Support package for capturing images from a DSLR camera mounted to the flange of a Motoman GP7. Intended to support a undergraduate capstone project on robotic inspection applications. Developed at The Ohio State University.
Note: This repository was designed for ROS Melodic. It has not been tested on other distributions. Specifically designed for the Motoman GP7 robot as supported by the ROS-Industrial program.
- Inclined Plane Motion Method (for Motoman GP7)
The following section explains how to setup the package to work.
- ROS Melodic: For obtaining and configuring ROS follow the installation instructions for full-desktop Melodic installation.
- Catkin workspace: Create a clean catkin-tools workspace.
- MoveIt 1: For installation instructions see MoveIt's webpage.
Clone the below repositories into your catkin-tools workspace:
To automatically install any missing dependencies of your ROS installation, run the following terminal commands:
#---------- install third party dependencies -----------
sudo apt-get update
# Move to the root of the workspace
# Install all dependencies of packages in the workspace
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
# Install all python dependencies
pip install -r src/photogrammetry_capture_motion/requirements.txt
# Build your workspace
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
Once the workspace build process is completed you are ready to start playing...cheers!
If the build fails, it occurs usually to missing package dependencies or missing third party (non-ros) packages. When this occurs the build log in the terminal indicates the name of the package dependency that it is missing, then try:
sudo apt-get update ros-kinetic-[package-name]
# separate the package name words with a '-'
If a package is not found it is probably a third-party dependency, google the name of the package and search for installation instructions:
roslaunch motoman_gp7_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch sim:=true
rosrun photogrammetry_capture_motion