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api draw sprite

Jesse Freeman edited this page Nov 11, 2021 · 1 revision

The DrawSprite() API allows you to draw a single sprite to the display. Sprites represent individual collections of 8 x 8 blocks of pixel data. Each sprite is cached by the SpriteChip making sprite draw requests very fast. The display also has a limitation on how many sprites that can be on the screen at the same time. Each time you call DrawSprite(), the sprite counts against the total amount the display can render. If you attempt to draw more sprites than the display can handle, the call is ignored. One thing to keep in mind when drawing sprites is that their X and Y positions wrap if they reach the right or bottom border of the screen. You can use the display’s overscan to hide sprites offscreen until they are needed.

Using the DrawSprite() API also allows you to flip the pixel data horizontally or vertically as well as change the color ID values. To conserve the SpriteChip’s memory, you can use these three pre-render flags to optimize your sprites.


DrawSprite ( id, x, y, flipH, flipV, drawMode, colorOffset )


Name Value Description
id int The unique ID of the sprite to use in the SpriteChip.
x int An int value representing the X position to place sprite on the display. If set to 0, it renders on the far left-hand side of the screen.
y int An int value representing the Y position to place the sprite on the display. If set to 0, it renders on the top of the screen.
flipH bool This is an optional argument which accepts a bool. The default value is set to false but passing in true flips the pixel data horizontally.
flipV bool This is an optional argument which accepts a bool. The default value is set to false but passing in true flips the pixel data vertically.
drawMode DrawMode This argument accepts the DrawMode enum. You can use Sprite, SpriteBelow, and TilemapCache to change where the pixel data is drawn to. By default, this value is DrawMode.Sprite.
colorOffset int This optional argument accepts an int that offsets all the color IDs in the pixel data array. This value is added to each int, in the pixel data array, allowing you to simulate palette shifting.

Draw Modes

The DrawSprite() API supports the following draw modes:

DrawMode Layer ID Supported
TilemapCache -1 Yes
Background 0 No
SpriteBelow 1 Yes
Tile 2 Yes
Sprite 3 Yes
UI 4 Yes
SpriteAbove 5 Yes
Mouse 6 Yes

Attempting to use an unsupported draw mode will cancel the draw request. When using DrawMode.TilemapCache or DrawMode.Tile, the tilemap’s coordinate space will be used. In the case of DrawMode.Tile, the X and Y values will become Column and Row. For DrawMode.TilemapCache you can use X and Y to place the sprite on the tilemap itself. That means that wrapping for the sprite’s coordinates will switch from the screen boundaries to the tilemap itself.


For this example, we are going to render a sprite to the display. To do this, we need the sprite’s ID which you can find in Pixel Vision OS’s Sprite Tool.

image alt text

To calculate a sprite’s ID by hand, you can find the first sprite at the top left part of the sprites.png file. Once we have the sprite’s ID we can use the following code example to draw it. Running this code will output the following:

image alt text


-- Use floats to store the subpixel position
local speed = 5
local nextPos = 0

-- Use this point to position the  sprites
local pos = NewPoint()

function Init()
  -- Example Title
  DrawText("DrawSprite()", 1, 1, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15)
  DrawText("Lua Example", 8, 16, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "medium", 15, -4)


function Update(timeDelta)

  -- Calculate the next position
  nextPos = nextPos + (speed * (timeDelta / 100))

  -- Need to convert the nextPoint to an int, so we'll save it in a point
  pos.X = Repeat( nextPos, Display( ).X )

  pos.Y = nextPos


function Draw()

  -- Redraw the display

  -- Draw sprite group moving horizontally and hide when it goes offscreen
  DrawSprite(0, pos.X, 32)

  -- Draw flipped sprite group moving vertically but render when offscreen
  DrawSprite(1, 36, pos.Y)

  -- Show the total number of sprites
  DrawText("Sprites " .. ReadTotalSprites(), 144 + 24, 224, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 15)

  -- Draw the x,y position of each sprite
  DrawText("(" .. pos.X .. ",8)", pos.X + 8, 32, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 15)
  DrawText("(36," .. pos.Y .. ")", 36 + 8, pos.Y, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 15)



namespace PixelVision8.Player
    public class DrawSpriteExample : GameChip
        // Use floats to store the subpixel position
        private float speed = 5;
        private float nextPos;

        // Use this point to position the  sprites
        private Point pos;

        public override void Init()

            // Example Title
            DrawText("DrawSprite()", 1, 1, DrawMode.Tile, "large", 15);
            DrawText("C Sharp Example", 8, 16, DrawMode.TilemapCache, "medium", 15, -4);


        public override void Update(int timeDelta)

            // Calculate the next position
            nextPos = nextPos + (speed * (timeDelta / 100f));

            // Need to convert the nextPoint to an int, so we'll save it in a point
            pos.X = Repeat( (int)nextPos, Display( ).X );

            pos.Y = Repeat( (int)nextPos, Display( ).Y );


        public override void Draw()
            // Redraw the display

            // Draw sprite group moving horizontally and hide when it goes offscreen
            DrawSprite(0, pos.X, 32);

            // Draw flipped sprite group moving vertically but render when offscreen
            DrawSprite(1, 36, pos.Y);

            // Show the total number of sprites
            DrawText("Sprites " + ReadTotalSprites(), 144 + 24, 224, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 15);

            // Draw the x,y position of each sprite
            DrawText("(" + pos.X + ",8)", pos.X + 8, 32, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 15);
            DrawText("(36," + pos.Y + ")", 36 + 8, pos.Y, DrawMode.Sprite, "large", 15);

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