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Releases: newrelic/docs-website


27 Jun 00:19
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🚀 What's new?

@tabathadelane - feat: add install directories to verify-mdx ->
@tabathadelane - feat: add directory path option to verify-mdx ->
@tabathadelane - feat: add verify-mdx to install pages verification ->
@tabathadelane - chore: update verify-mdx documentation ->
@tabathadelane - fix: update some missed documentation ->
@tabathadelane - Merge pull request #17787 from newrelic/tabatha/verify-install-mdx ->
@LizBaker - fix: Move release note to correct folder ->
@LizBaker - Merge pull request #17799 from newrelic/liz/fix-release-note ->


26 Jun 20:04
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🚀 What's new?

@hahuja2 - feat(php): create release notes ->
@hahuja2 - Update php-agent-10-22-0-12.mdx ->
@hahuja2 - remove links to pull requests ->
@hahuja2 - change release date ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17755 from hahuja2/PHP/release-notes ->


26 Jun 16:57
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🚀 What's new?

@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: syntax highlighting/formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting & formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: format cli command ->
@brnhensley - chore: add syntax highlighting and formatting ->
@brnhensley - chore: syntax hightlighting & formatting ->
@metal-messiah - add logs API docs ->
@metal-messiah - fix missed copypasta issues ->
@metal-messiah - cleanup ->
@metal-messiah - add another example ->
@metal-messiah - fix note ->
@metal-messiah - remove instruction after alignment with team ->
@brnhensley - chore: fix typo ->
@brnhensley - fix: move statsd file to fix conflict ->
@brnhensley - Merge branch 'develop' into patch-29 ->
@qryuu - Update aws-health-monitoring-integration.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(browser): Add navigation links ->
@sunnyzanchi - rename back to mdx ->
@metal-messiah - address PR comments and align logType to level ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(browser): Fix indentation ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(AWS): Make some items lower case ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #17780 from newrelic/translations-5fd6ee5e ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17761 from qryuu/patch-2 ->
@newrelic-browser-agent-team - chore: Add Browser agent v1.261.0 release notes ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17747 from metal-messiah/logs-docs ->

Read more


26 Jun 04:22
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🚀 What's new?


26 Jun 01:30
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🚀 What's new?

@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@louisleungk - feat(whats-new): add new runtime/cpm EOL post ->
@louisleungk - Update ->
@sunnyzanchi - fix MDX issue ->
@mrickard - docs: Updated Node.js agent compatibility report ->
@newrelic-node-agent-team - chore: Adds Node.js agent v11.21.0 release notes. ->
@brnhensley - chore: clarify the recordMetric keys allowed ->
@daffinito - feat(nrdiag): Diagnostics CLI 3.2.7 Release ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #17763 from newrelic/translations-64683be8 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17767 from louisleungk/whats-new-06-25-eol-synthetics-runtime-cpm ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17770 from newrelic/add-node-v11.21.0 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17769 from newrelic/nodejs-compatibility-report/auto-update ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17772 from daffinito/daffi/diag-cli-327 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17771 from brnhensley/patch-32 ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore(whats-new-ids): updated ids ->


25 Jun 19:06
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🚀 What's new?

@brnhensley - fix: transaction_tracer.transaction_threshold config ->
@brnhensley - fix: bat -> batch ->
@brnhensley - fix: bat -> batch ->
@sjyothi54 - Updated flex-config file ->
@brnhensley - chore: fix grammer ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: remove unused images & convert to webp ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17749 from sjyothi54/update-config-file ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17698 from brnhensley/patch-25 ->
@ally-sassman - feat(mobile): monitor ANR errors for Android apps (#17641) ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #17764 from newrelic/translations-877c951a ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17743 from brnhensley/patch-31 ->


25 Jun 16:59
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🚀 What's new?

@NewRelic-K8s-Agents-Bot - feat: Add release notes for Kubernetes integration v3.29.0 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17762 from NewRelic-K8s-Agents-Bot/add_kubernetes_release_notes-2024-06-25_12_03 ->


25 Jun 01:52
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🚀 What's new?

@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry statsd example to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry prometheus example to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry confluent cloud kafka examples to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry squid example to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry host monitoring example to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry hivemq example to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry singlestore example to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry hcp consul example to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Move opentelemetry docker example to examples repository ->
@jack-berg - Replace link to host monitoring correlation ->
@jack-berg - Temporarilty remove otel kubernetes page ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-statsd-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-prometheus-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-confluentcloud-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-squid-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-host-monitoring-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-hivemq-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-singlestore-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-hcp-consul-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-docker-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Merge branch 'otel-kubernetes-example' into otel-monitoring-examples ->
@jack-berg - Remove opentelemetry infrastructure monitoring collasible nav ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@lchockalingam - feat(whats-new): Add NVIDIA NIM integration post ->
@lchockalingam - Update ->
@lchockalingam - feat(whats-new): Add image ->
@akristen - light copy changes and style guide edits ->
@ywang-nr - [NR-284135] android agent v7.4.1 ->
@sunnyzanchi - fix MDX issues ->
@akristen - Update src/content/whats-new/2024/06/ ->
@ywang-nr - chore: PM requests ->
@ywang-nr - chore: wording fix ->
@mrickard - docs: Updated Node.js agent compatibility report ->
@newrelic-node-agent-team - chore: Adds Node.js agent v11.20.0 release notes. ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #17745 from newrelic/translations-0a861a0e ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #17748 from lchockalingam/whats-new-06-24-nvidia-nim-ai-monitoring ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge branch 'develop' into pr/17742 ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #17746 from newrelic/translations-a68c03ee ->
@paperclypse - fix(Logs): Updated fluent bit version to match latest security bulletin (#17723) ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Switch navigation nodes to new paths instead of relying on redirects. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Removing reference to deleted file. ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17757 from newrelic/add-node-v11.20.0 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17756 from newrelic/nodejs-compatibility-report/auto-update ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17742 from jack-berg/otel-monitoring-examples ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17754 from ywang-nr/develop ->
@svc-docs-eng-opensource-bot - chore(whats-new-ids): updated ids ->


24 Jun 17:55
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🚀 What's new?

@ankit-k2io - Update troubleshooting.mdx for certificate and firewall details ->
@ankit-k2io - minor improvements in the recommendation for proxy/firewall block case ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Start migration out of OTHER CAPABILITIES ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Ad lampy, airflow, and jenkins ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Migrate dojo and statsd ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Moved more integrations ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Remove spacing in root.yml ->
@nbaenam - fix(IAST): Removed & Applications from the UI path according to UI ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-product): Correct indentation in apm.yml ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Make additional indentation fix in apm.yml ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Add vertx integrations to Java ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Switch URLs to new ones instead of redirects in nav. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Reverse order of items and spell out IAST. ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge branch 'develop' into rhs-redistribute-other-capabilities ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Remove "monitor" for better alphabetization. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(cross-platform): Run i18n script ->
@nbaenam - fix(IAST): Fixed a build error wiht a DNT tag ->
@nbaenam - fix(IAST): Fixed path errors ->
@homelessbirds - fix(alerts): added redirect ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #17438 from ankit-k2io/patch-5 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #17751 from newrelic/sd-add-redirect-alerts-nav-revamp ->
@paperclypse - fix(node.js agent): Added missing header ID (#17731) ->
@paperclypse - fix(Infra): Added missing header tag (#17730) ->
@sunnyzanchi - Merge pull request #17703 from newrelic/rhs-redistribute-other-capabilities ->


21 Jun 23:47
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🚀 What's new?

@sunnyzanchi - create DeveloperIcons component ->
@sunnyzanchi - add developer site Icon doc ->
@akristen - update pathing per feedback in github issue 17727 ->
@akristen - Update src/install/java/frameworkInstallation/springboot.mdx ->
@sunnyzanchi - Merge pull request #17699 from newrelic/sunny/developer-icons ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #17740 from newrelic/hero-work ->