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Nishant edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 13 revisions

1. Optimus doctor command fails throwing "Cannot find linux brew, install it manally from '' update and try again"?

2. How to get app package and launch activity?

3. How to Install NPM on Linux Platform?

4. aapt is not found, when trying to get app package name and launchable activity

5. My Scenario runs fine using gradle command but fails when running it from IntelliJ runner.

6. Cannot run mongod as it cannot find /data/db folder.

7. Unable to use xcodebuild or xcode is not detecting.

Optimus doctor command fails throwing "Cannot find linux brew, install it manally from '' update and try again"?

Please check if your machine is installed with linuxbrew as below Install brew by using

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Edit your ~/.bash_profile to add ~/.linuxbrew/bin to your PATH:

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"' >>~/.bash_profile

Use doctor to Verify if you system is ready for using Optimus

optimus doctor 

How to get app package and launch activity?

Use below commands to get

  • Package name
aapt dump badging /path/to/apk | grep package:\ name
  • Launchable Activity
aapt dump badging /path/to/apk  | grep launchable-activity:\ name

How to install NPM on Linux platform

Do not install nodejs through apt-get, which will need sudo rights and appium will not work if node is installed as sudo user. If you have already installed remove it using

sudo apt-get remove nodejs

sudo apt-get remove npm

Download latest nodejs linux binaries form nodeJS

Extract into a folder that doesn't need sudo rights to access, for example your home folder.

tar -xvf <downloaded_binary_tar.gz>

Add the following line to your ~/.bashrc file.

export PATH=$PATH:<full_path_of_the_extracted_node_folder>/bin

Open a now terminal and do

npm install -g optimus-cli

Once Optimus-Cli gets downloaded, verify using

optimus version
$ 1.3.9

aapt is not found, when trying to get app package name and launchable activity

Check whether the following paths are added to your .bash_profile

  export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/android-sdk
  export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools:$PATH
  export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$PATH
  export PATH=$ANDROID_HOME/build-tools/25.0.2:$PATH

My Scenario runs fine using gradle command but fails when running it from IntelliJ runner.

When running a scenario using IntelliJ runner you have to pass below parameters as part of VM Options and run the gradle task optimusSetup before running the scenario.

-DtestFeed = <your-testfeed-name>
-DrunMode = <Fragmentation/Distribution>

Cannot run mongod as it cannot find /Data/db folder.

If you have installed mongodb using optimus doctor command. You will have to manually create /Data/db folder.

Here is how you do it in terminal

sudo mkdir -p /Data/db
sudo chmod 777 /Data/db

try running mongod command in your terminal now, mongo instance should be up and running on port 27017

Unable to use xcodebuild or xcode is not detecting.

  1. (Re) Install Xcode.
  2. Point xcode-select to the Xcode Developer Directory(by default Applications folder) using the following command:
    sudo xcode-select -switch /Applications/