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Code samples for [190.002] Cyber-Physical Systems Lab

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Code samples for [190.002] Cyber-Physical Systems Lab

Required Packages

The following software packages are necessary to use the ZMQ API and to generate motion data for the simulation of the Franka Panda robot in CoppeliaSim:

$ python -m pip install pyzmq
$ python -m pip install cbor
$ python -m pip install numpy

CoppeliaSim Download

The sample code works only with CoppeliaSim version >=V4.4 rev0. The latest versions of CoppeliaSim can be downloaded from the website

Usage of the provided code

First CoppeliaSim is started, depending on the operating system, the program can be executed either via the terminal (Ubuntu) or the .exe (Windows). For Ubuntu, navigate to the unzipped folder provided by the download page and execute the following command in the terminal:

$ ./

After the start you open the simulation file "scene_with_panda.ttt" in CoppeliaSim using the menu bar under File>OpenScene. All further steps can be done from now on in Pycharm or other IDEs with Python.

Types of movement and how to perform them

In the current version it is possible to distinguish between two basic types, both of which have two additional subtypes. On the one hand the joints can be controlled directly or on the other hand the pose (position and orientation) of the end effector. With the subtypes it is possible to select whether whole trajectories are to be moved by the simulation or the simulated robot moves only to an end point.

Joint space trajectories

To run a joint trajectory the following message is sent to CoppeliaSim using the ZMQ API. For this purpose a dictonary is generated in Python with the following entries:

movementData = {
    'id': 'movSeq1',
    'control': 'joint',
    'type': 'pts',
    'times': times,
    'j1': j1, 'j2': j2, 'j3': j3, 'j4': j4, 'j5': j5, 'j6': j6

sim.callScriptFunction('remoteApi_movementDataFunction', scriptHandle, movementData)

Only the id can be changed directly in this message. The variables "times" and "j1", "j2", etc. are set before the message generation. In these variables the trajectories of the joints are deposited, it is important that all must be of the type array and have the same length. Of course you can calculate these arrays for example with a numpy array, but at the end the numpy array must be converted into a normal python array.

Joint space point to point movement

For the point-to-point movement in joint space, not only the joint angles at the end point must be specified, but also the joint velocity and the maximum velocity, acceleration and jerk values for the movement must be defined. The maximum values should not exceed the limits of the robot, but they can be reduced to avoid too fast movements.

targetVel = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
movementData = {
    'id': 'movSeq3',
    'control': 'joint',
    'type': 'mov',
    'targetConfig': initialConfig,
    'targetVel': targetVel,
    'jointMaxVel': jointMaxVel,
    'jointMaxAccel': jointMaxAccel,
    'jointMaxJerk': jointMaxJerk
sim.callScriptFunction('remoteApi_movementDataFunction', scriptHandle, movementData)

Inverse kinematics trajcetories

Similar to the joint space trajectories, complete arrays with all trajectory data are again sent to the simulation. This time, however, the pose of the end effector is described instead of the joint angles. The pose is composed of the position, i.e. the x, y, z values of the end effector, as well as the orientation, which in this case is described by quatanions. Quatanions are a method for describing spatial orientations, which are defined by x, y, z and w. They are the spatial extension of the plane orientation by complex numbers.

movementData = {
    'id': 'movSeq1',
    'type': 'pts',
    'times': times,
    'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z,
    'qx': qx, 'qy': qy, 'qz': qz, 'qw': qw

Inverse kinematics point to point movement

Finally, point-to-point movements can also be performed using inverse kinematics. For this movement, similar to the joint space point to point movement, the final pose of the end effector is defined as well as the maximum velocity, acceleration and jerk.

movementData = {
    'id': 'movSeq2',
    'control': 'ik',
    'type': 'mov',
    'targetPose': targetPose,
    'cartesianMaxVel': cartesianMaxVel,
    'cartesianMaxAccel': cartesianMaxAccel,
    'cartesianMaxJerk': cartesianMaxJerk
sim.callScriptFunction('remoteApi_movementDataFunction', scriptHandle, movementData)

In summary, two message outputs decide the type of motion namely control (ik or joint) and type (mov or pts) about the motion the robot should perform in the simulation. Furthermore, depending on the type of movement, additional information must be provided.

Execute the movement

So far, only the motion data has been sent to the simulation, but it still needs to be executed. For this the remoteApi function "remoteApi_executeMovement" must be called. When all movements have been sent, the simulation should run until the last movement is completed, which is checked by the "waitForMovementExecuted" function.

sim.callScriptFunction('remoteApi_executeMovement', scriptHandle, 'movSeq1')

Sensing joint angles or pose of the endeffector

To record joint angles or the pose of the end effector, two functions were created in the simulation file which can be called cyclically in the Python script. For this only the argument of the callScriptFunction must be changed. In the following both possibilities are given:

time, data = sim.callScriptFunction('remoteApi_getJointData', scriptHandle)
time, data = sim.callScriptFunction('remoteApi_getPoseData', scriptHandle)

The recorded data is stored in the numpy array "sensed_data", which saves the simulation time in the first row and the joint angle or pose in the remaining rows.


Code samples for [190.002] Cyber-Physical Systems Lab






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