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Releases: Stirling-Tools/Stirling-PDF

0.26.1 Various minor enhancements + survey

14 Jun 23:52
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New Survey introduced this version, which will not pop up again after hitting don't show or after opening the survey just once
We would appreciate it if you could give us some feedback on how we are doing!


  • Language updates as always! thankyou all!
  • change to Pdf.js-Legacy to support older chrome versions @Ludy87
  • Odd-Even operation mode for organise feature (thanks @Skillkiller )

Bug fixes

  • contextPath issue fixes for root uri changes like /pdf etc @Ludy87
  • PDF to image producing incorrect single image results if pages are different oriantations/sizes (thanks @Skillkiller )

What's Changed

  • Update by @wahab95 in #1430
  • change to Pdf.js-Legacy Version 4.3.136 by @Ludy87 in #1444
  • Update Translate English sentence to Chinese by @WorldOfWheat in #1438
  • Bugfix: missing contextPath by @Ludy87 in #1434
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1431
  • survey by @Frooodle in #1446
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1447
  • Add Odd-Even Merge operation mode by @Skillkiller in #1445
  • When converting PDF to Word, add parameters to speed up soffice startup by @HHHHHMMMM in #1450
  • Add missing of Ukrainian translation to the resource file by @anroypaul in #1448
  • Update by @albanobattistella in #1454
  • Update by @tkymmm in #1457
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #1455
  • Fixed a spelling mistake in French by @bistory in #1459
  • PDF-to-Image different page formats fix by @Skillkiller in #1460
  • 💾 Update Version by @github-actions in #1461

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.26.0...v0.26.1

0.26.0 Pipelines fixes, bug fixes and various admin page improvements

09 Jun 16:52
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  • Language updates as always! thanks all
  • Redesigned Admin page for addUsers (thanks @Ludy87 ! )
  • Better user creation and password verification overall by @Ludy87
  • Pipeline now correctly handles JSON lists (like for OCR) Change could be breaking
  • PDF.js from 4.3.118 to 4.3.136 by @Ludy87

Bugs fixes

  • Version update check not working " too many requests" (thanks @Ludy87)
  • fixes API query, replaces password comparisons, fixes duplicate ids by @Ludy87
  • Fixes for context path changes / to /pdf etc
  • Digital signatures are now removed when doing merges (Thanks @Ludy87)

Auto generated for anything i missed! :

What's Changed

  • Add: Bypass for too many requests to the github api by @Ludy87 in #1404
  • fr messages: more translations by @SorCelien in #1405
  • New fr_FR ignore by @SorCelien in #1406
  • add: redesign addUsers.html by @Ludy87 in #1407
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1410
  • Update by @albanobattistella in #1413
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1414
  • Bugfix: fixes API query, replaces password comparisons, fixes duplicate ids by @Ludy87 in #1415
  • [ImgBot] Optimize images by @imgbot in #1412
  • Images and login context by @Frooodle in #1417
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1416
  • add password validator by @Ludy87 in #1418
  • Bump PDF.js from 4.3.118 to 4.3.136 by @Ludy87 in #1420
  • Add template for bug issues by @Ludy87 in #1419
  • Feature request template by @Frooodle in #1422
  • Pipeline fixes for json lists + delete func by @Frooodle in #1425
  • Update by @albanobattistella in #1423
  • Add: Option to remove the digital signature when merging by @Ludy87 in #1424
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1426
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1427
  • Bump commons-io:commons-io from 2.15.1 to 2.16.1 by @dependabot in #1055
  • Update 3rd Party Licenses by @github-actions in #1428
  • Bump gradle from 7.6-jdk17 to 8.0-jdk17 by @dependabot in #1371
  • 💾 Update Version by @github-actions in #1429

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.25.3...v0.26.0

0.25.3 fix for version number not showing

07 Jun 08:39
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fix for version number not showing

What's Changed

  • (Sonar) Fixed finding: "@Override should be used on overriding and implementing methods" by @pixeebot in #1396
  • (Sonar) Fixed finding: "Utility classes should not have public constructors" by @pixeebot in #1397
  • 💾 Update Version by @github-actions in #1399
  • Enhance Test Coverage for SPDF/Utils Classes by @jimdouk in #1385

Full Changelog: v0.25.2...v0.25.3

0.25.2 Lots of bug fixes! Norwegian and Oauth changes

06 Jun 21:09
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  • Norwegian translation by @arsvendg
  • OAuth changes to not require hardcoded values (#1390 for more info Thanks @Ludy87 )

Bug fixes

  • Fix for Flattern not working correctly
  • disabled settings.yml updating while we resolve it resetting configs....
  • custom path like /pdf now works correctly for admin page
  • customHTML error resolved
  • markdown to pdf fix

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.25.1...v0.25.2

0.25.1 Remove digitial signatures Feature, bug fixes and Croatian

02 Jun 09:32
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  • Language fixes as always! thanks all
  • Feature to remove digitial signatures (Thanks @Ludy87 )
  • Croatian language support! (Thanks @onyxfin )
  • New 'Fat' docker for people wanting a complete offline docker with all features

Bug fixes

  • bug which means folder scanning would pick up files which are still being copied into folder (thanks @kkdlau)
  • UTF-8 encoding issues (thanks @NicolasFR )
  • Draw tool in view-pdf fixes (Thanks @Ludy87 )
  • config issue causing startup issues for Windows (thanks @Ludy87 )

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.25.0...v0.25.1

0.25.0 PDF.js update, HTTP2 support

28 May 19:05
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  • Various OAuth2 changes (Thanks @Ludy87 )
  • Various translations, Thanks all as always
  • Home page UI tweaks (flatter boxes) (thanks 'dev-cb' in cloudron forum) Will need another cache clear
  • PDF.js updated from 3.11 to 4.3 for security and feature changes (Thanks @Ludy87 again )
  • Backend server type changed from Tomcat to Jetty, Way faster loading, but 10% more ram... let me know if this is a good change (Also means HTTP2.0 support and some other nice features) This might cause some weird servers issues.. something to keep eye on
  • Gradle version updated to 8.7


  • Bug causing certain tmp files to remain longer than expected

What's Changed

  • 💾 Update Version by @github-actions in #1281
  • add multi OAuth2 Provider by @Ludy87 in #1284
  • fix fr translation of "Sign" by @miniupnp in #1283
  • Fix: remove dublicate en_GB, missing translation German by @Ludy87 in #1285
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1286
  • add: multi OAuth2 option, small cosmetic repairs by @Ludy87 in #1287
  • Update by @albanobattistella in #1295
  • chore: add some Chinese text translation by @wai4y in #1293
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1296
  • Cucumber testcases by @Frooodle in #1297
  • update gradle wrapper version by @wahab95 in #1292
  • Fix fr messages by @miniupnp in #1303
  • fix: change "crop image" to "crop pdf" by @sbplat in #1302
  • Bump PDF.js from 3.11.174 to 4.3.118 by @Ludy87 in #1300
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1304
  • Tomcat to Jetty and other changes by @Frooodle in #1307
  • fix fr messages: fix a typo "Redimensionner" by @miniupnp in #1305
  • Update 3rd Party Licenses by @github-actions in #1308
  • gha by @Frooodle in #1309
  • add invalid Id Token message by @Ludy87 in #1311
  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1317
  • UI changes credit 'dev-cb' in cloudron forum by @Frooodle in #1318
  • 💾 Update Version by @github-actions in #1319

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.24.6...v0.25.0

0.24.6 Alpine docker update

23 May 20:22
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Hoping slower updates going forwards with extra features :)

Docker update to update alpine for security issues etc
Reversion of Merge files fix to avoid file selection issues in other prompts

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.24.5...v0.24.6

0.24.5 reverse proxy fix and czech added

22 May 21:35
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Czech language added
Reverse proxy fix for non security mode
User Friendly Merge File Selection (needs a translation but reverse proxy release is more urgent)

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.24.4...v0.24.5

0.24.4 Fix issue with settings.yml and icons

20 May 17:47
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Bug fixes for settings.yml being reset
Bug fix for book icons not displaying correctly

(For people that follow every update sorry for the spam)

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.24.3...v0.24.4

v0.24.3 french translation and cache fix

19 May 22:28
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French translations
Cache fix for Homepage

What's Changed

  • 📝 Update README: Translation Progress Table by @github-actions in #1237
  • 🐛 FIX: Update French Traduction by @leknoppix in #1240

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.24.2...v0.24.3