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Python remote control

kybos edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 4 revisions

Python remote control

MusE can be remotely controlled by the Python scripting language, even over a network.

It supports Python 3. It requires Pyro 4 (Python Remote Objects).

Once Python and Pyro have been installed, make sure that this MusE cmake option is set to 'ON':

ENABLE_PYTHON (Default is 'ON')

Then build and install MusE.

To enable the feature, include the command line option '-y' when starting MusE.

The feature uses Pyro to talk on the network. If you want to talk to other machines, ensure that the network host name resolves to a valid address. Pyro won't broadcast if the host name resolves to, but it'll work fine locally.

If desired, the Pyro nameserver can be started manually before starting MusE, for example like this: python -m Pyro4.naming [-n <hostname>] [-p <port>] or python3 -m Pyro4.naming [-n <hostname>] [-p <port>]

If a Pyro nameserver is NOT already running when MusE is started, MusE will automatically start it for you, with default settings.

The Pyro nameserver host name and port can be set with these MusE command line options: --pyro-ns-host<host> --pyro-ns-port<port>

The Pyro daemon host name and port can be set with these MusE command line options: --pyro-daemon-host=<host> --pyro-daemon-port<port>

The Pyro communication timeout can be set with this MusE command line option: --pyro-comm-timeout<time (s)>

It is set to about five seconds by default. When closing MusE, there may be noticable delay of up to the given amount of time.

When launched with -y MusE will initialize a Python bridge. This means you can access MusE internals via Python through Pyro. An example of how to initialize the connection to MusE can be found in the distributed package under share/pybridge, a file named There are several examples found in share/pybridge/examples.

List of commands:

  # Get current position

  # Start playback

  # Stop playback

  # Rewind current position to start

  # Get position of left locator

  # Get position of right locator

  # Get tempo at particular tick
  getTempo(self, tick):

  # get track names

  # get parts in a particular track
  getParts(self, trackname):

  # create part in track
  createPart(self, trackname, starttick, lenticks, part):

  # modify a part (the part to be modified is specified by its id
  modifyPart(self, part):

  # delete a part
  deletePart(self, part):

  # get first selected track in arranger window

  # import part file to a track at a given position
  importPart(self, trackname, filename, tick):

  # set current position
  setCPos(self, tick):

  # set left locator
  setLPos(self, tick):

  # set right locator
  setRPos(self, tick):

  # set song length
  setSongLen(self, ticks):

  # get song length

  # get division (ticks per 1/4, or per beat?)

  # set midi track parameter (velocity, compression, len, transpose)
  setMidiTrackParameter(self, trackname, paramname, value):

  # get loop flag

  # set loop flag
  setLoop(self, loopFlag):

  # get track mute parameter
  getMute(self, trackname):

  # set track mute parameter
  setMute(self, trackname, enabled):

  # set mixer volume
  setVolume(self, trackname, volume):

  # get a particular midi controller value for a track
  getMidiControllerValue(self, trackname, ctrlno):

  # set a particular midi controller value for a track
  setMidiControllerValue(self, trackname, ctrlno, value):

  # set volume for audio track
  setAudioTrackVolume(self, trackname, dvol):

  # get volume for audio track
  getAudioTrackVolume(self, trackname):

  # get effect names for an audio track
  getTrackEffects(self, trackname):

  # toggle specific effect on/off
  toggleTrackEffect(self, trackname, effectno, onoff):

  #change track name
  changeTrackName(self, trackname, newname):

  # add midi track
  addMidiTrack(self, trackname):

  # add wave track
  addWaveTrack(self, trackname):

  # add audio input
  addInput(self, trackname):

  # add audio output
  addOutput(self, trackname):

  # add audio group
  addGroup(self, trackname):

  # delete a track
  deleteTrack(self, trackname):
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