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Pablo Ojanguren edited this page Mar 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Users can query the server to look up collaborative objects following some conditions. Use the SwellRT.query(query, onSuccess, onFailure) method. Users only have access -and can retrieve- those objects in which they are participating. The query parameter can be both a string or a JavaScript object standing for a MondoDB query expression.

// Get all objects for the logged in user


              function(response) {

                // response.result is the array of data modeles


              function(error) {

                // handle the error


Objects are represented as JSON objects:


 { "wave_id" : "" ,
   "participants" : [ "[email protected]" , "[email protected]"] ,
   "root" : {
        "list" : [ "String one" , "String two"]

 { "wave_id" : "" ,
   "participants" : [ "[email protected]"] ,
   "root" : {
        "list" : [ "Hello World" , "This" , "is an" , "array"]

MongoDB Projections

To use a MongoDB projection in the query, simply call SwellRT.query method with an object with the following structure as the query param:

  { _query : <the query object>,
    _projection: <the projection object>
  }, function ...);

MongoDB Aggregates

To use MongoDB aggregates, use an object with the aggregate expression in the _aggregate field as query parameter of the SwellRT.query method :

  { _aggregate: [
       <aggregation stages expressions>
  }, function ...);