Releases: acnicholls/TrangTest
Release v0.1.2
Version 0.1.2
Bug fixes and features for stability of the application.
What's Changed
- final workflow test check by @acnicholls in #10
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
Release v0.1.1
Version 0.1.1
Bug fixes and features for stability of the application.
What's Changed
- update workflow, again by @acnicholls in #9
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
Release v0.1.0
Version 0.1.0
Bug fixes and features for stability of the application.
What's Changed
- add first version workflows by @acnicholls in #7
- Develop, update pipelines by @acnicholls in #8
New Contributors
- @acnicholls made their first contribution in #7
Full Changelog: v0.0.2...v0.1.0
Bug Fixes
1 hour
Changes since 0.0.1
Added Conversion to/from Kelvin
Changed Temperature Output to 2 decimals
Just grab the Zip file and extract. Run TrangTestStub.exe
Submitted State
2 days
A little less documentation than should be included.
- Entity.Form.TrangTest.doc <-- Data Entity Diagram
- SDD_TrangTest.docx <-- Software Design Documentation, 1st draft
- Considerations.doc <-- document describing some of the code
- dirlist.txt <-- List of all files in Zip
If you download the individual files, you'll need to create a folder "Data" for the XML file. Otherwise, the thermometer program won't be able to find the temperature conversion formulas.
Converting Other Temperatures
During my investigation of the temperature conversion formulas, I came across the Microsoft JScript Engine from .Net Framework 2.0. It's been depreciated, but it does the job. It will calculate a mathematical equation sent to it as a string of characters! so I created the data structure in such a way that any formula between the temperatures could be calculated, by using string format to place the input temperature.
To include Kelvin conversion, update the XML file to include Kelvin as a Temperature type, and provide the formulas for conversion to and from Celsius and Fahrenheit. You can find them on Google, and the Data Structure will allow for it.
In order for it to display in Kelvin, the program would require another release, as the GUI was not coded for it, but could simply be modified to include a few lines of code to include it in the required drop down, and on the output grid as a column.
Just grab the Zip file and extract. Run TrangTestStub.exe