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Releases: Gibberlings3/EET

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 8.2c

29 Jan 17:14
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Fixed linux lua support

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 8.2b

29 Jan 03:32
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  • COUNT_REGEXP_INSTANCES adjustment (if file is empty the command returns -1 instead of 0 if no
    match is found)
  • BG:EE Rough World mod support

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 8.2

27 Jan 10:18
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  • Fixed missing Boo in Minsc inventory
  • Fixed missing SoA starting movie
  • Reputation reset during SoA transition (instead of pre trial)
  • Added missing total play time timer to SoD global script
  • Key file workaround also added to EET_end
  • New icon
  • Corrected Durlag's Tower placement on EET Worldmap

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 8.1b

23 Jan 15:08
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Linux now uses external LUA and ffmpeg binaries included in the archive

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 8.1

22 Jan 11:41
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  • Fixed regression in mod added Kit importation
  • Fixed biography
  • Fixed leftover strings in SoD GUI
  • Drake NPC installed on BG:EE support
  • EET_modConverter updated (fixed issue with flagging file as modified and error when option 1 is used)
  • Minor transition code adjustments (nothing needs to be changed in mods)

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 8

21 Jan 15:02
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  • Updated readme to highlight Big World Setup and Big World Fixpack support
  • Fixed potential NPC death during SoD -> BG2 transition
  • Fixed engine differences related to MakeUnselectable action (BG:EE Romance fights, Dorn not attacking)
  • Removed workaround for dealing with NPC death in Black Pits 1 - no longer needed (again related to MakeUnselectable)
  • Fixed (hopefully) "out of memory" errors when mod is installed in BWS (via external pure LUA code BAF/D patching)
  • Drastically reduced installation time with mods installed on BG:EE (thanks to above mentioned external regexp patching)
  • Fixed EET_modConverter SG, G, GGT, GLT chapter patching
  • Fixed OSX support (via workaround for MAKE_BIFF chitin.key patching)
  • Added partial linux support (requires setting up case insensitive partitions for now),29259.msg337801.html?PHPSESSID=3914f7c53c94fecb1371a79e2ae65d59#msg337801
  • Tutorial title text in main menu (by Corvias)
  • Support for Sharteel NPC mod for SoD

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 7.2b

07 Nov 03:24
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expanded EET_NPC_TRANSITION function (cre_ToB STR_VAR)

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 7.2

07 Nov 01:30
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  • fixed bug in SAVENAME.2DA (automatic saves have now correct names)
  • BG1 Dreams no longer triggers if game is started in SoD, SoA, ToB
  • EET_end now supports filemerging using "!" character (LEXAR weidu ERROR)
  • expanded EET_NPC_TRANSITION function to support NPCs joinable only in ToB (related to compatibility with Saradas_Magic_2)

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 7.1 (with missing files)

01 Nov 09:44
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pcu_dict.tph was missing in previous release

Version 1.0 Release Candidate 7.1

22 Oct 00:53
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  • Desktop shortcut created at the end of installation
  • Fixed problem with BG:EE leftover scripts in BG2:EE chapter variable patching (AMNISH3.BCS, BRILLA.BCS, FERGUS.BCS, GATEWARD.BCS, LEAVECH7.BCS, POGHMA8.BCS, TETHTORL.BCS)
  • 'Alternative GUI (SoD)' component moved to external WeiDU mod (in order to not confuse user what required setup-EET_end is used for)
  • Updated readme file (there was some not up to date junk still mentioned there)
  • .git/config ignorecase = false
  • prologue page visible in journal even after finishing it (previously chapter 1 replaced it)
  • EPILOGUE section added to SoD UI.MENU
  • full Spanish translation by Saemon (movies dubbing will be added when White Agnus show up)