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Note types

Laica edited this page Dec 29, 2020 · 2 revisions


These notes will appear from the centre and move towards the ring. Move the paddle to the place they are going towards and hit them as they intersect the ring to maximize score.

You can hit "Beats" using the mouse left and right buttons or using the Z and X buttons in your keyboard

And you can easily customize that keybind to another key in the settings of osu!

Judgement Score Value Accuracy
Miss 0 0%
Good 100 33.33%
Great 300 100%


These notes will appear from the centre and move towards the ring. They look like a giant circle heading towards the outer ring. Hit them as the head intersects the ring, You can hit "HardBeats" wherever you are on the ring so you do not need to aim for them.

You can hit "HardBeats" using the Space bar button in your keybaord

And you can easily customize that keybind to another key in the settings of osu!

Judgement Score Value Accuracy
Miss 0 0%
Good 100 33.33%
Great 300 100%

BigBeats (Not yet implemented)

Coming soon


These notes will appear from the centre and move towards the ring. Move the paddle to the place they are going towards and hit them as they intersect the ring. To maximize score you will need to follow the slider as the path moves.

You can hit "Sliders" using the mouse left and right buttons or using the Z and X buttons in your keyboard

And you can easily customize that keybind to another key in the settings of osu!

Judgement Score Value Accuracy
Miss 0 0%
Good 100 33.33%
Great 300 100%
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