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Bartłomiej Stępień edited this page Apr 11, 2024 · 2 revisions

🔐 Permissions 🔐

Note: This page contains permissions and commands list for Eagle Factions versions prior to 1.0.0

Also, take a look at /f perms command. By using it, You can setup what your team members and allies are able to do in your faction's territory.

List of Permissions 🔏

For x.x.x < 1.0.0:

Level Type Usage Permission Description
Player Commands Everything eaglefactions Gives access to everything
Player Command Player Commands eaglefactions.player Gives access to player commands
Admin Command Admin Commands eaglefactions.admin Gives access to admin commands
Player Command /f help Shows all available commands in the chat which a player has permissions for
Player Command /f chat Gives access to switching chat mode (Global, Alliance, Faction)
Player Command /f create <tag> <faction> eaglefactions.player.create Gives access to create command
Player Command /f disband eaglefactions.player.disband Gives access to disband command
Player Command /f list eaglefactions.player.list Gives access to list command
Player Command /f leave eaglefactions.player.leave Gives access to leave command
Player Command /f invite <player> eaglefactions.player.invite Gives access to invite command
Player Command /f join <faction> eaglefactions.player.join Gives access to join command
Player Command /f kick <player> eaglefactions.player.kick Gives access to kick command
Player Command /f version eaglefactions.player.version Gives access to version command
Player Command /f info <faction> Gives access to info commands
Player Command /f info <faction> Gives access to self info command
Player Commnad /f info <faction> Gives access to others info command
Player Command /f relations <faction> eaglefactions.player.relations Gives access to relations commands
Player Command /f relations <faction> eaglefactions.player.relations.self Gives access to self relations commands
Player Command /f relations <faction> eaglefactions.player.relations.others Gives access to others relations commands
Player Command /f player [player] eaglefactions.player.player Shows informations about a player
Player Command /f ally <faction> Gives access to ally command
Player Command /f truce <faction> eaglefactions.player.truce Gives access to truce command
Player Command /f enemy <faction> eaglefactions.player.enemy Gives access to enemy command
Player Command /f promote <player> eaglefactions.player.promote Promotes player to higher rank.
Player Command /f demote <player eaglefactions.player.demote Demotes player to lower rank.
Player Command /f setleader <player> eaglefactions.player.setleader Transfer leadership of the faction
Player Command /f claims <faction> View claims of your faction
Player Command /f claim <faction> eaglefactions.player.claim Claims a land where a player is currently standing.
Player Command /f squareclaim <radius> eaglefactions.player.radiusclaim Claims territories in radius.
Player Command /f fillclaim eaglefactions.player.fillclaim Claims chunks in flood style starting from player position
Player Command /f autoclaim eaglefactions.player.autoclaim Turns on/off autoclaiming
Player Command /f unclaim eaglefactions.player.unclaim Unclaim a land where a player is currently standing
Player Command /f unclaimall eaglefactions.player.unclaimall Unclaims all lands
Player Command /f access eaglefactions.player.access Shows the access to the claim your are standing in.
Player Command /f access player <player> eaglefactions.player.access.player Sets/Unsets the given player as the owner of the claim.
Player Command /f access faction eaglefactions.player.access.faction Sets/Unsets accessibilty for entire faction for the claim your are standing in.
Player Command /f access ownedBy <player> eaglefactions.player.access.ownedby View list of claims owned by the given player.
Player Command /f access notAccessibleByFaction eaglefactions.player.access.notaccessiblebyfaction View list of claims that faction has not access to.
Player Command /f attack eaglefactions.player.attack Attacks a claim you are currently standing in
Player Command /f map Shows faction's map. You can even claim lands by clicking unclaimed lands on the map
Player Command /f automap eaglefactions.player.automap Shows map everytime you change a chunk
Player Command /f home [<faction>] eaglefactions.player.home Teleports to faction's home
Admin Command /f home <faction> eaglefactions.admin.home.teleport_to_others Teleports to other factions home
Player Extra Not a command eaglefactions.admin.home.nodelay Ignores the home teleport delay time
Player Command /f sethome eaglefactions.player.sethome Sets faction's home
Player Command /f coords <faction> eaglefactions.player.coords Shows coordinates of all faction's members, faction's home and nearest faction territory.
Player Command /f perms eaglefactions.player.perms Shows faction's perms. Can be used only by faction's leader.
Player Command /f rename <name> eaglefactions.player.rename Changes faction's name
Player Command /f tag <tag> eaglefactions.player.tag Changes faction's tag
Player Command /f tagcolor <color> eaglefactions.player.tagcolor Allows chaning tag's color.
Player Command /f chest [<faction>] eaglefactions.player.chest Opens faction's chest.
Player Command /f desc <description> eaglefactions.player.description Changes faction's description
Player Command /f motd <message of the day> eaglefactions.player.motd Changes faction's motd
Admin Command /f createbackup eaglefactions.admin.backup.create Creates backup of Eagle Factions data
Admin Command /f restorebackup <name> eaglefactions.admin.backup.restore Restores the given Eagle Factions backup
Admin Command /f reload eaglefactions.admin.reload Reloads config files (so that you don't need to restart your server)
Admin Command /f adminmode eaglefactions.admin.adminmode Turns on/off faction's adminmode.
Admin Permission Not a command eaglefactions.constant.adminmode Gives constant admin mode (acess to protected claims)
Admin Command /f setpower <player> <amount> eaglefactions.admin.setpower Sets player's power
Admin Command /f setmaxpower <player> <amount> eaglefactions.admin.maxpower Sets player's maxpower
Admin Command /f setmaxpower_forall <amount> eaglefactions.admin.maxpowerforall Sets maxpower for all players
Admin Command /f setfaction <player> <faction> <rank> eaglefactions.admin.setfaction Force sets player faction
Admin Command /f feather eaglefactions.admin.feather Gives Eagle's feather
Admin Command /f regen <faction> eaglefactions.admin.regen Disbands the given faction and then regenerate its claimed chunks
Admin Command /f flags <faction> eaglefactions.admin.flags Shows faction flags (mob_grief, pvp, powerloss etc.)
Admin Command /f setflag <faction> <flag> <value> eaglefactions.admin.setflag Sets flag value (mob_grief, pvp, powerloss etc.)
Admin Command /f debug eaglefactions.admin.debug Toggles Debug Mode
Admin Notify Not a command eaglefactions.admin.version.notify Notifies a player about the new version if there is one
Admin Build Not a command Allows building in the SafeZone
Admin Build Not a command Allows building in the WarZone
Admin Interact Not a command eaglefactions.safezone.interact Allows using chests, levers etc. in the SafeZone NOTE: Needed for block placing
Admin Interact Not a command eaglefactions.warzone.interact Allows using chests, levers etc. in the WarZone NOTE: Needed for block placing