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Avindra Goolcharan edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 27 revisions


Some of the required packages are installed through the package manager(s) of various programming languages.


dir has been ported to a package named dirp.

It can be installed using a variety of methods.


I assume Python is on the system, and so you run:

$ pip install --user \
 pywal \
 # pywal is an "auto-ricer" that provides generated color schemes given an input image
 # bumblebee-status is used for the taskbar


As an openSUSE user, I use zypper to install packages.

$ zypper --no-refresh install --no-recommends \
  fish alacritty \
# Note: more compl pkgs may be available via fisher
  ripgrep-fish-completion alacritty-fish-completion \
  feh fzf starship \
  rofi scrot dunst \
  lightdm picom i3-gaps i3status \
  xlockmore xdotool \
  playerctl \
# Got vim fingers?
  ranger w3m-inline-image vim \
# reduce load on wolfram/alpha or google for a wide set of basic conversions, and protect your privacy
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