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Integrations Dynmap

Bartłomiej Stępień edited this page Mar 14, 2020 · 1 revision

Dynmap Integration

Eagle Factions provides support for Dynmap.

You can enable/disable it inside config file.

When this integration is enabled, Eagle Factions will try to connect to Dynmap mod/plugin and will display factions' territories in dynamic map.

Some additional information about the faction can be viewed after clicking the territory in the map. By default, faction's leader and information about faction memebrs is showed in the information window.

Here is the config part for Dynmap:

#                                                     #
#                  Dynmap Integration                 #
#                                                     #

dynmap {
    # Enables Dynmap Integration

    ### Customization (you can pick the colors on HEX color pciker)
    # Color of faction that isn't Safe or War zone

    # Color of SafeZone faction

    # Color of WarZone faction

    # Icon of the faction home marker. Full icon list is located at

    ### Factions privacy (Information showed in faction description showed in an infowindow)

    # Shows the faction's leader

    # Shows info about faction members