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Undo and Redo via the Object Constructor History

Doug Binks edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 1 revision

Changes to compiled code at runtime can be reversed with through the IObjectyFactorySystem functions below. These only modify the compiled binary which is being used, not the source code.

	// sets the history of object constructors to a given size
	// if set to smaller than before, will preserve the latest
	// will not resize smaller than required to preserve current undo state
	// default history size is 0, which means history is off (no undo & redo)
	// if AddConstructors is called when the current history location is -ve,
	// the constructors are updated to locatin 0 (current) prior to adding.
	virtual void				SetObjectConstructorHistorySize( int num_ ) = 0;
	virtual int					GetObjectConstructorHistorySize() = 0;

	// undo & redo object constructor changes
	// this will only undo swapped constructors, not new ones
	virtual bool				UndoObjectConstructorChange() = 0;
	virtual bool				RedoObjectConstructorChange() = 0;

	// history location is 0 for current, +ve number for a previous location
	// undo calls causes location +1, redo -1 bounded by HistorySize and 0.
	virtual int					GetObjectContstructorHistoryLocation() = 0;

Typically you use these functions through the RuntimeObjectSystem:

// Set the RCC++ undo history size (default is 0 so this enables it)
// This should be done at the start of the app after initializing the RuntimeObjectSystem
m_pRuntimeObjectSystem->GetObjectFactorySystem()->SetObjectConstructorHistorySize( 5 );

// Undo last change:

// redo the change: