GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v2.0
In this version, a few major features have been added, along with several other smaller quality-of-life changes and bug fixes. Starting with this release, the tool will now include an optional installer, along with the usual full-feature and browser-less zip files.
Major Features
- Overlay Menu Icon - The Overlay Menu Icon is a small icon that overlays on top of the game like any other window in the tool. Instead of having to alt+tab to reach the main application's menu, you can now just click on this icon, designed to blend in with the other icons located in the top-left corner of the game. This can be positioned to any spot on the screen by holding ctrl and click-dragging the icon.
- Price Notifications - This new feature notifies the user when an item's highest Buy Order or lowest Sale Listing reaches a certain value. Want to know when the price of Dawn has dropped below a certain value, or when Copper Ore's Buy Orders reach a specific price? This tool will notify you of the change in price.
- Teamspeak Overlay - This new feature connects to the Teamspeak Client via the ClientQuery plugin and allows a user to see when someone talks, sends a chat, or enters/exits the current channel. The overlay window also allows the user to change channel and send chat messages themselves.
- Non-Interactive Windows - You can now configure all windows to be non-interactive so that they do not get in the way of your control of the game. This can be turned on/off in two ways: 1) by selecting the option in the main menu of the program, or 2) by right-clicking on the Overlay Menu Icon.
Minor Features
- Added "check for updates" feature that, when enabled, will notify the user at start-up when a new version of the application is available.
- Almost all overlay windows are now re-sizable in both the horizontal and vertical directions. A hidden anchor located in the bottom-right corner of each window will allow the user to expand the window in either direction.
- The "Sticky Windows" feature is now optional and can be enabled/disabled in the main menu of the application. It is disabled by default.
- All distances can now be configured to display in feet, meters, or time-distance.
- All tooltips and notifications have received a visual overhaul for improved contrast and readability.
- Events Tracker and Notifications
- You can now selected between two different "time-tables:"
- The Standard time-table - uses the official world boss times with no estimated warm-up or active times
- the Adjusted time-table - includes estimated warm-up, active, and duration times
- You can now selected between two different "time-tables:"
- Zone Completion Assistant
- Greatly improved the performance of this tool
- Where possible, the right-click menu now includes a feature to copy chat-codes of the point for pasting into the in-game chat, allowing you to see where the point is using the in-game map.
- The auto-unlock of the various types of zone objectives have been tweaked. Additionally, auto-unlock has been added for Heart Quests and Skill Challenges using a time and distance-based auto-unlock mechanism. (thanks lazrael!)
- WvW Tracker
- Compacted the size of the tracker in both the horizontal and vertical orientations. RI timers are now shown in red
- Added "Claimed By" information to objective tooltips.
- Added ability to choose between Cardinal Directions for names or actual objective names.
- Added new right-click options for copy/pasting information into the in-game chat for WvW objectives, such as RI timer.
- WvW Notifications
- Added "From" and "By" information to show what world lost the objective and what world captured the objective.
- Added ability to select between the following options for notifications:
- When Home World Takes Objective - show a notification when your selected home world captures an objective
- When Home World Loses Objective - show a notification when your selected home world loses an objective
- When Other World Takes Other World's Objective - show a notification when a world other than your home world captures another world's objective
Resolved Issues
- Fixed issue where hiding Castles in the WvW Tracker also caused Camps to be hidden.
Known Issues
- The Teamspeak Overlay is a bit buggy, and occasionally will lose track of who is talking and who is not. Additionally, depending on the number of channels in the connected server, a large delay can occur before the full channel list will appear.