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voicemeeter using with amateur software

Rodrigo Freire edited this page Apr 25, 2020 · 2 revisions

Configuring your Amateur Radio Software with VoiceMeeter

In this example, I'll provide example on how to configure a few popular Digital Modes amateur radio softwares; FLDigi, FreeDV and MSHV.


FLDigi is a multiple-mode amateur radio software, supporting a number of different of digitalmodes, like RTTY, PSK, CW, etc.

  1. Open FLDigi
  2. Go to Configure menu and select Config Dialog
  3. Click on the + sign next to the Soundcard category. Click on Devices.
  4. Check the PortAudio clause.
  5. In Capture, select VM RX Radio B2 (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO) from the drop-down menu
  6. In Playback, select VM TX Radio (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO) from the drop-down menu
  7. Click Save and then Close.

You are all set. Remember to bridge the Radio RX to the B2 bus! See example here

FLDigi Audio Setup with VoiceMeeter

FLDigi Audio Setup with VoiceMeeter Interfaces


FreeDV is a Digital Voice mode for HF radio, aimed to allow communications with a low incoming signal. It is especially challenging to configure because of the multitude of audio interfaces that it requires - and its less than intuitive user interface. Here is how to configure its audio.

  1. Open FreeDV
  2. Go to Tools menu, select Audio Config
  3. You will be in Receive tab (check bottom of screen).
  4. In From Radio list, select VM RX Radio B2 (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO) interface. The Windows Direct... interface not the MME type.
  5. In To Speaker/Headphones list, select VM Audio Apps (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO) interface. Again, the Windows Direct... interface not the MME type.

FreeDV Receive Audio Config

FreeDV Receive Audio Interface Configuration

  1. Now move to the Transmit tab.
  2. In From Microphone, select VM General B1 (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO) interface; the Windows Direct... interface not the MME type.
  3. In To Radio, choose VM TX Radio (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO) interface. The Windows Direct... interface not the MME type.
  4. (phew) Click OK and you are now all set.

FreeDV Transmit Audio Config

FreeDV Transmit Audio Interface Configuration

This is how you should set your audio routing for FreeDV:

FreeDV VoiceMeeter Audio Routing

FreeDV VoiceMeeter Audio Routing

For extra context, this is the audio routing and flow in both TX and RX chains:

FreeDV VoiceMeeter Audio Flowchart

FreeDV VoiceMeeter Audio Flowchart


MSHV is an alternative FT-8 software and I confess that it is my favorite. I don't fancy WSJT-X very much. So here it is how to configure it.

  1. Open MSHV
  2. In Options menu, select Sound Settings
  3. In Direct Sound Output Devices, select VM TX Radio (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO)
  4. In Direct Sound Input Devices, select VM RX Radio B2 (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter AUX VAIO)
  5. Click on the (X) at the top of the screen to close it, since there's no OK button

MSHV Audio Setup with VoiceMeeter

MSHV Audio Setup with VoiceMeeter Interfaces

You are all set. Remember to bridge the Radio RX to the B2 bus! See example here