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Requirements After Installing

Kara McIntyre edited this page May 31, 2019 · 10 revisions

Once you have installed Interactions for Student Recruitment, you will need to complete some manual updates and customizations for Interactions to work as expected. You can also take this as an opportunity to customize these aspects of the package to better fit your business processes.

Load Interaction Mappings

Interaction Mapping records determine how the code copies data from the Interaction records to other records in Salesforce, on a field-by-field basis. For more technical information about Interaction Mapping records, see the Interaction Mappings section of the Technical Implementation Guide.

Interaction Mappings also supports mapping fields from Leads to Interactions when an existing Lead is found for an Interaction. This prevents information from being lost on converted Leads during the Interaction process, and allows those fields to be mapped directly to other supported objects, like Contacts, Opportunities, Affiliations, or Campaign Members.

An Interaction Mapping record must be created for every source-to-target field mapping desired. An Excel file containing suggested Interaction Mapping records (as well as other sample data) has been created for the package based on the included fields.

Follow these steps to import these records using the Data Import Wizard:

  1. Download the Interactions Sample Data Excel file
  2. Open the file and create a separate CSV file with the Sample Interaction Mappings sheet of the Excel file
  3. Enable Middle Name or remove the Middle Name row from the file. To turn on Middle Name, see Enable Customizable Person Names using the Middle Name and Suffix fields
  4. Go to Setup > Data > Data Import Wizard
  5. Click the green Launch Wizard button
  6. Choose ‘Custom objects’ for the “What kind of data are you importing?” section and select the ‘Interaction Mappings’ object
  7. In the “What do you want to do?” section, select Add new records and leave all dropdowns and checkboxes blank What do you want to do section
  8. In the “Where is your data located?” section, select the CSV file from your computer, or drag and drop the file into the window and select Next
  9. Map each column of the CSV file to its matching Interaction Mappings field (some may auto-map)
  10. Select Next and review your import information
  11. When you are finished reviewing, select Start Import
  12. A pop-up will appear, click OK to see your Bulk Data Load Jobs

Create New Fields and Mappings

Interaction fields can be mapped to fields on Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Affiliations, and Campaign Members. As mentioned previously, Lead fields can also be mapped directly to Interactions.

To add a new field to Interactions, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Interactions > Fields and Relationships
  2. Create your new field, taking note of the API Name
  3. Go to Setup > Object Manager > [the object the field should map to] > Fields and Relationships
  4. Create your new field or identify the existing field you want to map to, and take note of the API Name
  5. Go to the Interaction Mappings tab and create a new record
  6. Select the source object you are mapping from in the “Source Object API Name” picklist (in this case, ‘Interaction__c’)
  7. Set the “Source Field API Name” field to the API name of the source object field you created or identified
  8. Select the target object you are mapping to in the “Target Object API Name” picklist
  9. Set the “Target Field API Name” field to the API name of the target object field you created or identified
  10. Set the “Active” checkbox to checked
  11. Include additional functionality like “Insert Nulls” or “Skip Mapping” as applicable

Caution Icon Note: For more on Interaction Mapping advanced functionality, see the Configure Interaction Mapping Features section of this guide and/or see the Technical Implementation Guide

Interaction Mapping Errors

Each time an Interaction Mapping is created or edited, an Apex process included in the package queries Salesforce to check if the values in the “Source/Target Field API Name” are valid based on the “Source/Target Object API Name” selected, respectively.

In the following example, the “Target Field API Name” is misspelled:

Interaction Mapping Error

Additionally, if the API Name of a field included in an Interaction Mapping is changed, the related Interaction Mapping will not work and will cause the Interaction process to error. Interactions for Student Recruitment does not include functionality preventing API Names from being changed, but standard Salesforce functionality will warn a user that the change could affect other processes. If the change is necessary, the Interaction Mapping must be updated afterward to prevent any issues.

Configure Interaction Mapping Features

Interaction Mapping records contain two fields to enable additional functionality. See the Advanced Functionality of Interaction Mapping Records section of the Technical Implementation Guide for more information.

Interaction Mapping Field Description
Insert Null A checkbox indicating that if the source field listed on the mapping record is blank, it should overwrite the target field listed with a blank value. Primarily used for Checkbox fields.
Skip Mapping A multi-select picklist listing possible Interaction Source values. If an Interaction record has an Interaction Source matching any of the selected values on the mapping record, the target field listed on the mapping record will not be written over by the value on the source field. For an example, see Using Interaction Source with Interaction Mappings.

Update Picklist Values

The package includes new picklists, multi-select picklists and values pushed into standard picklist fields. The values in those fields will need to be added to any record types not included with the package. For example, if your org has its own Opportunity record types and you want to use the Admit Type field, you will need to add the values for Admit Type to each of your record types.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Opportunity > Record Types
  2. Click on the name of the record type you want to update
  3. Select Edit next to the “Admit Type” field
  4. Add the values you want to move from the “Available” column to the “Selected” column
  5. Click Save

Caution Icon Note: Use these same steps to edit the picklist options for other objects by going to Setup > Object Manager > [Object] > Record Types

See the Data Dictionary for a complete list of the picklist fields added with the package as well as the values added to existing picklists.

Create Duplicate and Matching Rules

The Interaction process finds matching records in Salesforce by relying on system errors generated by Duplicate Rules and their Matching Rules. These errors include the Salesforce ID of the record found, and the Interaction process uses that ID to merge or update records. See the Duplicate Matching section of the Technical Implementation Guide for more information about the code.

Duplicate Rules and Matching Rules are difficult to move in a package, especially if you are currently using Salesforce Duplicate Management, so they must be manually created and configured. Follow the steps in the following subsections to learn about the requirements for configuring Duplicate Management with this package.

Create or Update Matching Rules

The Interaction Processor needs a Contact Matching Rule and a Lead Matching Rule with some specific formatting to work. If you already have Lead and/or Contact Matching Rules that are being used by a Duplicate Rule setup to ‘Block’ on Create or Edit, you will need to update your existing Matching Rules and Duplicate Rules to follow the format described here.

Caution Icon Note: Any Block Duplicate Rule that is triggered by the Interactions Processor could cause issues if the Duplicate Rule or Matching Rule is not formatted correctly.

Create Lead Matching Rule:

  1. Go to Setup > Data > Duplicate Management > Matching Rules
  2. Click New Rule then select ‘Lead’ from the Object dropdown and click Next or open and edit your existing Lead Matching Rule
  3. Set the following values for Rule Details:
  • “Rule Name” = Interaction Lead Matching
  • “Description” = Leveraged by the Interaction process.
  1. Matching Criteria and Filter Logic (recommended) Lead Matching Rule Criteria
  2. Click Save and then Activate the Matching Rule

Caution Icon Note: Overly-complicated criteria is not recommended and could be flagged by Salesforce and prevent activation.

Create Contact Matching Rule:

  1. Go to Setup > Data > Duplicate Management > Matching Rules
  2. Click New Rule then select ‘Contact’ from the Object dropdown and click Next or open and edit your existing Contact Matching Rule
  3. Set the following values for Rule Details:
  • “Rule Name” = Interaction Contact Matching
  • “Description” = Leveraged by the Interaction process. The rule must be formatted exactly like this: (Your Matching Criteria) OR (Account Name, Exact, Match Blank TRUE AND (Your Matching Criteria))
  1. Matching Criteria and Filter Logic (recommended) Contact Matching Rule Criteria
  2. Click Save and then Activate the Matching Rule

Caution Icon Note: Any field included in the matching criteria must be mapped to the Contact using Salesforce Lead Mappings in setup on Leads. Any field included in the matching criteria must also be mapped from Interaction to Contact using an Interaction Mapping record.

Create or Update Duplicate Rules

If you already have a Lead Duplicate Rule or Contact Duplicate rule setup to Block on Create or Edit, the Interactions Processor can trigger it and cause errors if it is not formatted correctly. Instead of creating new rules (by following the steps below), you will need to update your existing ones to use the matching rules you just created/updated and the following settings.

Create Lead Duplicate Rule:

  1. Go to Setup > Data > Duplicate Management > Duplicate Rules
  2. Click New Rule and select the ‘Lead’ object from the dropdown and click Next or open and edit your existing Lead Duplicate Rule
  3. Set the following values:
  • “Rule Name” = Interaction Lead Duplicate Rule
  • “Description” = This rule is leveraged by the Interaction Process. Action on Create and Edit must be set to Block.
  • “Record-Level Security” = Bypass sharing rules
  • “Action on Create” = Block
  • “Action on Edit” = Block
  • “Alert Text” = (leave the standard message or create your own!)
  • “Compare Leads with” = Leads
  • “Matching Rule” = Interaction Lead Matching (the Lead Matching Rule you created or updated earlier)
  • “Conditions” = None

  1. Click Save and then Activate the Duplicate Rule

Create Contact Duplicate Rule:

  1. Go to Setup > Data > Duplicate Management > Duplicate Rules
  2. Click New Rule and select the ‘Contact’ object from the dropdown and click Next or open and edit your existing Contact Duplicate Rule
  3. Set the following values:
  • “Rule Name” = Interaction Contact Duplicate Rule
  • “Description” = This rule is leveraged by the Interaction Process. Action on Create and Edit must be set to Block.
  • “Record-Level Security” = Bypass sharing rules
  • “Action on Create” = Block
  • “Action on Edit” = Block
  • “Alert Text” = (leave the standard message or create your own!)
  • “Compare Contacts with” = Contacts
  • “Matching Rule” = Interaction Contact Matching (the Contact Matching Rule you created or updated earlier)
  • “Conditions” = None

  1. Click Save and then Activate the Duplicate Rule

Caution Icon Note: See the Duplicate Matching section of the Technical Implementation Guide for more information about how the Interactions Processor uses these matching and duplicate rules.

Update Lead to Contact Standard Field Mapping

The Interactions Processor makes use of the standard Lead Conversion process to convert Leads to Contacts. Through Interactions, Salesforce Lead Mappings only work for mapping custom Lead fields to other custom Account or Contact fields. Standard Lead fields are automatically mapped. Custom Lead fields cannot be mapped to standard fields and vice versa.

Caution Icon Note: Lead Mappings will not function from Leads to Opportunities. To map fields from Leads to Opportunities, use Interaction Mappings to map Lead fields directly to Interactions and from Interactions to Opportunities.

To ensure the Duplicate Rules work as expected, any custom fields included in Duplicate Matching Rules must be mapped from Leads to Contacts.

Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Lead > Fields & Relationships
  2. Click on the Map Lead Fields button in the upper right
  3. Map the Lead fields to their counterpart Contact fields: Lead Standard Mappings

Activate Workflow Rules

The Interactions package includes several Workflow Rules that should be activated after installation. For a complete list of the delivered rules and their field updates, see the Data Dictionary.

To activate a Workflow Rule, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Setup > Process Automation > Workflow Rules Activate Workflow Rules
  2. Go through the list of Workflow Rules and select the Activate link next to rule’s name to activate that rule
  3. Each time you activate a rule, the page will refresh

Update Object Page Layouts

Interactions for Student Recruitment includes the following page layouts:

  • Interactions
  • Interaction Mappings
  • Academic Interests
  • Recruitment Interests
  • Inquiry Opportunities
  • Applicant Opportunities

The package also includes new fields and related lists you will want to add to your existing page layouts. The update steps are very similar for each page layout, so feel free to jump around or complete one and try the rest out on your own.

Additionally, the Interactions Package includes some new object-specific custom Actions (in Classic and Lightning) for the following objects:

  • Leads
  • Contacts
  • Opportunities
  • Campaigns

To take full advantage of the new functionality, these Actions need to be added to the page layouts of these objects (except for Opportunity layouts, these come out-of-the-box with the custom Actions). For this reason, we recommend at least completing the steps for adding the new custom Actions to these page layouts.

We talk more about using these Actions in Best Practices - Creating Interactions Manually.

Update Lead Layouts:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Lead > Page Layouts
  2. Open the page layout you want to update by clicking on the name
  3. You will be adding Actions from two sections found in the left side of the palette at the top of the Page Layout edit page:
  • Quick Actions for Classic Apps
  • Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions for Lightning Apps Update Lead Layouts 1
  1. In both the Quick Actions and Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions sections, you will see two Actions named “New Interaction." Hover over each to see the developer name. The Lead-specific action, which you will add to your Lead Page Layouts, is named “Lead.New_Interaction.”
    Update Lead Layouts 2
  2. Drag the “Lead.New_Interaction” action to the Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic Publisher section for use in Classic…
    Update Lead Layouts 3
    …and to the Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience Actions section for use in Lightning:
    Update Lead Layouts 4
  3. Select Related Lists in the left side of the palette and drag the Interactions related list to the desired position in the related list section:
    Update Lead Layouts 5
  4. You can add, remove, or move the fields that display in the related list, decide how to sort the records, and determine which buttons appear by clicking the wrench icon. Choose a limit of ten fields to display in Classic and the “View All” page for related lists in Lightning. The first four fields will display in the related list on record pages in Lightning.
    Update Lead Layouts 6
  5. Consider removing the New button in the Interactions Related List options to ensure users create Interactions with the Actions you added in step 5.
    Update Lead Layouts 7
  6. Drag any new fields to their desired position on the Lead layout from Fields in the left of the palette. See the Data Dictionary for a full list of fields added through the package.
    Update Lead Layouts 8
  7. Click Save

Update Contact Layouts:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Contact > Page Layouts
  2. Open the page layout you want to update by clicking on the name
  3. You will be adding Actions from two sections found in the left side of the palette at the top of the Page Layout edit page:
  • Quick Actions for Classic Apps
  • Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions for Lightning Apps Update Contact Layouts 1
  1. In both the Quick Actions and Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions sections, you will see two Actions named “New Interaction." Hover over each to see the developer name. The Contact-specific action, which you will add to your Contact Page Layouts, is named “Contact.New_Interaction.”
    Update Contact Layouts 2
  2. Follow step 5 of Updating Lead Layouts to add the custom Actions to the Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic Publisher and Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience Actions sections of the Contact layout
  3. Follow steps 6-8 of Updating Lead Layouts to add the Interactions related list to the Contact layout and learn about some related list options
  4. Follow step 9 of Updating Lead Layouts to add, remove, and/or move new and existing fields on the Contact layout
  5. Click Save

Caution Icon Note: For a comprehensive list of the fields added by the package, please see the Data Dictionary.

Update Campaign Layouts:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Campaign > Page Layouts
  2. Open the page layout you want to update by clicking on the name
  3. You will be adding Actions from two sections found in the left side of the palette at the top of the Page Layout edit page:
  • Quick Actions for Classic Apps
  • Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions for Lightning Apps Update Campaign Layouts 1
  1. In both the Quick Actions and Salesforce1 & Lightning Actions sections, you will see two Actions named “New Interaction." Hover over each to see the developer name. The Campaign-specific action, which you will add to your Campaign Page Layouts, is named “Campaign.New_Interaction.”
    Update Campaign Layouts 2
  2. Follow step 5 of Updating Lead Layouts to add the custom Actions to the Quick Actions in the Salesforce Classic Publisher and Salesforce1 and Lightning Experience Actions sections of the Campaign layout
  3. Follow steps 6-8 of Updating Lead Layouts to add the Interactions related list to the Campaign layout and learn about some related list options
  4. Follow step 9 of Updating Lead Layouts to add, remove, and/or move new and existing fields on the Campaign layout
  5. Click Save

Caution Icon Note: For a comprehensive list of the fields added by the package, please see the Data Dictionary.

Update Campaign Member Layouts:

  1. Go to Setup > Object Manager > Campaign Member > Page Layouts
  2. Open the page layout(s) you want to update by clicking on the name
  3. Drag any new fields to their desired position on the Campaign Member layout from Fields in the left of the palette. See the Data Dictionary for a full list of fields added through the package.
    Update Campaign Member Layouts 1
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