Project forked from John Burley and Chris Bradley's PaddocksTS project
Main changes thus far:
- Bash files and Pre-segment code adapted to pull Sentinel-2 data from DEA datasets on AWS rather than on NCI
- now can take either a geojson file or lat/lon/buffer
- If using a geojson file, update the filepath to your geojson folder in the file before running it and change the STUB name accordingly
Open one of the files and save it with the name of your new dataset
Create a new geojson file with the area you want to download
Name the geojson by the area being downloaded.
Make a copy of one of the files and save it with the name of your new dataset
In the files, change the STUB name to be the same as the filename and the geojson area
Include a timestamp in the name, for example: geojson: ACT-NE-v1.geojson
One year: * stub: ACT-NE-v1_2021 * file: ACT-NE-v1_2021_main.s
Multiple years:
* stub: ACT-NE-v1_2020-2024
* file:
- New Jupyter notebooks for processing this data are now in the act-environment repo (at least until I have time to organise them better)
When launching a new JupyterLab the following must be set:
- Walltime: Whatever you are likely to use
- Queue: expressbw
- Compute Size: cpus=28 mem=252G <- this can be smaller if you aren't loading huge time-series pkl files
- Project: xe2
- Storage: gdata/xe2+scratch/xe2+gdata/v10+gdata/ub8
- Module directories: /g/data/v10/public/modules/modulefiles/
- Modules: ffmpeg/4.3.1 tensorflow/2.15.0 gdal/3.6.4