Paddock-level phenology visualizations and spatiotemporal analyses using (for now) Sentinel2 data
Things you must do before the code will run:
Include these options on the launch site:
- Storage: gdata/+gdata/v10+gdata/ka08
- Module Directories: /g/data/v10/public/modules/modulefiles/
- Modules: dea/20231204
- phenology videos
- calendar plots
- DONE mostly, needing some updates:
- mark when interpolated
- incorporate planetscope data?
- DONE mostly, needing some updates:
- paddock segmentation and clustering.
- paddock quick-look flipbook
- To-do
- Base on paddock time series, but also get more spectral indices and band data.
- 'Feature learning'
- To-do
- This is where we exctract from paddock-level ts data the parameters that will feed into DAESIM e.g.
- start/end of growth periods and other important transitions
- predicted harvest date
- predicted flowering