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FreemanMakesGames edited this page Sep 7, 2020 · 23 revisions

Welcome to the FMGInvSys wiki! Here's a list of articles on how to use the FMGInvSys plugin in your project.

You are suggested to read in this order:

  1. Overview
  2. Creating a new item
  3. Setting up inventory menu
  4. Setting up input and character
  5. Setting up item usage

At this point, you should have got a working inventory system. This means your character can collect items, and your player can open the inventory menu and use the items in some ways. The rest of the docs covers the optional but really cool features.

  1. Setting up item combination
  2. Setting up item dismantling
  3. Custom logic for item combination
  4. Making a custom item clicker

Known Bugs

Beware of known bugs. GitHub Issues may be a good place to browse for known bugs and existing limitations. You may want to filter issues with the "bug" label, instead of other labels like "question".