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Bartłomiej Stępień edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 8 revisions

Eagle Factions allows you to choose how factions data is stored.

You can specify what storage type should be used in the Settings.conf configuration file.

storage {
    # Which storage type should be used?
    # Available storage types (default: hocon):
    # - "hocon" (Recommended)
    # - "h2"    (Recommended)
    # - "sqlite"
    # - "mysql"
    # - "mariadb"

    # If you are using a SQL database then you can setup a username and password for your connection here.

    # Database url. If you are using MySQL then this field will be used to determine the url of the database. E.g. localhost:3306/ + database-file-name
    # All other databases are stored in eaglefaction's config folder. NOTE: This must end with "/" as name is then added to this url.

    # Database file name. Default: "eaglefactions"

At this moment you can use following storage types:

File-based storage which are often easy to edit in a text-editor program:

  • HOCON (.conf) (Recommended)

Database storage:

  • H2 (Recommended)
  • MySQL (8.x.x)
  • MariaDB (10.x.x)

Default storage type used by Eagle Factions is HOCON.