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Wiki template

Emanuele Gissi edited this page Jul 24, 2023 · 3 revisions

ℹ️ Updated to qgis2fds 1.0 or whatever

This wiki page is a template for writing qgis2fds documentation. This initial paragraph of your wiki page should contain a quick summary of the page content. No title should be provided.

If your new page depends on a specific qgis2fds version, add the > :information_source: on top of it.

This is the first paragraph

This is the first paragraph of your text. Start with a level two title (## Title).

This is a sub-paragraph

This is its text. It has a level three title (### Title).

UPPER and lowercase

The QGIS application, the FDS solver, and FDS namelists (eg. GEOM) are always UPPERCASE.

But the qgis2fds plugin is lowercase.

How to add QGIS UI elements

This is a file name golden_gate.gqs, this is a QGIS menu Layer > Data Source Manager, a QGIS button New.

How to add links

Here are some examples of explanatory links:

LANDFIRE (Landscape Fire and Resource Management Planning Tools) is a shared program ...

If you are curious, This Wikipedia page explains ...

A definition:

A QGIS project is composed of geographic data layers. Each data layer is projected on the map according to its coordinate reference system (CRS). Your QGIS project also has an associated CRS.

This is a link to another wiki page: the Install wiki page

This is a link to an external page: QGIS User Guide.

This is a link to a project directory: landuse_types directory.

How to add tables

Here is a table:

Parameter Description Example
FDS case identificator (CHID) Set the name of the FDS case; this string is used as FDS case filename and as HEAD and GEOM namelist identificator IDs. case string
Save in folder Set the destination folder of all the exported files of the FDS case. You can also use a path relative to the *.qgz file ./fds_case path

How to include pictures

Here is how you insert your pictures in the wiki page:

Put your picture files in a separate directory in the p/other path.

If you want to include screenshots, add red arrows or circles to show specific features:

How to include code

Here is how you can insert some code:

0,"&SURF ID='NA' RGB=255,255,255 /"
1,"&SURF ID='A01' RGB=255,254,212 VEG_LSET_FUEL_INDEX=1 /"
2,"&SURF ID='A02' RGB=255,253,102 VEG_LSET_FUEL_INDEX=2 /"
99,"&SURF ID='Barren' RGB=133,153,156 /"
1000,"&SURF ID='Ignition' VEG_LSET_IGNITE_TIME=0. COLOR='RED'" /
1001,"&SURF ID='Burned' RGB=20,20,20 /"

How to add lists

Here is a bulleted list:

  • the two last lines of the file should always ... ;
  • the attribute value integers should be ...;
  • the last item of the list.

Here is a numbered list:

  1. the two last lines of the file should always ... ;
  2. the attribute value integers should be ...;
  3. the last item of the list.
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