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Resolved Issue danchoi#9: Removed the runIndentError
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Nun-Thee-Knee committed Jul 11, 2024
1 parent 3e5659d commit 13b08b6
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 13 deletions.
58 changes: 45 additions & 13 deletions src/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,23 +54,24 @@ container = do
expression :: IParser Expression
expression = (try escapeHtmlExpr <|> docType) <|> comment <|> hamlFilter <|> startPlainText <|> rubyBlock <|> rubyExp <|> tag <|> genericExpression

rubyBlock :: IParser Expression
rubyBlock = do
char '-'
k <- rubyKeyword
rest <- manyTill anyChar newline <* spaces
if (k `elem` midBlockKeywords)
then return (RubyMidBlock $ k ++ rest)
-- TODO : we need to recognize Ruby expression expression included purely for a side effect,
-- e.g. "- localvar ="
else return (RubyStartBlock (k ++ rest) False)
where midBlockKeywords = ["else", "elsif", "rescue", "ensure", "when", "end"]

escapeHtmlExpr :: IParser Expression
escapeHtmlExpr = do
char '!'
line <- ((:) <$> char '=' >> spaces >> manyTill anyChar newline <* spaces)
return $ RubyExp $ "raw(" ++ line ++ ")"

rubyExp :: IParser Expression
rubyExp = do
line <- ((:) <$> char '=' >> spaces >> manyTill anyChar newline <* spaces)
return (RubyExp line)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,51 +100,61 @@ makeClassIdAttrs cs = classes : [("id", ids)]
where classes = ("class", intercalate " " $ map tail $ filter ("." `isPrefixOf`) cs )
ids = intercalate " " $ map tail $ filter (isPrefixOf "#") cs

explicitTag :: IParser String
explicitTag = do
char '%'
tag <- many alphaNum
return tag

dotClass :: IParser String
dotClass = (:) <$> char '.' <*> cssClassOrId

idHash :: IParser String
idHash = (:) <$> char '#' <*> cssClassOrId

hashAttrs :: IParser [(String, String)]
hashAttrs = do
char '{'
xs <- kvPair `sepBy` (spaces >> char ',' >> spaces)
char '}'
return xs

cssClassOrId :: IParser String
cssClassOrId = many (alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_")
rubyIdentifier = many (alphaNum <|> char '_')

rubyKeyword :: IParser String
rubyKeyword = many alphaNum

singleQuotedStr :: IParser String
singleQuotedStr = do
between (char '\'') (char '\'') (many stringChar)
where stringChar = ('\'' <$ string "\\'") <|> (noneOf "'")

doubleQuotedStr :: IParser String
doubleQuotedStr = do
between (char '"') (char '"') (many stringChar)
where stringChar = ('"' <$ string "\\\"") <|> (noneOf "\"")

--- Ruby interpolation delimiters crudely replaced by ERB style
rubyString :: IParser String
rubyString = do
between (char '"') (char '"') rString
rString = liftM replaceInterpolationDelim $ many stringChar
stringChar = ('"' <$ string "\\\"") <|> (noneOf "\"")
replaceInterpolationDelim = (replace "#{" "<%= ") . (replace "}" " %>")

rubySymbol :: IParser String
rubySymbol = do
char ':'
xs <- (char '"' >> many stringChar2 <* char '"') <|> (char '\'' >> many stringChar1 <* char '\'') <|> rubyIdentifier
return xs
where stringChar1 = ('\'' <$ string "\\'") <|> (noneOf "'")
stringChar2 = ('"' <$ string "\\\"") <|> (noneOf "\"")

rubySymbolKey :: IParser String
rubySymbolKey = rubyIdentifier <* char ':'

-- really, we need to parse full-blown Ruby expressions
rubyValue :: IParser String
rubyValue = do
xs <- many (noneOf "},([ \t") <* spaces
rest <- ((lookAhead (oneOf ",}") >> return ""))
Expand All @@ -155,12 +166,16 @@ rubyValue = do
xs' <- between (char x) (char y) (many $ noneOf [y])
return $ [x] ++ xs' ++ [y]

rocket :: IParser ()
rocket = spaces >> string "=>" >> spaces

aKey :: IParser String
aKey = (singleQuotedStr <* rocket)
<|> (doubleQuotedStr <* rocket)
<|> (rubySymbol <* rocket)
<|> (rubySymbolKey <* spaces)

aValue :: IParser String
aValue = singleQuotedStr <|> rubyString <|> many1 digit <|> rubyValue

kvPair :: IParser (String, String)
Expand All @@ -169,8 +184,6 @@ kvPair = do
v <- spaces >> aValue <* (many $ oneOf " \t")
return (k, v)

-- TODO HTML Comments are not rendered like HAML renders them
-- also HAML -# style comments could be rendered
comment :: IParser Expression
comment = do
char '/'
Expand All @@ -191,6 +204,7 @@ filterBlock p = withPos $ do
r <- many (checkIndent >> p)
return r

hamlFilter :: IParser Expression
hamlFilter = do
withPos $ do
char ':'
Expand All @@ -202,6 +216,7 @@ hamlFilter = do
where convertToTag "javascript" = "script"
convertToTag s = s

indentedOrBlank :: IParser [String]
indentedOrBlank = many1 (try blankLine <|> try indentedLine)

indentedLine :: IParser String
Expand All @@ -210,25 +225,22 @@ indentedLine = do
s <- many (noneOf "\n")
return $ case a of
() -> s -- Return s directly if indented consumed nothing
_ -> "" -- Handle the case where indented succeeds without consuming input
() -> s
_ -> ""

blankLine :: IParser String
blankLine = many (oneOf " \t") <* newline

-- Adjusting startPlainText to handle indented content
startPlainText :: IParser Expression
startPlainText = do
t <- indentedLine
return $ PlainText t

-- Adjusting genericExpression to handle indented content
genericExpression :: IParser Expression
genericExpression = do
t <- indentedLine
return $ GenericExpression t

replace :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
replace from to xs = join' to . split' from $ xs
where join' j = foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ j ++ b)
Expand All @@ -245,4 +257,24 @@ main = do
file <- readFile $ head args
case iParse container "" file of
Left err -> print err
Right x -> print x
Right x -> putStrLn $ convertToERB x

convertToERB :: Tree -> String
convertToERB (Tree exp children) = case exp of
DocType s -> "<!DOCTYPE " ++ s ++ ">"
Comment s -> "<!-- " ++ s ++ " -->"
PlainText s -> s
RubyStartBlock s isFormTag -> "<% " ++ s ++ " %>"
RubyMidBlock s -> "<% " ++ s ++ " %>"
RubySideEffect s -> "<%= " ++ s ++ " %>"
RubyExp s -> "<%= " ++ s ++ " %>"
Tag tag attrs content ->
"<" ++ tag ++ " " ++ intercalate " " (map (\(k, v) -> k ++ "=\"" ++ v ++ "\"") attrs) ++
">" ++ convertInlineContent content ++ "</" ++ tag ++ ">"
GenericExpression s -> s ++ "\n" ++ concatMap convertToERB children

convertInlineContent :: InlineContent -> String
convertInlineContent (RubyInlineContent s) = "<%= " ++ s ++ " %>"
convertInlineContent (PlainInlineContent s) = s
convertInlineContent NullInlineContent = ""
convertInlineContent (HamlFilterContent s) = s

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