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Rodrigo Freire edited this page Jul 3, 2020 · 12 revisions


  • By having a SDR embedded in the radio, there are no modifications on the radio's chassis or external hanging wires, or even having to connect a SDR and fiddle with extensions, induction issues or long lossy transmission lines
  • This design isolates the SDR port when the radio is in Transmit mode
  • Avoid ground loops
  • Avoids radiating RF noise inside the radio via an external cable
  • SDRs has no filtering, since it is manufactured to accept the whole spectrum, and suffers chronically with strong signal images. By taking advantage of the transceiver's preselector filters you get a lot cleaner spectrum output.
  • You do not need to use external clumsy antenna switches to your radio / SDR - and losses
  • You have access to HF, VHF and UHF bands just by selecting the band of interest in the radio
  • Takes full advantage of the FT-991/A preselectors and Bandpass Filters
  • While the built-in Scope provides a 1 MHz maximum band width, the RTL-SDR panadapter provides you 2.4 MHz band coverage.

SDR Frequency Span

SDR Frequency Span - Red box depicts the SCP span