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Migrate from 2.x to 3.0

Leonardo Crauss Daronco edited this page Mar 6, 2017 · 3 revisions


Upgrade the configuration files

The configuration files moved from:

  • config/setup_conf.yml: Application configurations and seed data.
  • config/database.yml: Database configurations.


  • config/seeds.yml: Seed data only.
  • Environment variables or .env.* files: Application configurations, including database. .env is used in all environments, while .env.development is used only in development, .env.test only in test, and .env.production only in production. If you don't want to use .env files you can simply set the environment variables when running the application.

Open the new files and move the configurations from the old files accordingly.

If you don't want to replace config/seeds.yml, you can create a config/seeds.local.yml, that will take precedence when loading configurations. The same works for .env files, you can have .env.production.local, for example. All local files are excluded from git, so use them for configurations only necessary for your local machine when developing or your server when deploying.

To see all available configurations, look at .env.development.