- GuiLite samples contain 21 cross-platform projects that are all based on GuiLite. They can show you how to use GuiLite's interface and how GuiLite works on iOS, Android, GNU/Linux, Windows, and macOS platforms.
- GuiLite samples have been tested to compile successfully 100% of the time and run on all kinds of devices, including PCs, phones, microcontrollers, and embedded Internet of Things (IoT) devices.
- Supported IDEs: Visual Studio, Qt Creator, Keil
- GuiLite samples can run on web pages and make 3D features with WebGL. For more details, visit GuiLiteWeb.
- GuiLite samples can run in a Docker container with the single command below:
sudo docker run -it --privileged -v /dev:/dev-share idea4good/gui-lite:latest bash /run.sh
star field effect | particle effect | wave widget | navigate/click widgets |
multi-layer GUI | 3D effect | 3D effect | 3D effect |
smart timer | molecule movement effect | 3D wave effect | HelloPendulum effect |
- MCU Hardware: STM32F103ZET6(512K ROM, 64K RAM) with 240 * 320 16bits color TFT LCD
- MCU Software: No operating system (OS) with GuiLite embedded GUI framework
- How to port on any type of microcontroller (MCU)?
- Also supports: Windows / Linux / Qt
Hello Transparent is a 300+ lines code sample for transparent widgets. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Qt.
Hello Scroll is a 300+ lines code sample for scroll widgets. It runs on Windows, Linux, and Qt.
Hello Nets is a 100+ lines code sample to build 3D physics apps with GuiLite. It runs on Windows, Linux, and MCUs.
Hello Widgets is a 100+ lines code sample to develop GUI with GuiLite widgets. It runs on Windows, Linux, and MCUs.
Hello Animation is a 100+ lines code sample to create animation. It runs on Windows, Linux, and MCUs.
Hello Slide is a 100+ lines code sample for making sliding UI. It runs on Windows, Linux, and MCUs.
Hello Font is a 100+ lines code sample for using multi-language feature(UTF-8). It runs on Windows, Linux, and MCUs.
Hello GuiLite is a 100+ lines code sample to initialize GuiLite, layout UI widgets, and map messages. It runs on Windows, Linux, and MCUs.
On Mac & iOS:
On Android & ARM Linux embedded:
On Windows Mixed Reality:
Host Monitor has 2,000 lines of UI code, showing how to create layouts and customize widgets.
- HostMonitor\UICode\source\ui_layout: UI Layout
- HostMonitor\UICode\source\ui_ctrl_ex: Customize your widgets
- HostMonitor\BuildAndroid: Android (Java)
- HostMonitor\BuildIOS: iOS (Swift)
- HostMonitor\BuildLinux: for Linux (C)
- HostMonitor\BuildWin32: Windows (C)
- HostMonitor\BuildUWP: UWP including Mixed/Virtual Reality (CX)
- HostMonitor\BuildMacCmd: Mac command line (Swift)
- HostMonitor\BuildMacCocoa: MAC UI (Swift)
- HostMonitor\BuildGo: Linux (Golang + C++)
Looks complex? Trust me, you can do it. We started where you are now, and we built amazing things.
- Dare to build it
- Dare to make your own modifications.
- Dare to create your own UI framework.
Thank you to everyone in the QQ group for your help in making GuiLite better! join us and help us make GuiLite even better!
開發群🔑:616696441 | 公众号🔑:阿布编程 |