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Nun-Thee-Knee committed Jul 11, 2024
1 parent 081e7a3 commit 3e5659d
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 227 deletions.
270 changes: 43 additions & 227 deletions src/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,21 +1,25 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

module Main where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*), (<$))

import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), (<*), (<$>))
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Monad.State (State, runState)
import Control.Applicative ((<*))
import Text.Parsec hiding (State)
import Text.Parsec.Indent
import Text.Parsec.Pos
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, intercalate, intersperse)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf, isInfixOf, intercalate, intersperse, tails)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Text.Regex.Posix
import System.Environment
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity)

type IParser a = ParsecT String () (State SourcePos) a
type IParser a = ParsecT String () (IndentT Identity) a

iParse :: IParser a -> SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError a
iParse p s inp = runIndent s $ runParserT p () s inp
iParse p s inp = runIndent $ runParserT p () s inp

data Tree = Tree Expression [Tree]
deriving (Show)
Expand All @@ -27,7 +31,6 @@ data InlineContent = RubyInlineContent String
| HamlFilterContent String
deriving (Show, Eq)

type IsFormTag = Bool

data Expression =
Expand All @@ -49,8 +52,8 @@ container = do
return b

expression :: IParser Expression
expression = (try escapeHtmlExpr <|> docType) <|> comment <|> hamlFilter <|> startPlainText <|> rubyBlock <|> rubyExp <|> tag <|> genericExpression
expression = (try escapeHtmlExpr <|> docType) <|> comment <|> hamlFilter <|> startPlainText <|> rubyBlock <|> rubyExp <|> tag <|> genericExpression

rubyBlock = do
char '-'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +99,6 @@ makeClassIdAttrs cs = classes : [("id", ids)]
where classes = ("class", intercalate " " $ map tail $ filter ("." `isPrefixOf`) cs )
ids = intercalate " " $ map tail $ filter (isPrefixOf "#") cs

explicitTag = do
char '%'
tag <- many alphaNum
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -124,7 +126,7 @@ doubleQuotedStr = do
between (char '"') (char '"') (many stringChar)
where stringChar = ('"' <$ string "\\\"") <|> (noneOf "\"")

--- Ruby interpolation delimiters crudley replaced by ERB style
--- Ruby interpolation delimiters crudely replaced by ERB style
rubyString = do
between (char '"') (char '"') rString
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -184,6 +186,7 @@ docType = do
return $ DocType s

filterBlock :: (Stream s (IndentT m) z, Monad m) => ParsecT s u (IndentT m) a -> IndentParserT s u m [a]
filterBlock p = withPos $ do
r <- many (checkIndent >> p)
return r
Expand All @@ -203,230 +206,43 @@ indentedOrBlank = many1 (try blankLine <|> try indentedLine)

indentedLine :: IParser String
indentedLine = do
a <- many $ oneOf " \t"
xs <- manyTill anyChar newline
return $ a ++ xs ++ "\n"

blankLine = do
a <- many $ oneOf " \t"
return $ a ++ "\n"
a <- indented
s <- many (noneOf "\n")
return $ case a of
() -> s -- Return s directly if indented consumed nothing
_ -> "" -- Handle the case where indented succeeds without consuming input

-- TODO; check how this deals with plain text that actually starts with these characters
-- Not sure what HAML's escaping rules are here; again HAML makes things unclear & make you
-- to look at docs
blankLine :: IParser String
blankLine = many (oneOf " \t") <* newline

startPlainText = do
a <- noneOf "-=.#%"
b <- manyTill anyChar newline
return $ PlainText (a:b)
-- Adjusting startPlainText to handle indented content
startPlainText :: IParser Expression
startPlainText = do
t <- indentedLine
return $ PlainText t

-- Adjusting genericExpression to handle indented content
genericExpression :: IParser Expression
genericExpression = do
s <- manyTill anyChar newline
return $ GenericExpression s

-- output ERB
-- turn tree structure into an array of lines, including closing tags and indentation level

type Nesting = Int

-- This is the main processing entrypoint
processChildren :: Nesting -> [Tree] -> [String]
processChildren n xs = concat $ map (erb n) $ (rubyEnd xs)

erb :: Nesting -> Tree -> [String]

erb n tree@(Tree (Tag t a i) [])
| t `elem` selfClosingTags = [pad n ++ selfClosingTag tree]
-- basically ignores inline content
where selfClosingTags = ["br", "img", "hr", "meta"]

-- no children; no padding, just tack closing tag on end
erb n tree@(Tree (Tag t a i) []) = [pad n ++ startTag tree ++ endTag 0 tree]

erb n tree@(Tree (Tag t a i) xs) = (pad n ++ startTag tree) : ((processChildren (n + 1) xs) ++ [endTag n tree])

erb n tree@(Tree (RubyStartBlock s isform) xs) =
(pad n ++ (starttag isform) ++ s ++ " %>") : (processChildren (n + 1) xs)
starttag True = "<%= "
starttag False = "<% "

erb n tree@(Tree (RubyMidBlock s) xs) =
(pad n ++ "<% " ++ s ++ " %>") : (processChildren (n + 1) xs)

erb n tree@(Tree (RubyExp s) _) = [pad n ++ "<%= " ++ s ++ " %>"]

erb n tree@(Tree (RubySideEffect s) []) = [pad n ++ "<% " ++ s ++ " %>"]

erb n tree@(Tree (PlainText s) _) = [pad n ++ s]
erb n tree@(Tree (Comment s) xs) = (pad n ++ "<!--" ++ s) : ((processChildren (n + 1) xs) ++ [pad n ++ "-->"])

-- DocTypes
erb n tree@(Tree (DocType s) _) = [d s]
d "" = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">"
d "Strict" = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">"
d "Frameset" = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN\" \"\">"
d "1.1" = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN\" \"\">"
d "Basic" = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN\" \"\">"
d "Mobile" = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN\" \"\">"
d "RDFa" = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN\" \"\">"
d "5" = "<!DOCTYPE html>"

d _ = "TEST"

erb n x@_ = [pad n ++ show x]

-- Ruby expressions with no output and no children; convert to RubySideEffect type
rubyEnd ((Tree (RubyStartBlock s False) []):xs) = rubyEnd $ (Tree (RubySideEffect s) []):xs
t <- indentedLine
return $ GenericExpression t

-- Try to insert "<% end %>" tags correctly
rubyEnd (x@(Tree (RubyStartBlock _ _) _):y@(Tree (RubyMidBlock _) _):xs) =
x:(rubyEnd (y:xs)) -- just shift the cursor to the right
rubyEnd (x@(Tree (RubyMidBlock _) _):y@(Tree (RubyMidBlock _) _):xs) =
x:(rubyEnd (y:xs))
rubyEnd (x@(Tree (RubyStartBlock _ _) _):xs) = x:endTagTree:(rubyEnd xs)
rubyEnd (x@(Tree (RubyMidBlock _) _):xs) = x:endTagTree:(rubyEnd xs)

-- RubyExp with children is probably a form_for or the like; convert to a RubyStartBlock
rubyEnd (x@(Tree (RubyExp s) children@(c:cs)):xs) = rubyEnd $ (Tree (RubyStartBlock s True) children):xs

-- Move inline Ruby expressions to child tree
rubyEnd (x@(Tree (Tag t a (RubyInlineContent s)) ts):xs) =
(Tree (Tag t a NullInlineContent) ((Tree (RubyExp s) []):ts)):(rubyEnd xs)

-- erb content should pass through
rubyEnd (x@(Tree (Tag "erb" a (HamlFilterContent s)) ts):xs) = (Tree (PlainText s) []):(rubyEnd xs)

-- Move HamlFilterContent to child tree
rubyEnd (x@(Tree (Tag t a (HamlFilterContent s)) ts):xs) = (Tree (Tag t a NullInlineContent) ((Tree (PlainText ('\n':s)) []):ts)):(rubyEnd xs)

rubyEnd (x:xs) = x : (rubyEnd xs)
rubyEnd [] = []

endTagTree = Tree (PlainText "<% end %>") []

startTag :: Tree -> String
startTag (Tree (Tag t a i) _) = "<" ++ t ++ showAttrs a ++ ">" ++ showInlineContent i

endTag :: Int -> Tree -> String
endTag n (Tree (Tag t _ _) _) = pad n ++ "</" ++ t ++ ">"

selfClosingTag :: Tree -> String
selfClosingTag (Tree (Tag t a _) _) = "<" ++ t ++ showAttrs a ++ "/>"

showAttrs xs = case map makeAttr xs of
[] -> ""
xs' -> " " ++ intercalate " " xs'
where makeAttr (k,v) = intercalate "=" [k, "\"" ++ v ++ "\"" ]

showInlineContent (PlainInlineContent s) = s
showInlineContent (NullInlineContent) = ""
-- should not be reached:
showInlineContent (RubyInlineContent s) = "RUBY: " ++ s

showInlineContent s = "\nERROR: No showInlineContent for " ++ (show s) ++ "\n"

pad :: Int -> String
pad n = take (n * 2) $ repeat ' '


mapEithers :: (a -> Either b c) -> [a] -> Either b [c]
mapEithers f (x:xs) = case mapEithers f xs of
Left err -> Left err
Right ys -> case f x of
Left err -> Left err
Right y -> Right (y:ys)
mapEithers _ _ = Right []

-- the following functions are extracted from MissingH Data.List.Utils
-- by John Goerzen <[email protected]>

replace :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
replace old new l = join new . split old $ l

join :: [a] -> [[a]] -> [a]
join delim l = concat (intersperse delim l)

breakList :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
breakList func = spanList (not . func)

spanList :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])

spanList _ [] = ([],[])
spanList func list@(x:xs) =
if func list
then (x:ys,zs)
else ([],list)
where (ys,zs) = spanList func xs

split :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
split _ [] = []
split delim str =
let (firstline, remainder) = breakList (startswith delim) str
firstline : case remainder of
[] -> []
x -> if x == delim
then [] : []
else split delim
(drop (length delim) x)

startswith :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
startswith = isPrefixOf


parse1 s = iParse container "" s

runIndentParser :: (SourcePos -> SourcePos)
-> IndentParser String () a
-> String -> Either ParseError a
runIndentParser f p src = fst $ flip runState (f $ initialPos "") $ runParserT p () "" src

topLevelsParser1 = many1 (topLevelItem)

topLevelItem = do
withPos $ do
as <- manyTill anyChar newline
xs <- option [] (try indentedOrBlank)
return $ as ++ "\n" ++ concat xs

parseTopLevels s =
case (runIndentParser id topLevelsParser1 s) of
Left err -> putStrLn (show err)
Right chunks -> do
case (mapEithers parse1 chunks) of
Left err -> putStrLn . show $ err
Right trees -> do
mapM_ putStrLn $ processChildren 0 trees

replace from to xs = join' to . split' from $ xs
where join' j = foldr1 (\a b -> a ++ j ++ b)
split' [] _ = error "empty"
split' delim' str = split'' str
where split'' [] = [[]]
split'' l@(x:xs)
| delim' `isPrefixOf` l = [] : split'' (drop (length delim') l)
| otherwise = let (y:ys) = split'' xs in (x : y) : ys

main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if (null args)
getContents >>= parseTopLevels
mapM_ (\f -> readFile f >>= parseTopLevels) args

args <- getArgs
file <- readFile $ head args
case iParse container "" file of
Left err -> print err
Right x -> print x

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