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Migrating to Optimus 2.0

Krishnanand B edited this page Jul 10, 2017 · 6 revisions

Optimus 2.0 is now available.

Major Changes

  • Migrated from Redis server to MongoDB
  • Generic Step Creation
  • Bug fixes

Steps for migration

  • Step1: Update Optimus-Cli

    In your terminal run command npm update -g optimus-cli.

    Note: If optimus-cli fails to update, try to reinstall it using commands npm uninstall -g optimus-cli and npm install -g optimus-cli.

  • Step2: Migrate to MongoDB Run command optimus setup. This will install MongoDB. Setup the mongodb data folder as shown here

  • Step3: Replace below files, with the latest changes.

  • Step4 Add Optimus Configuration (To add generic steps)

    • Create folder META-INF under src/test/resources folder.
    • Add file Optimus.yaml under META-INF
    • Specify optimus configuration. Example configuration file can be found here

Verify your migration by running any of your existing tests.

Fragmentation Mode:

 gradle runFragmentation -DtestFeed=<yourTestFeedName> -Dtags=<yourTags>

Distribution Mode:

  gradle runDistribution -DtestFeed=<yourTestFeedName> -Dtags=<yourTags>