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COL216 - Computer Architecture


In this project, I have developed and tested a VHDL model for a simple processor implementing a subset of the MIPS instruction set.

  • The program to be executed is loaded into memory at address ZERO.
  • Created a Memory Module.
  • Initialized machine code in Memory.
  • Read one instruction from Memory at a time, executed it, and proceeded to reading the next instruction from Memory.
  • Every instruction is 32 bits wide.
  • Implemented the following instructions to begin with: add, sub, lw, sw, sll, srl. Use the MIPS instruction format.
  • Implemented the following branch instructions using J-type instruction format: bne, beq, blez, bgtz, j.
  • Implemented the instructions used for procedure calls: jal, jr.
  • Implemented non-leaf procedures (procedures that can call other procedures) using stack.
  • The stack is implemented in memory and grows downwards.
  • I have assumed that a maximum of four arguments can be passed to a procedure.
  • Stopped execution when I see an instruction with all ZEROes.

Memory Generation:

In Vivado, go to the Project Manager window on the left side of the screen. Open IP catalog. You can also open IP Catalog through a drop down menu after clicking on Window in the main menu on the top of the screen. IP (Intellectual Property) refers to pre-designed modules available for use. The IP catalog lists various IPs category-wise. Select the category “Memories & Storage Elements” and sub-category “RAMs & ROMs”. Now choose “BlockRAM Memory Generator”. Specify width and depth of Memory. Initialize the BlockRAM with the machine code of instructions using the coe file.
In Other Options tab:

  • Tick Load Init file and set the path of the coe file. Create a coe file and use its file path in Load Init file.
  • Tick "Fill Remaining memory locations" with "0" to initialize uninitialized memory locations with zero.

Sample Input(In Assembly Language Code):


.globl main
	li $t0, 3
	li $t1, 5
	li $t2, 2
	li $t3, 6
	jal sum1
	j sub1
	beq $t4, $t5, sleft
	bne $t6, $t1, sright
	blez $t6, sum2
	bgtz $t5, sub2
	beq $t4, $t6, add3

sum1 :
	add $t4, $t0, $t1
	add $t5, $t2, $t3
	jr $ra
	sub $t6, $t2, $t0
	sub $t7, $t3, $t1
	jr $ra
	sll $t0, $t0, 2
	jr $ra
	srl $t1, $t1, 1
	jr $ra
	add $t6, $t6, $t4
	jr $ra
	sub $t5, $t5, $t7
	jr $ra
	add $t4, $t4, $t6
	jr $ra

.end main


A Basys3 FPGA board is used to display output and run the designed simple processor.

  • Printed the lower 16 bits of the output register in the last instruction on the 7-segment display.
  • Along with the result, displayed the number of cycles taken to execute the program on the 7-segment display. Also used a switch to display one result at a time, i.e., the7-segment LED displays the register contents when the switch is 0, and the cyclecount otherwise.


The model was simulated in Vivado for checking correctness. Test.png show an instance of simulation performed.


COL216 - Computer Architecture








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