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api input string

Jesse Freeman edited this page Nov 11, 2021 · 1 revision

The InputString() API returns the keyboard input from the current frame. This API is useful for capturing keyboard text input.


InputString ( )


Value Description
string A string of characters entered during the current frame.


In this example, we are going to capture any text typed and display it on the screen. Running this code will output the following:

image alt text


-- Store the text between frames
local inputText = ""

-- Cap on how much text will be displayed
local maxCharacters = 30

function Init()

  -- Example Title
  DrawText("InputString()", 8, 8, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "large", 15)
  DrawText("Lua Example", 8, 16, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "medium", 15, -4)
  -- Display the instructions
  DrawText("Start Typing", 1, 4, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15)


function Update(timeDelta)

  -- Check how long the input text is and clear it if when it gets too long
  if(#inputText > maxCharacters) then
    inputText = ""

  -- Add the current frame's input to the previous frame's text
  inputText = inputText .. InputString()


function Draw()

  -- Redraw display

  -- Display the text that has been entered
  DrawText(inputText, 8, 48, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 14)



namespace PixelVision8.Player
    class InputStringExample : GameChip
        // Store the text between frames
        private string inputText = "";

        // Cap on how much text will be displayed
        private int maxCharacters = 30;

        public override void Init()

            // Example Title
            DrawText("InputString()", 8, 8, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "large", 15);
            DrawText("C Sharp Example", 8, 16, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "medium", 15, -4);

            // Display the instructions
            DrawText("Start Typing", 1, 4, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15);


        public override void Update(int timeDelta)
            // Check how long the input text is and clear it if when it gets too long
            if (inputText.Length > maxCharacters)
                inputText = "";

            // Add the current frame's input to the previous frame's text
            inputText = inputText + InputString();


        public override void Draw()
            // Redraw display

            // Display the text that has been entered
            DrawText(inputText, 8, 48, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 14);

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