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Document Information Extraction & Anonymization using local LLMs


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LLM-AIx - Information Extraction & Anonymization


This tool is a prototype which is in active development and is still undergoing major changes. Please always check the results!

Use for research purposes only!

Information Extraction

Web-based tool to extract structured information from medical reports, anonymize documents.


  • Supports various input formats: pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, txt, csv, xlsx and docx (only if Word is installed on your system)
  • Performs OCR if necessary (tesseract and surya-ocr)
  • Extracts (personal) information from medical reports in JSON format (enforced by a grammar)

Information Extraction:

  • Structured information extraction and comparison against a ground truth.
  • Detailed metrics on label- and document-level.

Label Annotation Report

New: Annotation Helper:

  • Speed up your annotation process by using the LLM output as a starting point and only curate the LLM output.

Annotation Helper


  • Matches the extracted personal information in the reports using a fuzzy matching algorithm based on the Levenshtein distance (configurable)
  • Compare documents and calculate metrics using annotated pdf files as a ground truth (Inception)

Redaction View of the Tool. Side-by-side documents, left side original, right side redacted view


Examples of doctoral reports in various formats as well as grammar examples and annotations can be found in the examples directory.

LLM Models and Model Config

LLM-AIx supports all models which are supported by llama-cpp at the time. Please download models in the gguf format.

In addition, create a config.yml file inside of the model directoy and configure your downloaded models according to the following example.

Example config.yml file:

  - name: "llama3.1_8b_instruct_q5km"
    display_name: "LLaMA 3.1 8B Instruct Q5_K_M"
    file_name: "Meta-Llama-3.1-8B-Instruct-Q5_K_M.gguf"
    model_context_size: 128000 # Right now only informative.
    kv_cache_size: 16000 # Which size should the llama.cpp KV Cache have?
    kv_cache_quants: "q8_0" # e.g. "q_8" or "q_4" - requires flash attention
    flash_attention: true # does not work for some models
    mlock: true
    server_slots: 1 # How many requests should be processed in parallel. Please note: The size of each slot is kv_cache_size / server_slots!
    seed: 42 # Random initialization
    n_gpu_layers: 200 # How many layers to offload to the GPU. You should always try to offload all! e.g. 33 for Llama 3.1 8B or 82 for Llama 3.1 70B. Can be set to e.g. 200 to make sure all layers are offloaded for (almost) all models.

Run with Docker

  1. Download the desired models (must be compatible with llama-cpp, in gguf format, e.g. from HuggingFace) into a new models directory!
  2. Download/Clone this repository: git clone
  3. Go to the repository directory: cd LLMAIx
  4. Edit docker-compose.yml with the correct path to the models directory. Inside of this model path should be the .gguf files as well as the adapted config.yml file.
  5. Run the docker image: docker-compose up (add -d to run in detached mode)

Now access in your browser via http://localhost:19999

Alternatively to the first step, create a docker-compose.yml and config.yml file. Edit the files according to this repository, no need to download the whole repository!

Build Docker Image

Run docker compose build inside of the repository.


You can specify the compute level of your CUDA-capable GPU in the docker-compose file.

Use 86 for compute level 8.6.

Look up here for your GPU: GPU Compute Capabilites

Manual Setup

  1. Download and extract or build llama-cpp for your operating system.
  2. Download desired models (must be compatible with llama-cpp, in gguf format)
  3. Update the config.yml file with the downloaded models accordingly.
  4. If you intend to use OCR: Install OCRmyPDF
  5. Create a python venv or a conda environment (tested with Python 3.12.1) with requirements.txt:
  • python -m venv venv
  • source venv/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

Launch LLM-AIx

Run: python

Parameter Description Example
--model_path Directory with downloaded model files which can be processed by llama.cpp /path/to/models
--server_path Path of llama cpp executable (on Windows: server.exe). /path/to/llamacpp/executable/server
--n_gpu_layers How many layers of the model to offload to the GPU. Adjust according to model and GPU memory. Default: 80 -1 for all, otherwise any number
--host Hostname of the server. Default: or localhost
--port Port on which this web app should be started on. Default: 5001 5001
--config_file Custom path to the configuration file. config.yml
--llamacpp_port On which port to run the llama-cpp server. Default: 2929 2929
--debug When set, the web app will be started in debug mode and with auto-reload, for debugging and development
--mode Which mode to run (choice will interactively ask the user). Can be anonymizer, informationextraction, choice. Default: 'choice' choice
--disable_parallel Disable parallel llama.cpp processing. Default: False False
--no_parallel_preprocessing Disable parallel preprocessing. Default: False False
--verbose_llama Enable verbose logging of llama.cpp. Default: False False
--no_password Disable password protection. Default: False False


View one of the tutorials:

Information Extraction Tutorial

Anonymizer Tutorial

Additional Notes


An active internet connection is currently required. This is because some javascript and CSS libraries are loaded directly from CDNs. To change that please download them and replace the respective occurrences in the html files.


Pull requests are welcome!


This repository is part of the paper LLM-AIx: An open source pipeline for Information Extraction from unstructured medical text based on privacy pre-serving Large Language Models