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3. New Parameters

George Kalampokis edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 3 revisions

+set r_antiAliasing <1..4>: Different Anti-Aliasing modes

+set r_useShadowMapping <0,1>: Use soft shadow mapping instead of hard stencil shadows

+set r_useHDR <0,1>: Use High Dynamic Range lighting

+set r_hdrAutoExposure <0,1>: Adaptive tonemapping with HDR

This allows to have very bright or very dark scenes but the camera will adopt to it so the scene won't loose details

+set r_exposure <0 .. 1>: Default 0.5, Controls brightness and affects HDR exposure key

This is what you change in the video brightness options

+set r_useSSAO <0 .. 1>: Use Screen Space Ambient Occlusion to darken the corners in the scene

+set r_useFilmicPostProcessEffects <0,1>: Apply several post process effects to mimic a filmic look"

+set flashlight_old <0,1,2>: Change the flashlight mode on Doom 3. 0=BFG, 1=Original, 2=BFGMix

+set com_game_mode <1,2,3>: Open the desired game right after the splash screen

+set in_joylayout <0,1>: Set controller layout. 0=XBOX360, 1=PS3

-classich : Use cheat codes on classic DOOM games without the console

-doom,doom2,both : Set which parameters will be used for each game. (In order to stop it use any of the other two)

-file ex <1,2,3,4,5> : Allowing you to load specific mods per Doom 2's expansions (the ex is ignored on Doom 1).

The Numeric Values are: 1=Doom2, 2=TNT, 3=Plutonia, 4=Master Levels, 5=No Rest For The Living

-exp <1,2,3,4,5>: Start a new game on the desired Doom 2 expansion (it can be used also with the -warp).

The numeric values are similar as above with number 5 being number 2.

-net [playerslot-1] [p1-IP] [p2-IP] [p3-IP] [p4-IP] : The player slot must be decided by the whole group

-zmem : Set the Zone-Memory size in Mega Bytes (MB)(default is 30)

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