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MCU Pin Out

Tim Brewis edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 19 revisions

VCU Pin Diagram

                                                        CAN2_TX |05|06| VREFP
                  CN8                                   CAN2_RX |07|08| GND
             NC |01|02|                                         |09|10|
          IOREF |03|04|                                         |11|12|
          RESET |05|06|                                         |13|14|
           +3V3 |07|08|                                         |15|16|
            +5V |09|10|                               DAC1_OUT1 |17|18|
            GND |11|12|                                         |19|20|
            GND |13|14|
            VIN |15|16|                                    VDDA |01|02|
                                                           AGND |03|04|
     ADC1_INP15 |01|02|                                     GND |05|06|
     ADC3_INP10 |03|04|                                         |07|08|
                |05|06|                                         |09|10|
      ADC2_INP5 |07|08|                                 CAN3_RX |11|12|
                |09|10|                                         |13|14|
         RTD_IN |11|12| GND                                     |15|16|
                |13|14|                                     GND |17|18|
        RTD_OUT |15|16|                                         |19|20|
         BUZZER |17|18|                                         |21|22| GND
       FAULT_IN |19|20|                                         |23|24|
                |21|22|                                         |25|26|
            GND |23|24|                                     GND |27|28|
        CAN1_RX |25|26| CAN3_TX                                 |29|30|
        CAN1_TX |27|28|                                         |31|32| 
                |29|30|                                         |33|34|
                  CN9                                            CN10

Description of Pin Functions

Signal Name Schematic Name Direction Active Function
RTD_IN RTD_IN Input High On rising edge VCU enters ready-to-drive state
RTD_OUT !RTD_STATUS Output Low Driven low in ready-to-drive state, high otherwise
FAULT_IN SHUTDOWN_SENSE Input Low On falling edge, VCU enters fault/shutdown state.
BUZZER SPEAKER_ENABLE Output High Driven high for ? seconds before entering ready-to-drive state
ADC1_INP15 APPS_A Input First analogue throttle input
ADC2_INP5 APPS_B Input Second analogue throttle input
ADC3_INP10 BPS Input Brake pressure sensor analogue input
DAC1_OUT1 ? Output DRS PWM IC control
CAN1_RX Input CAN receive (inverter)
CAN1_TX Output CAN transmit (inverter)

Built-In LEDs

Signal Name On Off Flashing
RED_LED Waiting for ready-to-drive Normal operation Critical fault

Special cases:

  • Red and yellow LEDs together indicates HAL Error_Handler() was called (probably a HAL initialisation error).