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Releases: newrelic/docs-website


22 Feb 17:19
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🚀 What's new?

@a-sassman - Find/replace XCFramework/tvOS with iOS ->
@a-sassman - Move XCFramework/tvOS release notes into iOS folder ->
@a-sassman - Update mobile-agents-eol-policy.mdx ->
@tabathadelane - chore: add title fields to frontmatter ->
@zuluecho9 - fix(apm nav): remove dup ->
@brnhensley - fix: + incompatible versions to ServiceStack.Redis ->
@a-sassman - Update guide-to-monitoring-core-web-vitals.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Update guide-to-monitoring-core-web-vitals.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Merge branch 'develop' into xcframework-progress ->
@a-sassman - Update data-governance-optimize-ingest-guide.mdx ->
@nbaenam - chore(Net agent): Added some editor modifications ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@bizob2828 - chore: Adds Node.js agent v9.10.2 release notes. ->
@bizob2828 - fix: backfilling release notes we missed from previous releases ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #11676 from newrelic/translations-14522fb ->
@nbaenam - chore(Node js agent): Added minor modifications ->
@josemore - added link to statsD helm chart ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11678 from bizob2828/backfill-missing-node-releases ->
@akristen - updating link in get started tutorial ->
@nbaenam - style(Node js agent): Added minor modifications ->
@a-sassman - Update src/content/docs/mobile-monitoring/new-relic-mobile/get-started/mobile-agents-eol-policy.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Update src/content/docs/mobile-monitoring/new-relic-mobile-ios/installation/ios-manual-installation.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Update src/content/docs/mobile-monitoring/new-relic-mobile/get-started/mobile-agents-eol-policy.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Update src/content/docs/mobile-monitoring/new-relic-mobile-ios/installation/spm-installation.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Update src/content/docs/mobile-monitoring/new-relic-mobile-ios/installation/spm-installation.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Update src/content/docs/mobile-monitoring/new-relic-mobile-ios/installation/spm-installation.mdx ->
@a-sassman - fixed bolding/headers of install docs ->
@a-sassman - Merge branch 'xcframework-progress' of into xcframework-progress ->
@zuluecho9 - Merge pull request #11621 from newrelic/Fix-apm-best-practice-nav-duplicate ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11673 from brnhensley/patch-18 ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11677 from bizob2828/add-node-v9.10.2 ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11682 from josemore/patch-59 ->
@a-sassman - Merge pull request #11528 from newrelic/xcframework-progress ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #11683 from newrelic/fix-synth-tutorial ->
@a-sassman - Update guide-to-monitoring-core-web-vitals.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Merge pull request #11688 from newrelic/a-sassman-patch-3 ->
@a-sassman - Merge pull request #11675 from newrelic/a-sassman-patch-2 ->


22 Feb 01:21
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🚀 What's new?

@hannahramadan - Ruby 2.2 and 2.3 ->
@hannahramadan - Remove support for deprecated gems ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Ruby): Switch to ->
@akristen - feat(content): fix ->
@akristen - table fix attempt 2 ->
@akristen - actual fix! ->
@tannalynn - add ruby agent 9.0 migration guide ->
@hannahramadan - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/patch-5' into ruby_agent_9_release ->
@hannahramadan - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/patch-4' into ruby_agent_9_release ->
@hannahramadan - Update deprecated API calls ->
@tannalynn - update ruby agent configuration ->
@tannalynn - Merge branch 'ruby_agent_9_release' of into ruby_agent_9_release ->
@tannalynn - add 9.0 migration guide info ->
@tannalynn - update details for ruby agent migration guide ->
@tannalynn - add link to ruby agent config docs ->
@hannahramadan - Update version number increase ->
@hannahramadan - Add bullet points ->
@hannahramadan - Aligment ->
@hannahramadan - address feedback ->
@hannahramadan - Merge branch 'develop' into ruby_agent_9_release ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/troubleshooting/update-deprecated-api-calls.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Add Ruby team support notice ->
@hannahramadan - Replace (s) with the plural ->
@hannahramadan - Clarify alternate methods ->
@hannahramadan - Add spacing ->
@hannahramadan - Add descriptions ->
@hannahramadan - fix sentence ->
@fallwith - Update src/content/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/getting-started/migration-9x-guide.mdx ->
@hannahramadan - Update custom thread warning ->
@hannahramadan - Update deprecated technology versions ->
@hannahramadan - Remove CRuby from list ->
@hannahramadan - Add Fiber config option ->
@hannahramadan - Add app logging back in ->
@hannahramadan - Update support ->
@hannahramadan - Remove spacing ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@nbaenam - chore(Ruby agent): Fixed markdown tags ->
@clarkmcadoo - fix: add missing curlies ->
@hannahramadan - Release notes ->
@hannahramadan - Update style and removed tech ->
@hannahramadan - Update security requirements ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Ruby): Make minor edits to migration guide. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Ruby): Add left navigation link for migration guide ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Ruby): Swap out Markdown table for HTML in release notes ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #11642 from newrelic/translations-9eb5b02 ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(What's new): Remove isFeatured flag for change tracking post ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11671 from newrelic/rhs-remove-is-featured-flag-change-tracking ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11408 from tannalynn/ruby_agent_9_release ->


21 Feb 22:39
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🚀 What's new?


21 Feb 21:43
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🚀 What's new?

@brnhensley - chore: formatting code ->
@metal-messiah - Update browser support versions with link ->
@a-sassman - Update guide-to-monitoring-core-web-vitals.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Merge pull request #11664 from newrelic/core-web-vitals-fix ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11661 from brnhensley/patch-17 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11662 from newrelic-forks/metal-messiah-patch-1 ->


21 Feb 19:20
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🚀 What's new?

@a-sassman - Update browser.yml ->
@nathanhumbert - Correct user type wording ->
@nathanhumbert - Correct wording about user type access ->
@kinseypdx - Update data-privacy-new-relic.mdx ->
@kinseypdx - Update overview.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11648 from nathanhumbert/patch-3 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11652 from nathanhumbert/patch-5 ->
@Dkairu - Update migration-to-workflows.mdx ->
@a-sassman - Merge pull request #11608 from newrelic/move-guides-in-browser-yml ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11653 from kinseypdx/patch-6 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11654 from kinseypdx/patch-7 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11657 from Dkairu/patch-9 ->


21 Feb 17:28
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🚀 What's new?

@lchockalingam - feat(whats-new): add agent support post ->
@lchockalingam - feat(whats-new): add images for agents support ->
@emetcalf9 - docs: update field mappings for Workflows ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@nbaenam - fix(Java agent): Removed the ansible page ->
@nbaenam - fix(NRQL): Updated buckets ceiling typo ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11631 from emetcalf9/patch-2 ->
@goldenplec - Updating the dashboard link ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11637 from newrelic/fixing-buckets-ceiling-typo ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11636 from newrelic/NR-87379-remove-java-ansible ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #11632 from newrelic/translations-dbedc65 ->
@bpeckNR - chore(removeLegacy): Removed legacy runtime upgrade details ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11638 from goldenplec/patch-1 ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11591 from lchockalingam/whats-new-02-21-agent-support ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore(whats-new-ids): updated ids ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11644 from bpeckNR/LegacyUpgradeCleanup ->


18 Feb 00:45
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🚀 What's new?

@jeff-colucci - style(Sonic): Updating browser intro ->
@jeff-colucci - Update introduction-browser-monitoring.mdx ->
@jeff-colucci - Update introduction-browser-monitoring.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Fix indentation in collapser for JVMs. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Second try to fix indentation in collapser. ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/content/docs/more-integrations/open-source-telemetry-integrations/opentelemetry/view-your-data/opentelemetry-jvms-page.mdx ->
@akristen - feat(sonic): draft content ->
@akristen - Merge branch 'develop' into get-started-official ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/content/docs/more-integrations/open-source-telemetry-integrations/opentelemetry/view-your-data/opentelemetry-jvms-page.mdx ->
@akristen - feat(sonic): draft for get started synthetics ->
@akristen - feat(Sonic): delete kp docs ->
@akristen - feat(sonic): annnnnnnnd this doc does exist in kr and jp ->
@akristen - feat(sonic): made the intro more.... not what it was before ->
@jeff-colucci - fix(Sonic): fixing navigation ->
@jeff-colucci - fix(Sonic): Feedback ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/content/docs/more-integrations/open-source-telemetry-integrations/opentelemetry/view-your-data/opentelemetry-jvms-page.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/content/docs/more-integrations/open-source-telemetry-integrations/opentelemetry/view-your-data/opentelemetry-jvms-page.mdx ->
@xqi-nr - Update install-kubernetes-integration-using-helm.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(OTel): Spell out asynchonous ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11594 from newrelic/rhs-fix-indentation-jvm-otel ->
@nr-ahemsath - Add MSMQ support to compatibility doc ->
@xqi-nr - Update kubernetes-integration-troubleshooting-error-messages.mdx ->
@akristen - feat(sonic): applying peer feedback, cutting even more content ->
@xqi-nr - Add/Link info to UnPrivileged/Privileged modes ->
@akristen - feat(sonic): adding intro to nav ->
@jeff-colucci - Update introduction-browser-monitoring.mdx ->
@akristen - Merge pull request #11599 from newrelic/get-started-official ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Kubernetes): Indent fixed snippet under step 3. ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11616 from nr-ahemsath/add-msmq-net-agent-compat-doc ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Kubernetes): Change heading to sentence case ->
@jeff-colucci - fix(Sonic): Final feedback ->
@jeff-colucci - Merge pull request #11554 from newrelic/Browser-monitoring-intro ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Kubernetes): Clarify tip for repo not found ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11613 from xqi-nr/patch-1 ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Kubernetes): Remove stray closing quote ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11617 from xqi-nr/patch-2 ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Kubernetes): Add verb and change capitalization ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Kubernetes): Revise "Learn more about" wording ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11620 from xqi-nr/patch-3 ->


17 Feb 20:56
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🚀 What's new?

@caylahamann - chore: remove generate doc json ->
@homelessbirds - feat(Lighttptd ): adding new integration doc ->
@homelessbirds - fix(infrastructure): making additions to the doc ->
@homelessbirds - fix(lighttpd): made changes by SME ->
@homelessbirds - fix(lighttpd): adding links ->
@homelessbirds - ffix(lighttpd): editing typo ->
@amolero-nr - guided install instructions update ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Change tracking): Add data dictionary entries. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Change tracking): Fix some attribute descriptions. ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into rhs-data-dictionary-change-tracking ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into rhs-data-dictionary-change-tracking ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Change tracking): Push up link to data dictionary ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Change log): Incorporate SME feedback ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Change tracking): Remove "s" from each md file for the type ->
@mfulb - chore(PHP agent): Add callout about pinning version ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/data-dictionary/events/Deployment/ ->
@rhetoric101 - Update src/content/docs/change-tracking/change-tracking-view-analyze.mdx ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Change tracking): Add full stop ->
@homelessbirds - fix(infrastructure ): lighttpd ->
@homelessbirds - fix(lighttpd): fixing yaml ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@carlossscastro - Add config steps and example for MongoDB Atlas support. ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Change tracking): Alphabetize types and fix hyphen ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(MongoDB): Make basic edits per sytle guide. ->
@LizBaker - fix: Add missing media query ->
@LizBaker - fix: Add new line before table ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(MongoDB): Remove another instance of Note. ->
@a-sassman - Merge pull request #11572 from mfulb/php_callout_pin_unsupported_pkgs ->
@LizBaker - Merge pull request #10044 from newrelic/cayla/remove-doc-json ->
@amolero-nr - Merge pull request #1 from amolero-nr/amolero-nr-patch-1 ->
@amolero-nr - Merge branch 'newrelic:develop' into develop ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #11602 from newrelic/translations-2ab69a3 ->
@LizBaker - Merge pull request #11607 from newrelic/liz/fix-media-query ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11603 from carlossscastro/add_atlas_steps ->
@rhetoric101 - fix(Infrastructure): Remove bold and caps for guided installation ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11555 from newrelic/rhs-data-dictionary-change-tracking ->
@homelessbirds - Merge pull request #11325 from newrelic/sd-lightptd-integration ->
@rhetoric101 - Merge pull request #11610 from amolero-nr/develop ->


17 Feb 17:25
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🚀 What's new?

@hmstepanek - Add release notes and update EOL table ->
@umaannamalai - Add Python infinite tracing batching and compression settings. ->
@bradleycamacho - feat(sonic): update bottom left CTA color ->
@umaannamalai - Add newline to setting description. ->
@bradleycamacho - fix(sonic): fix color ID ->
@umaannamalai - Add boldness to configuration headers. ->
@bradleycamacho - fix(sonic): update color file ->
@austin-schaefer - fix(api keys): Weird license key component ->
@bradleycamacho - Merge pull request #11590 from newrelic/cta-color ->
@nbaenam - style(Python Agent): Added minor modifications ->
@nbaenam - style(Python agent): Added minor modifications ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11584 from umaannamalai/python-8t-settings ->
@nbaenam - Merge pull request #11537 from hmstepanek/release-python-agent ->
@nr-opensource-bot - chore: add translations ->
@austin-schaefer - Merge pull request #11597 from newrelic/austin-schaefer-patch-6 ->
@jmiraNR - Merge pull request #11601 from newrelic/translations-213030c ->


17 Feb 00:43
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🚀 What's new?

@lgiavelli - Listing possible values ->
@lgiavelli - fixing warning & high ->
@a-sassman - Merge pull request #11592 from lgiavelli/patch-10 ->