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Releases: SamHurne/gw2pao

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v3.6

09 Jul 04:44
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This version includes couple bug fixes and a few tweaks.


  • Added ability to adjust values in the TP Calculator with the mouse wheel
  • Most tool windows will no longer cause the taskbar to appear when focused
  • Added ROI (Return on Investment) to the TP Calculator
  • Various visual styling updates

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue where the Ectoplasm Salvage Helper would not save it's location (#28)
  • Fixed issue where window heights were not saved if collapsed when closed (#29)
  • Fixed issues caused by the 64-bit client update (#37)
  • Fixed broken WvW objectives information for Borderlands maps (#45)
  • Fixed crash caused by the Commerce module (#35)

Known Issues

  • WvW World Links are not yet supported
  • The Desert borderlands map is not yet supported

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v3.5

23 Sep 21:47
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This version includes just a couple bug fixes.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue where Teamspeak speech notifications would be stuck displayed (see #24)
  • Fixed issue where the installed version of the application failed to load French translations
  • Fixed display issues in the New Version notification
  • Fixed crash that could occur when interacting with the New Version notification

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v3.4

19 Sep 22:47
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This version includes a few critical bug fixes with a few minor features adds.

New Features

  • Ectoplasm Salvage Helper
    • New tool that shows a single gold/silver/copper value that serves as the threshold (or bar) for when to salvage rares vs sell them
    • Uses an algorithm similar to that used at
    • You can select whether or not the threshold is based on the highest Buy Order Price of Ectoplasm or the lowest Sell Listing
    • Simple explanation for how to use this: if you have an item worth less than what the helper displays, salvage it. If the Rare item is worth more than what the helper shows, sell it on the TP
  • WvW Tracker
    • Added a new tooltip to the tracker's title-bar that shows each world in the active match, their team-color, and total score.
  • Tasks Tracker
    • Added ability to optionally track tasks' completion on a per-character basis
  • Miscellaneous
    • Added basic Russian translations for application strings as provided by CkauNui.8943

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue that caused a crash when closing the Teamspeak window (see #18)
  • Added handling for a potential crash when reading data from the Mumble Link interface (see #19)
  • Fixed issue where notifications cause a gradual increase in memory-usage over time, resulting in a crash. (see #20)
  • Fixed issue where the the items database rebuild feature was slow and could not be repeated unless the application was restarted (see #22)
  • Fixed crash that could occur when using the WvW tracker during the Reset period each week

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v3.3

12 Jul 22:49
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This version includes a single bug fix.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue that prevented some users from starting the application.

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v3.2

01 Jul 00:42
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This version includes a few resolved issues and minor feature updates.


  • Events Tracker & Event Notifications
    • Added missing 10:00 UTC time for The Shatterer
    • Tweaked the adjusted time-table values for Fire Elemental and Taidha Covington
  • Dungeons Tracker & Dungeons Timer
    • Instead of tracking a single best completion time, the Dungeons Tracker and Timer now store all completion times. Dungeon path completion times are visible within the Dungeon Settings.
    • The updated Dungeon Settings view now shows the best completion time with a date/time-stamp, the average completion time, and a list of all completion times with the date they were saved, for each dungeon path.
    • Revamped the completion detection such that it is far more reliable
    • Added ability to override the detected-dungeon path. This is accessible by right-clicking on a path within the Dungeon Tracker.
    • Updated Guide links to use instead of the GW2 Wiki
  • Tasks Tracker
    • Added auto-completion option for location-based tasks
    • Added option to show/hide tasks based on completion state
    • Added option to show/hide location-based tasks based on whether or not they are located in the current in-game zone.
    • Adjusted position for the arrows used in location-based tasks
    • Added a new button to the title-bar of the tracker for quick access to the add-new-task dialog
    • Pre-generated tasks are now available and packaged with the application. These are located within the "Tasks" folder, and include the following:
      • Copper, Iron, Gold, Platinum, Silver, and Orichalcum Permanent Nodes
      • Cypress Permanent Nodes
      • Silverwastes Chests
      • Daily Crafting Tasks
  • Teamspeak Overlay
    • Added option to turn on/off client enter/exit notifications
  • Zone Completion Assistant
    • Replaced the icons and options for Skill Challenges with Hero Challenges
  • General
    • Replaced Spanish translations with those provided by Kenya Kendra.
    • Added new window-management options (available in the General settings):
      • Auto-Hide Overlay Menu Icon when GW2 loses focus
      • Auto-Hide All Windows when GW2 is not running (excludes Overlay Menu Icon)
      • Auto-Hide All Windows when GW2 loses focus (excludes Overlay Menu Icon)

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue in which the Toggle Auto-Fade Borders hotkey would not properly load a user's saved setting
  • Fixed issue in which clipboard-copy text was not localized
  • Fixed issue in which the application would crash when opening the About window if the LICENSE.txt or AnetCopyright.txt files were missing
  • Fixed issue in which the application would sometimes freeze if the Zone Completion assistant was open while changing zones in-game.

Minimum Requirement Changes

The GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay now requires .NET 4.5.2

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v3.1

07 Mar 14:44
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This version includes a just a few resolved issues and one minor change.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue where selecting any of the options that copy text to the clipboard would occasionally cause a crash
  • Updated to use GW2.NET, which includes a fix for an issue where API responses would fail to parse, resulting in crashes when attempting to retrieve zone information or item data.
  • Fixed an issue where the application would crash when attempting to handle new objectives data during a match reset

Misc Changes

  • When Loading or Importing a player tasks files, tasks are no longer loaded as already completed

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v3.0

06 Mar 00:05
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Version 3.0 includes a visual redesign, a new central settings window, localization, and several new features and improvements.

New Features

  • Price Tracker - This tool allows you to continuously track/view the Highest Buy Order and Lowest Sell Listings for items without having to open the Trading Post window or visit a separate website. It includes various sort options and a basic historical data graph for viewing the change in prices for an item.
  • Tasks Tracker - The Tasks Tracker is a new tool for keeping track of your own personal in-game tasks. Tasks can include anything from daily crafting to gathering nodes, and include customization of icon, name, description, daily reset, and location. Tasks are stored in xml format and can be exported or loaded in order to share with others.
  • Dungeon Timer - The Dungeon Timer is a tool that is designed to help time your dungeon runs. While not designed to be a timer for "official" speed runs, it can be used for practice or as a tool to challenge yourself. Alternatively, you can use the timer to time anything else.
  • Updated Visual Design - Designed to be less of an obstruction and to get out of the way of the game, this version includes a redesigned visual style. Overlay windows have been condensed and no longer include an opaque background. Additionally, a new setting is available to automatically show/hide window borders, further reducing the visual obstruction of the overlay.
  • New Settings Window - A new settings window has been added to the application to support more complicated customization with additional settings for each tool. This includes General Settings, Hotkey Customization, Event Tracker/Notification Settings, Dungeon Tracker/Timer Settings, Price Tracker/Notification Settings, and WvW Tracker/Notification Settings.
  • Hotkeys - Hotkeys are now available for opening/closing each overlay window and for toggling various settings, such as the non-interactive windows option. You can even toggle display of all overlay windows with a single hotkey.
  • Localization - Configured via the new Settings window, the Personal Assistant Overlay is now available in English, French, German, and Spanish. Thanks go out to Vacendak for German translations and a huge thanks to Shawni Roux for the French.

Updates and Improvements

  • Events Tracker
    • Added new Auto Completion Detection feature. Based on location information retrieved via the Mumble interface, if an event is detected as Active and you are at the event when this option is enabled, the world boss event will automatically be marked as completed for you.
    • Added new "shift+click" feature to quickly copy information about world boss events, including waypoint code and time until the event is active.
  • Event Notifications
    • Added options to configure the notification time for each individual event. For example, you can now configure the Event Notifications to show a notification 20 minutes before Tequatl starts instead of 1 minute before.
    • Added option to configure how long notifications are shown.
  • Dungeon Tracker
    • Added new Auto Completion Detection feature. Based on location information retrieved via the Mumble interface, if enabled, dungeons are automatically detected as completed at the end of the dungeon path.
  • WvW Tracker
    • Added new sorting options to sort objectives by Type, Name, Owner, Location, and Distance.
    • Added new "shift+click" feature to quickly copy information about an objective, including owner and RI timer information.
  • WvW Notifications
    • Added additional options to further customize what notifications are shown. In addition to the previous options, you can now configure notifications based on objective type, map, and based on who captured the objective from what world.
    • WvW notification backgrounds now match the map that the capture event occured on.
    • Added option to configure how long notifications are shown.
  • Trading Post Notifications
    • Moved configuration of the Trading Post Notifications to the new Settings Window.
    • Added option to configure how long notifications are shown.
  • Teamspeak Overlay
    • Expanded and improved the channel listing to use a tree-view instead of a general menu, and added display of number of clients in each channel.
    • Added ability to view a list of clients in the same channel.
    • Refactored the visual style of text messages such that they now match the text of the in-game chat.
    • Replaced the various chat/enter/exit icons with new, improved versions.
    • Fixed several stability issues.
  • Web Browser
    • Added new Bookmarks feature to allow a user to add/remove bookmarks.

Other Misc. Changes

  • Added new functionality to allow a user to report fatal errors (crashes) if desired.
  • The Sticky Windows feature has been removed.
  • Performed a major code organization refactor.
  • The installer now presents an option to remove all user settings/data when uninstalling the application.

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v2.2

21 Oct 11:37
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This particular version includes a single bug fix.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue where the program would crash during startup if any windows were set to automatically re-open.

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v2.1

20 Oct 00:34
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This version includes just a few bug fixes and minor features.

Minor Features

  • Added new optionally-displayed borders for notification windows.
  • Modified certain menu items to leave the menu open when clicked.
  • Refactored window resize behavior to add resize snapping for easier control of window size.

Resolved Issues

  • Corrected the Shatterer event time for 16:00:00 UTC.
  • Fixed issue where price watch limits were overriden during startup.
  • Fixed issue where text in the Event and Dungeon trackers did not appear for some users.

Known Issues

  • During startup the program may crash when attempting to re-open previously opened windows. As a work around, when using this version, do not leave windows open when closing the application.

GW2 Personal Assistant Overlay v2.0

08 Oct 00:23
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In this version, a few major features have been added, along with several other smaller quality-of-life changes and bug fixes. Starting with this release, the tool will now include an optional installer, along with the usual full-feature and browser-less zip files.

Major Features

  • Overlay Menu Icon - The Overlay Menu Icon is a small icon that overlays on top of the game like any other window in the tool. Instead of having to alt+tab to reach the main application's menu, you can now just click on this icon, designed to blend in with the other icons located in the top-left corner of the game. This can be positioned to any spot on the screen by holding ctrl and click-dragging the icon.
  • Price Notifications - This new feature notifies the user when an item's highest Buy Order or lowest Sale Listing reaches a certain value. Want to know when the price of Dawn has dropped below a certain value, or when Copper Ore's Buy Orders reach a specific price? This tool will notify you of the change in price.
  • Teamspeak Overlay - This new feature connects to the Teamspeak Client via the ClientQuery plugin and allows a user to see when someone talks, sends a chat, or enters/exits the current channel. The overlay window also allows the user to change channel and send chat messages themselves.
  • Non-Interactive Windows - You can now configure all windows to be non-interactive so that they do not get in the way of your control of the game. This can be turned on/off in two ways: 1) by selecting the option in the main menu of the program, or 2) by right-clicking on the Overlay Menu Icon.

Minor Features

  • Added "check for updates" feature that, when enabled, will notify the user at start-up when a new version of the application is available.
  • Almost all overlay windows are now re-sizable in both the horizontal and vertical directions. A hidden anchor located in the bottom-right corner of each window will allow the user to expand the window in either direction.
  • The "Sticky Windows" feature is now optional and can be enabled/disabled in the main menu of the application. It is disabled by default.
  • All distances can now be configured to display in feet, meters, or time-distance.
  • All tooltips and notifications have received a visual overhaul for improved contrast and readability.
  • Events Tracker and Notifications
    • You can now selected between two different "time-tables:"
      • The Standard time-table - uses the official world boss times with no estimated warm-up or active times
      • the Adjusted time-table - includes estimated warm-up, active, and duration times
  • Zone Completion Assistant
    • Greatly improved the performance of this tool
    • Where possible, the right-click menu now includes a feature to copy chat-codes of the point for pasting into the in-game chat, allowing you to see where the point is using the in-game map.
    • The auto-unlock of the various types of zone objectives have been tweaked. Additionally, auto-unlock has been added for Heart Quests and Skill Challenges using a time and distance-based auto-unlock mechanism. (thanks lazrael!)
  • WvW Tracker
    • Compacted the size of the tracker in both the horizontal and vertical orientations. RI timers are now shown in red
    • Added "Claimed By" information to objective tooltips.
    • Added ability to choose between Cardinal Directions for names or actual objective names.
    • Added new right-click options for copy/pasting information into the in-game chat for WvW objectives, such as RI timer.
  • WvW Notifications
    • Added "From" and "By" information to show what world lost the objective and what world captured the objective.
    • Added ability to select between the following options for notifications:
      • When Home World Takes Objective - show a notification when your selected home world captures an objective
      • When Home World Loses Objective - show a notification when your selected home world loses an objective
      • When Other World Takes Other World's Objective - show a notification when a world other than your home world captures another world's objective

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue where hiding Castles in the WvW Tracker also caused Camps to be hidden.

Known Issues

  • The Teamspeak Overlay is a bit buggy, and occasionally will lose track of who is talking and who is not. Additionally, depending on the number of channels in the connected server, a large delay can occur before the full channel list will appear.