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Bike Sensitivity

Brice Nichols edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 1 revision

Scenario Description

As an initial step to modeling a regional bicycle network, a quick sensitivity test was performed to gauge model response to changes in bicycle infrastructure. The test applied a “premium” bike facility (either protected bike lane or separated path) to all network links, representing a fully-connected bike network along major streets (and highways too for simplicity).


The primary sensitivities to consider in this test are trip mode share and total number of bike trips taken, as well as the geographic distribution of these trips. Though the modeled bike network is unrealistic, it does highlight where biking potential exists if infrastructure were to be improved. The regional mode share does not appear to shift massively, relative to other modes, which is as expected, since current land use is automobile-scaled in most of the region. The results do however show that bicycle infrastructure does have an influence in mode choice overall.

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