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feat: add address normalization #184

wants to merge 12 commits into from
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions Arm/Memory/AddressNormalization.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
Copyright (c) 2024, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Siddharth Bhat, Tobias Grosser

This file implements bitvector expression simplification simprocs.
We perform the following additional changes:

1. Canonicalizing bitvector expression to always have constants on the left.
Recall that the default associativity of addition is to the left: x + y + z = (x + y) + z.
If we thus normalize our expressions to have constants on the left,
and if we reassociate our additions to be to the left, we will naturally perform
constant folding:

(a) (x + c) -> (c + x).
(b) x + (y + z) -> (x + y) + c.

Observe an example:

((x + 10) + 20)
-b-> (20 + (x + 10))
-b-> (20 + (10 + x))
-a-> (20 + 10) + x
-reduceAdd-> 30 + x

2. Canonicalizing (a + b) % n → a % n + b % n by exploiting `bv_omega`,
and eventually, `simp_mem`.
import Lean
import Tactics.Attr
import Arm.Attr

open Lean Meta Elab Simp

theorem Nat.mod_eq_sub {x y : Nat} (h : x ≥ y) (h' : x - y < y) :
x % y = x - y := by
rw [Nat.mod_eq_sub_mod h, Nat.mod_eq_of_lt h']

private def mkLTNat (x y : Expr) : Expr :=
mkAppN (.const `` [levelZero]) #[mkConst ``Nat, mkConst ``instLTNat, x, y]

private def mkLENat (x y : Expr) : Expr :=
mkAppN (.const ``LE.le [levelZero]) #[mkConst ``Nat, mkConst ``instLENat, x, y]

private def mkGENat (x y : Expr) : Expr := mkLENat y x

private def mkSubNat (x y : Expr) : Expr :=
let lz := levelZero
let nat := mkConst ``Nat
let instSub := mkConst ``instSubNat
let instHSub := mkAppN (mkConst ``instHSub [lz]) #[nat, instSub]
mkAppN (mkConst ``HSub.hSub [lz, lz, lz]) #[nat, nat, nat, instHSub, x, y]

Given an expression of the form `n#w`, return the value of `n` if it is a ground constant.
def getBitVecOfNatValue? (e : Expr) : (Option (Expr × Expr)) :=
match_expr e with
| BitVec.ofNat nExpr vExpr => some (nExpr, vExpr)
| _ => none

/-- Try to build a proof for `ty` by reduction to `bv_omega`. -/
@[inline] def proveByBvOmega (ty : Expr) : SimpM Step := do
let proof : Expr ← mkFreshExprMVar ty
let g := proof.mvarId!
let some g ← g.falseOrByContra
| return .continue
g.withContext (do (← getLocalHyps).toList g {})
catch _ =>
return .continue
return .done { expr := ty, proof? := proof }

/-- Try to build a proof for `ty` by reduction to `omega`. -/
@[inline] def proveByOmega (ty : Expr) : SimpM Step := do
let proof : Expr ← mkFreshExprMVar ty
let g := proof.mvarId!
let some g ← g.falseOrByContra
| return .continue
g.withContext (do (← getLocalHyps).toList g {})
catch _ =>
return .continue
return .done { expr := ty, proof? := proof }

-- x % n = x if x < n
@[inline] def reduceModOfLt (x : Expr) (n : Expr) : SimpM Step := do
trace[Tactic.addressNormalization] "trying to reduce... '{x} % {n} → {x}'"
let ltTy := mkLTNat x n
let Step.done { expr := _, proof? := some p} ← proveByOmega ltTy
| return .continue
let eqProof ← mkAppM ``Nat.mod_eq_of_lt #[p]
return .done { expr := x, proof? := eqProof : Result }

-- x % n = x - n if x >= n and x - n < n
@[inline] def reduceModSub (x : Expr) (n : Expr) : SimpM Step := do
trace[Tactic.addressNormalization] "trying to reduce... '{x} % {n} → {x} - {n}'"
let geTy := mkGENat x n
let Step.done { expr := _, proof? := some geProof} ← proveByOmega geTy
| return .continue
let subTy := mkSubNat x n
let ltTy := mkLTNat subTy n
let Step.done { expr := _, proof? := some ltProof} ← proveByOmega ltTy
| return .continue
let eqProof ← mkAppM ``Nat.mod_eq_sub #[geProof, ltProof]
return .done { expr := subTy, proof? := eqProof : Result }

@[inline, bv_toNat] def reduceMod (e : Expr) : SimpM Step := do
-- trace[Tactic.addressNormalization] "trying to reduce... '{e}'"
match_expr e with
| HMod.hMod xTy nTy outTy _inst x n =>
let natTy := mkConst ``Nat
if (xTy != natTy) || (nTy != natTy) || (outTy != natTy) then
return .continue
if let .done res ← reduceModOfLt x n then
return .done res
if let .done res ← reduceModSub x n then
return .done res
return .continue
| _ => do
return .continue

simproc↑ [address_normalization] reduce_mod_omega (_ % _) := fun e => reduceMod e

/-- In a commutative binary operation, move a bitvector constant to the left. -/
@[inline, bv_toNat] def moveBinConstLeft (declName : Name) -- operator to constant fold, such as `HAdd.hAdd`.
(arity : Nat)
(commProofDecl : Name) -- commProof: `∀ (x y : Bitvec w), x op y = y op x`.
(reduceProofDecl : Name) -- reduce proof: `∀ (w : Nat), (n m : Nat) (BitVec.ofNat w n) op (BitVec.ofNat w m) = BitVec.ofNat w (n op' m)`.
(fxy : Expr) : SimpM Step := do
unless fxy.isAppOfArity declName arity do return .continue
let fx := fxy.appFn!
let x := fx.appArg!
let f := fx.appFn!
let y := fxy.appArg!
trace[Tactic.addressNormalization] "trying to move constant to left in '({f} {x} {y})'"
match getBitVecOfNatValue? x with
| some (xwExpr, xvalExpr) =>
-- We have a constant on the left, check if we have a constant on the right
-- so we can fully constant fold the expression.
let .some (_, yvalExpr) := getBitVecOfNatValue? y
| return .continue

let e' ← mkAppM reduceProofDecl #[xwExpr, xvalExpr, yvalExpr]
return .done { expr := e', proof? := ← mkAppM reduceProofDecl #[x, y] : Result }

| none =>
-- We don't have a constant on the left, check if we have a constant on the right
-- and try to move it to the left.
let .some _ := getBitVecOfNatValue? y
| return .continue -- no constants on either side, nothing to do.

-- Nothing more to to do, except to move the right constant to the left.
trace[Tactic.addressNormalization] "moving constant to left in '({f} {x} {y})'"
let e' := mkAppN f #[y, x]
return .done { expr := e', proof? := ← mkAppM commProofDecl #[x, y] : Result }

/- Change `100` to `100#64` so we can pattern match to `BitVec.ofNat` -/
attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.ofNat_eq_ofNat

theorem BitVec.add_ofNat_eq_ofNat_add (n : Nat) (x : BitVec w) : x + BitVec.ofNat w n = BitVec.ofNat w n + x := by
apply BitVec.add_comm

simproc [address_normalization] moveAddConstLeft ((_ + _ : BitVec _)) :=
moveBinConstLeft ``HAdd.hAdd 6 ``BitVec.add_comm ``BitVec.add_ofNat_eq_ofNat_add

theorem BitVec.ofNat_add_ofNat_eq_add_ofNat (w : Nat) (n m : Nat) : BitVec.ofNat w n + BitVec.ofNat w m = BitVec.ofNat w (n + m) := by
apply BitVec.eq_of_toNat_eq

-- simp made no progress

/- Reduce bitvector operations. -/
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceAdd
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceSub
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceAdd
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceMul
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceShiftLeft
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceShiftLeftShiftLeft
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceShiftLeftZeroExtend
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceShiftRightShiftRight
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceAbs
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceAnd
-- attribute [address_normalization] BitVec.reduceAllOnes
-- attribute [address_normalization] Nat.reduceAdd

/-- Reassociate addition to left. -/
theorem BitVec.reassoc_add (x y z : BitVec w) : x + (y + z) = x + y + z := by
rw [BitVec.add_assoc]

/-! ## Examples -/

set_option trace.Tactic.addressNormalization true in
/-- info: [Tactic.addressNormalization] trying to reduce... 'x.toNat % 2 ^ w → x.toNat' -/
#guard_msgs in theorem eg₁ (x : BitVec w) : x.toNat % 2 ^ w = x.toNat + 0 := by
simp only [address_normalization]

/-- info: 'eg₁' depends on axioms: [propext, Quot.sound] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms eg₁

set_option trace.Tactic.addressNormalization true in
info: [Tactic.addressNormalization] trying to move constant to left in '(HAdd.hAdd x y)'
[Tactic.addressNormalization] trying to reduce... 'x.toNat + y.toNat % 2 ^ w → x.toNat + y.toNat'
#guard_msgs in theorem eg₂ (x y : BitVec w) (h : x.toNat + y.toNat < 2 ^ w) :
(x + y).toNat = x.toNat + y.toNat := by
simp [address_normalization]

/-- info: 'eg₂' depends on axioms: [propext, Quot.sound] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms eg₂

set_option trace.Tactic.addressNormalization true in
info: [Tactic.addressNormalization] trying to move constant to left in '(HAdd.hAdd x y)'
[Tactic.addressNormalization] trying to reduce... 'x.toNat + y.toNat % 2 ^ w → x.toNat + y.toNat'
[Tactic.addressNormalization] trying to reduce... 'x.toNat + y.toNat % 2 ^ w → x.toNat + y.toNat - 2 ^ w'
#guard_msgs in theorem eg₃ (x y : BitVec w) :
(x + y).toNat = (x.toNat + y.toNat) % 2 ^ w := by
simp [address_normalization]

/-- info: 'eg₂' depends on axioms: [propext, Quot.sound] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms eg₂

theorem eg₄ (x y z : BitVec w)
(h₂ : y.toNat + z.toNat < 2 ^ w)
(h : x.toNat * (y.toNat + z.toNat) < 2 ^ w) :
(x * (y + z)).toNat = x.toNat * (y.toNat + z.toNat) := by
simp [address_normalization]

/-- info: 'eg₄' depends on axioms: [propext, Quot.sound] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms eg₄

theorem eg₅ (x y : BitVec w) (h : x.toNat + y.toNat ≥ 2 ^ w) (h' : (x.toNat + y.toNat) - 2 ^ w < 2 ^ w) :
(x + y).toNat = x.toNat + y.toNat - 2 ^ w := by
simp [address_normalization]

/-- info: 'eg₅' depends on axioms: [propext, Quot.sound] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms eg₅

set_option trace.Tactic.addressNormalization true in
info: [Tactic.addressNormalization] trying to move constant to left in '(HAdd.hAdd x 100#w)'
[Tactic.addressNormalization] moving constant to left in '(HAdd.hAdd x 100#w)'
[Tactic.addressNormalization] trying to move constant to left in '(HAdd.hAdd 100#w x)'
#guard_msgs in theorem eg₆ (x : BitVec w) : x + 100#w = 100#w + x := by
simp only [address_normalization]

/-- info: 'eg₆' depends on axioms: [propext] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms eg₆

theorem eg₇ (x : BitVec w) : 100#w + (200#w + x) = 300#w + x := by
simp only [address_normalization]

/-- info: 'eg₇' depends on axioms: [propext] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms eg₇

theorem eg₈ : 100#w + 200#w = 300#w := by
simp only [address_normalization]

/-- info: 'eg₈' depends on axioms: [propext] -/
#guard_msgs in #print axioms eg₈
20 changes: 11 additions & 9 deletions Arm/Memory/Separate.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -230,12 +230,12 @@ theorem mem_legal'.omega_def (h : mem_legal' a n) : a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64 := h

/-- The linear constraint is equivalent to `mem_legal'`. -/
theorem mem_legal'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (n : Nat) :
(a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64) ↔ mem_legal' a n := by
mem_legal' a n ↔ (a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64) := by
· intros h
apply mem_legal'.of_omega h
· intros h
apply h.omega_def
· intros h
apply mem_legal'.of_omega h

instance : Decidable (mem_legal' a n) :=
if h : a.toNat + n ≤ 2^64 then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,14 +341,15 @@ theorem mem_separate'.of_omega

/-- The linear constraint is equivalent to `mem_separate'`. -/
theorem mem_separate'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (an : Nat) (b : BitVec 64) (bn : Nat) :
mem_separate' a an b bn ↔
(a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧
b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧
(a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat ∨ a.toNat ≥ b.toNat + bn)) ↔ mem_separate' a an b bn := by
(a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat ∨ a.toNat ≥ b.toNat + bn)) := by
· intros h
apply mem_separate'.of_omega h
· intros h
apply h.omega_def
· intros h
apply mem_separate'.of_omega h

instance : Decidable (mem_separate' a an b bn) :=
if h : (a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧ (a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat ∨ a.toNat ≥ b.toNat + bn)) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,15 +425,16 @@ constructor

/-- The linear constraint is equivalent to `mem_subset'`. -/
theorem mem_subset'.iff_omega (a : BitVec 64) (an : Nat) (b : BitVec 64) (bn : Nat) :
mem_subset' a an b bn ↔
(a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧
b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧
b.toNat ≤ a.toNat ∧
a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat + bn) ↔ mem_subset' a an b bn := by
a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat + bn) := by
· intros h
apply mem_subset'.of_omega h
· intros h
apply h.omega_def
· intros h
apply mem_subset'.of_omega h

instance : Decidable (mem_subset' a an b bn) :=
if h : (a.toNat + an ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat + bn ≤ 2^64 ∧ b.toNat ≤ a.toNat ∧ a.toNat + an ≤ b.toNat + bn) then
Expand Down