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Marc-Alexandre Chan edited this page Feb 20, 2018 · 6 revisions

The Spotlight cog provides functionality which manages the World Spotlight community feature on /r/worldbuilding.

Two commands are public and can be used by all users. All other commands are mod-only, and are used to select, queue and announce spotlights.

1. spotlight

1.1. join

Join the Spotlight Audience. This allows users to be pinged by moderators or the Spotlight Host for news about the spotlight (like the start of a new spotlight, or a newly released schedule).

To leave the Spotlight Audience, use .spotlight leave.

Usage: .spotlight join

Arguments: None

Channels: Any

Usable by: Anyone

1.2. leave

Leave the Spotlight Audience. See .help spotlight join for more information.

To join the Spotlight Audience, use .spotlight join.

Usage: .spotlight leave

Arguments: None

Channels: Any

Usable by: Anyone

1.3. list (shorthand: l)

List all the spotlight applications in summary form.


  • .spotlight list
  • .spotlight l

Arguments: None

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only

1.4. current (shorthand: c)

Show the currently selected application.


  • .spotlight current
  • .spotlight c

Arguments: None

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only

1.5. roll (shorthand: r)

Select a spotlight application at random, and set it as the currently selected application. Only applications that are marked 'ready for Spotlight' will be selected.


  • .spotlight roll
  • .spotlight r

Arguments: None

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only

1.6. select (shorthand: s)

Select a specific spotlight application, show it and set it as the currently selected application.


  • .spotlight set <list_index>
  • .spotlight s <list_index>


  • <list_index>: Required. The numerical index of a spotlight application, as shown with .spotlight list.

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only


  • .spotlight set 5 - Set the currently selected application to entry #5, as shown in the list returned from .spotlight list.

1.7. showcase

Publicly announce the currently selected application in the Spotlight channel, and switch the Spotlight Host role to the application's owner (if valid).

Usage: .spotlight showcase

Arguments: None

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only

1.8. queue (shorthand: q)

The .spotlight queue sub-command contains sub-sub-commands that let moderators manage a queue of upcoming spotlights.

1.8.1 list (shorthand: l)

Lists the current queue of upcoming spotlights.


  • .spotlight queue list
  • .spotlight q l

Arguments: None

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only

1.8.2 add (shorthand: a)

Add a spotlight application to the end of the queue of upcoming spotlights. You can either use the currently selected spotlight, or specify an index number for the spotlight application to add.


  • .spotlight queue add [list_index]
  • .spotlight q a [list_index]


  • [list_index]: Optional, int. The numerical index of a spotlight application, as shown with .spotlight list. If this is not provided, the currently selected application will be used (so you don't have to specify this argument if you're using .spotlight roll or .spotlight set, for example).

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only


  • .spotlight queue add - Adds the currently selected application to the end of the queue.
  • .spotlight queue add 13 - Adds application #13 to the end of the queue.

1.8.2 insert (shorthand: i)

Insert a spotlight application into the queue of upcoming spotlights. You can either use the currently selected spotlight, or specify an index number for the spotlight application to add.


  • .spotlight queue insert <queue_index> [list_index]
  • .spotlight q i <queue_index> [list_index]


  • <queue_index>: Required, int. The numerical position at which to insert this entry in the queue. The entries currently at this and higher indices will be shifted down in the queue.
  • [list_index]: Optional, int. The numerical index of a spotlight application, as shown with .spotlight list. If this is not provided, the currently selected application will be used (so you don't have to specify this argument if you're using .spotlight roll or .spotlight set, for example).

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only


  • .spotlight queue insert 4 - Adds the currently selected application to the 4th position in the queue.
  • .spotlight queue insert 1 22 - Adds application #22 to the the front of the queue.

1.8.3 next (shorthand: n)

Set the next spotlight in the queue as the currently selected spotlight, and remove it from the queue. This is useful when a new spotlight is ready to start, as you can then immediately use .spotlight showcase to announce it publicly.


  • .spotlight queue next
  • .spotlight q n

Arguments: None

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only

1.8.3 rem (shorthand: r)

Remove a spotlight application from the queue.

Removes by QUEUE INDEX, not by spotlight number. If no queue index is passed, removes the last item in the queue.


  • .spotlight queue rem [queue_index]
  • .spotlight q r [queue_index]


  • [queue_index]: Optional, int. The numerical position in the queue, as shown with .spotlight queue list. If this is not provided, the last queue item will be removed.

Channels: Any

Usable by: Moderators only


  • .spotlight queue rem - Remove the last spotlight in the queue.
  • .spotlight queue rem 3 - Remove the third spotlight in the queue.

Version < 1.3

9.1 Roll Spotlight Candidate

This command will choose a random candidate from the world spotlight spreadsheet and submit it to moderators for review.

Command: spotlight

Modifier: roll

Usage: Standard, followed by modifier

Channels: Any

Usable By: Moderator Only

9.2 Show Current Candidate

This command will show the currently chosen candidate.

Command: spotlight

Modifier: current

Usage: Standard, followed by modifier

Channels: Any

Usable By: Moderator Only

9.3 Showcase Chosen Candidate

This command will post a message to #world-spotlight pinging the chosen candidate to start their showcase, as well as showing information about the chosen worldbuilding project.

Command: spotlight

Modifier: showcase

Usage: Standard, followed by modifier

Channels: Any

Usable By: Moderator Only

9.4 Join Spotlight Audience

This command will give a special role to those who use it so they can be notified about the ongoing spotlight events. If the command is invoked again it will take away the role.

Command: spotlight

Modifier: join

Usage: Standard, followed by modifier

Channels: Any

Usable By: Any

9.1 Choose Spotlight Candidate

This command will choose a specific candidate from the world spotlight spreadsheet and submit it to moderators for review, it uses the row number in the spreadsheet.

Command: spotlight

Modifier: choose [num]

Usage: Replace [num] with the row number of the caditate, without the brackets.

Channels: Any

Usable By: Moderator Only