Although EDA is required to install the package, the components of the package are also available as open-source code through GitHub. The repository for Interactions for Student Recruitment is here. You will need a developer who is familiar with Apex code and implementing open-source solutions to go this route. See the Technical Implementation Guide for more information about the code.
The user who installs Interactions for Student Recruitment must have certain permissions, which are typically already part of the System Administrator profile. If a non-administrator needs these permissions, enable them using either profiles or permission sets.
Permissions needed:
- ‘Create’ permission for the Account object
- ‘Create’ permission for the Contact object
- ‘Create’ permission for the Campaign object
- ‘Marketing User’ selected on the User Detail page
- ‘Download AppExchange Packages’ permission
If you’re new to managing user permissions, we recommend reviewing the Data Security module in Trailhead before continuing.
Interactions for Student Recruitment introduces several unique external ID fields. Compare your org with the table below to ensure that installing the package will not exceed per-object limits and prevent installation. Note that only the fields that must be configured as unique external IDs for Interactions to work come out of the box as such. We recommend the other fields in this table be unique external ID’s as well but this is not a requirement for Interactions to function as expected.
Note: Each object has a limit of 7 external IDs.
Object | Field Name | Delivered as an External ID? | Delivered as a Unique Field? |
Interaction | Interaction Upsert Key | X | X |
Opportunity | Opportunity Key | X | X |
Opportunity | Application Number | X | X |
Contact | Constituent ID | ||
Lead | Constituent ID | ||
Campaign | Campaign Key | X | X |
Campaign Member | Campaign Member Key | X | X |
The package includes lookup fields that may create multiple relationships between objects. See the notes column in the table on the next page for more information about each field’s purpose so you understand the difference between them and are able to identify them.
The Object column describes where the lookup field was built. The Related Object is what the lookup field is connected to. The Related List Label references the related list that appears on the Related Object. Most of the table references Academic Interests vs Recruitment Interests, which are both a type of record from the new Plan object.
See the User Guide for more information about this object.
Note: The ability to differentiate these fields and relationships will be especially important for reporting as well as UI configuration, such as editing page layouts.
Object | Field Name | Related Object | Related List Label | Notes |
Interaction | Academic Interest | Plan | Interactions with Academic Interest | Used in the Opportunity Key for graduate plans. Includes lookup filter Plan: Type = Academic. |
Interaction | Recruitment Interest | Plan | Interactions with Recruitment Interest | Used in the Opportunity Key for graduate plans. Includes lookup filter Plan: Type = Recruitment. |
Plan | Recruitment Interest | Plan | Academic Interests | Connects Academic Interests to a parent Recruitment Interest. Includes lookup filter Plan: Type = Recruitment. The field appears on the Academic Interest plan layout, the related list is on the Recruitment Interest layout. |
Opportunity | Academic Interest | Plan | Opportunities with Academic Interest | Used in the Opportunity Key for graduate plans. Includes lookup filter Plan: Type = Academic. |
Opportunity | Recruitment Interest | Plan | Opportunities with Recruitment Interest | Used in the Opportunity Key for graduate plans. Includes lookup filter Plan: Type = Recruitment. |
Lead | Recruitment Interest | Plan | Leads with Recruitment Interest | Includes lookup filter Plan: Type = Recruitment. |
Opportunity | Affiliated Account | Account | Opportunities (Affiliated Account) | Affiliated Account is used to connect the Opportunity to an Educational Institution or Business Organization using Interaction Mappings. The standard Account lookup is set to the Administrative Account of the Contact. |
Opportunity | Contact | Contact | Recruitment Opportunities | There is a standard Related List on Contact called “Opportunities” that is based on the Contact Roles junction object. This Contact lookup field provides a more direct connection between Contacts and Opportunities. |
For Campaign Influence and other types of Campaign and Opportunity reporting to work properly, you will need to add a value of “Opportunity Contact” to Contact Roles on Opportunities.
Follow the steps below to add the new value:
- Go to Setup > Feature Settings > Sales > Contact Roles on Opportunities
- Select the New button
- Enter 'Opportunity Contact' and click Save
- Edit the new value 'Opportunity Contact'
- Make the new value the default and click Save
Interactions for Student Recruitment includes two Opportunity page layouts to help you track separate recruitment and application processes and switch between the two. These page layouts and business processes are meant to be assigned to two record types, which are in turn related to two sales processes.
The record types and sales processes are not included in the package nor are they required, but they are recommended to help you make the most of recruiting in Salesforce. The User Guide and other documentation assumes you will complete these steps.
Follow the steps in the following sub-sections to configure these customizations based on our best practices. Otherwise, skip to the Installation Steps section.
The below Stage values are suggested as a starting point, but you can set these to be any value to meet your own recruitment and application processes. The important thing is to have Stage values for inquiries and applicants so you can create the Sales Processes in the next step.
Add Stage values:
- Go to Setup > Object Manager > Opportunity > Fields & Relationships
- Find the “Stage” field and click on the name (do not click Edit)
- Click the New button in the Opportunity Stages Picklist Values section
- Add at least one ‘Open’ value for Inquiry Opportunities and click Save (use the following as an example):
- “Stage Name” = Inquired
- “Probability” = 10 (or whatever value you believe is appropriate)
- “Type” = Open
- “Forecast Category” = Pipeline
- Add at least one ‘Closed’ value for Inquiry Opportunities and click Save:
- “Stage Name” = No Longer Interested
- “Probability” = 0
- “Type” = Closed/Lost
- “Forecast Category” = Omitted
- Add at least one ‘Open’ value for Applicant Opportunities and click Save:
- “Stage Name” = Applied
- “Probability” = 60 (or whatever value you believe is appropriate)
- “Type” = Open
- “Forecast Category” = Pipeline
- Add at least one ‘Closed’ value for Applicant Opportunities and click Save:
- “Stage Name” = Enrolled
- “Probability” = 100
- “Type” = Closed/Won
- “Forecast Category” = Closed
- Other examples of Stages that could be useful are shown in the table below:
Sales Process | Stage Name | Probability | Type | Forecast Category |
Inquiry | Confirmed Interest | 20 | Open | Pipeline |
Applicant | Evaluated | 70 | Open | Pipeline |
Applicant | Admitted | 90 | Open | Pipeline |
Applicant | Deposit Received | 95 | Open | Pipeline |
Applicant | Withdrawn | 0 | Closed/Lost | Omitted |
Applicant | Denied | 0 | Closed/Lost | Omitted |
- If you want to delete any Stage values that were included in your org by default, you can do so on the Stage field's page by clicking Delete next to each Stage you want to remove and choosing what value to replace the Stage with.
Note: Be careful when deleting stages you are using in your system. This process will replace any values found on your Opportunities with the value you choose.
- To adjust the order the Stages will appear, go back to the Stage field’s page and click Reorder next to the New button. The best way to sort is from the earliest possible Stage at the top to the last possible Stage at the bottom. Here is what the order should be if you added all our suggested Stages:
- Go to Setup > Feature Settings > Sales > Sales Processes
- Click New and set the following values:
- “Existing Sales Process” = --Master--
- “Sales Process Name” = Inquiry
- Move your Inquiry stages from the left column to the right and click Save. If you used the suggested values, it should look like this:
Note: The first value of the Applicant Sales Process (“Applied”) is shown here as part of the Inquiry Sales Process. This is so staff members can manually move Opportunity records from inquiry to applicant. If only an integration tool or the Interaction Processor should be able to make this transition, exclude “Applied” from this list. This allows you to protect your stages if you are using a separate database or process to collect applications.
- Go to Setup > Feature Settings > Sales > Sales Processes
- Click New and set the following values:
- “Existing Sales Process” = --Master--
- “Sales Process Name” = Applicant
- Move your Applicant stages from the left column to the right and click Save. If you used the suggested values, it should look like this:
Note: Including only Applicant stages allows you to protect the stages and prevent someone from accidentally moving an Opportunity back to an Inquiry stage. You can also protect the stages by making Stage ‘Read Only’ on the Applicant Opportunity Page Layout, if the application process is managed by another database or updated only by the Interaction process.
- Go to Setup > Object Manager > Opportunity > Record Types > New
- Set the following values:
- “Existing Record Type” = --Master--
- “Record Type Label” = Inquiry Opportunity
- “Record Type Name” = Inquiry_Opportunity (this value should fill-in automatically)
- “Sales Process” = Inquiry
- “Active” = checked
- Select ‘Enable for Profile’ checkboxes for each Profile that will have access to create Inquiry Opportunities
- Select ‘Make Default’ checkboxes for all enabled Profiles
- Click the Next button and then click Save on the next page (you will assign the “Inquiry Opportunity” page layout to the record type after installing the package)
- Once you save, you will be taken to the Inquiry Record Type page, where you can edit picklists to include values specific to that record type, if applicable.
- Go to Setup > Object Manager > Opportunity > Record Types > New
- Set the following values:
- “Existing Record Type” = --Master--
- “Record Type Label” = Applicant Opportunity
- “Record Type Name” = Applicant_Opportunity (this value should fill-in automatically)
- “Sales Process” = Applicant
- “Active” = checked
- Select ‘Enable for Profile’ checkboxes for each Profile that will have access to create Applicant Opportunities
- Leave all ‘Make Default’ checkboxes unchecked
- Click the Next button and then click Save on the next page (you will assign the “Applicant Opportunity” page layout to the record type after installing the package)
- Once you save, you will be taken to the Applicant Record Type page, where you can edit picklists to include values specific to that record type, if applicable.
This recommended workflow rule ensures an Opportunity is set to the correct record type based on the Stage. In this way, when a new Opportunity is created with an ‘Applicant’ value or the Stage moves from an ‘Inquiry’ value to an ‘Applicant’ value, the record type is updated (since any Profiles with access to create Opportunities should have their default record type set to Inquiry Opportunity).
Follow these steps:
- Go to Setup > Process Automation > Workflow Rules
- Click New Rule and select ‘Opportunity’ from the “Select Object” picklist
- Click Next, then set the following values:
- “Rule Name” = Opportunity: Set Applicant Record Type
- “Evaluate the rule when a record is” = created, and every time it’s edited
- “Run this rule if the following” = criteria are met
- Opportunity: Stage not equal to Inquired, Confirmed Interest, No Longer Interested
- Opportunity: Opportunity Record Type not equal to Applicant Opportunity
Note: In the above criteria, the “Opportunity: Stage” values listed include all stages in the Inquiry Sales Process, except ‘Applied’ which is technically an applicant stage. In this example, we are using our suggested Inquiry stages, but you should use all values you have added to the Inquiry Sales Process.
- Click Save & Next, then select ‘New Field Update’ from the “Add Workflow Action” picklist, and set the following values:
- “Name” = Record Type: Set to Applicant
- “Unique Name” = Record_Type_Set_to_Applicant (this value should fill-in automatically)
- “Object” = Opportunity
- “Field to Update” = Opportunity Record Type
- “Re-evaluate Workflow Rules after Field Change” = unchecked
- “Opportunity Record Type” = Applicant Opportunity (or whatever the name of your Applicant record type is)
- Click Done, then click on the Workflow Rule (Opportunity: Set Applicant Record Type) linked in the Rules Using this Field Update section and click Activate to turn on the rule